Works quite well out of the box.
The mouse was sometimes "jumping" away when clicking so some actions have to be tried several times.
I did't find theexit button...
Works very good. I played it completely on the deck.
Some of the text should be a little bit larger.
It's quite power consuming. The fan runs almost all the time.
Still did not run.
As far as I understand, it should be playable without VR, so I tried without as I have none.
Singleplayer worked out of the box. Multiplayer was not working. Could not establish connection.
It basically works but with avery narrow screen
It looks like the screen of a mobile phone.
No change with plain Proton 5.13.4: launcher starts only one time.
6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Proton-6.21-GE-2 and protontricks 718850 d3dcompiler_47 and disabled launcher (replaced dowse.ese with AoWFP.exe)
Works as well with 6.3-8 but requires still the launcher to disbale. Menu menues are not shown.
Works very well out of the box, but doesnt play MF videos.
To see videos, use a GE version.
Works perfect out of the box.
On first start, controller did not work. But second start all was fine.
Gameplay was flawless out of the box.
On first start, it hangs in the steam client. I had to reboot. Next time it started very well and I could play. Using "%command% /nolauncher" is usefull to get rid of this annoying launcher, but it's not necessarry.
Works perfectly fine out of the box.
Works (almost) perfect, only the intro ivideo isn't played (test video).
Media Foundation or Proton GE required.
Stops at intro screen.
This game requires XNA 4.0 from Microsoft. This is not installable with current Proton Version, same as no possibility to install MS .NET. Mono/Winemono doesn't cover xan so far.
Single Player worked very well, but multiplayer connection was not possibel (no connection)
Works basiclly very well, slight differences in versions regarding cut scenes.
You can play three ways:
- Proton 6.1-GE-3 You see all ciniematics/cur scenes
- Proton 6.3-2: Instead of Intro and video backfround in menu, the system shows a tet video.
- Proton 5.13-6 Instead of Intro and video backfround in menu, the system shows nothing or a suitible backgriund
Crashed at launch with "shader: failed to compile vertex shader".
Runs very well.
Intro Video crashes at end. If you pressa button before, you get to the main menu.
Proton-6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Works perfectly fine out of the box.
Played for approximately 1 hour without any crashes.
Game runs very well. Controller (Nvidia shield controller via USB cable) was also recognized.
It works very well in single player mode. Only the cinematics don't work.
Game basically runs, but crashes quite often. Cut scenes are shown as Testvideos.
Tried also various GE versions, bur saw no real improvement.
No change with 6.3-8. EAC prebvents from playing. Background momovies also not played (test video).
The launcher startedb, but there was a big sign saying "under maintenance".
I could select server region. Switching language was not possible.
The game works very well with Proton 5.13-5. A few cutscenes were missing, but several ones ran fine. Game is playable.
Getting kicked out after a few minutes.
EAC still not enabled.
Game runs fine. The small flaw with the mouse is acceptible from my point of view.
Mouse was a litle bit strange and not really precise when moving across the regions or cards.
Played well. Multiplayer buton was greyed out (I don't know why)
I did not check DLC Space Force.
I played the Tutorial. I tried to play online but there was no one to play with me...So I waited in warmp-up stage...
Crashes after account creation. Account is created, but also crashes then after restarting game.
Does not really work good with Steam Controller. Other controlle (Nvidia) worked very good.
Works fine out of the box.
Only Intro splash screen requires media foundation, but that doesn't hurt gameplay.
Except the controller conflict , everything went fine.
Connecting two controllers had weird effect. Sometimes only one controlle was detected. Sometimes both, but incomplete, sometimes none. Due to the gameplay concept Steam conroller isn't really useful. After switching of Steam Controller the other controlle worked without issues.
With Standard proton, game crashes at every end of tutorail/ontract
Works fine in the default resolution
Change of resolution is not possibe. Game doesn't accept any changes
Due to missing cutscenes, game is not playbale.
Cutscenes don't plane (due to missing mdia foundation) so it's not possible to go out of introduction. Game not playable.
Works fine except for the high GPU load-
My GPU was constantly at 99% even with reduced graphics settings.
Works 99.9% pit of the box. I'm not sure if the disappearing mouse pointer is caused by proton or a general game bug.
Sometimes mouse pointer disappears and needs a click to reappear.
The mouse pointer sometimes disappears but is coming back once you click again. Don't know if this is related to Proton or just some sort of bug of the game itself.
I tried various Proton versions (standard and GE) but all ended up in a black screen.
Went very well out of the box.
I played only single user game because in the "free"version you have to wait one dayto be allowed playing another game.
No luck.
Tried also 6.18-GE-2 where I could reach the menu but then crash on starting a new game.
Works with Proton standard, but intro videos don'tplay.
If yu want to see intro videos you have to go for a GE proton version.
Runs very smooth and fine.
I experienced focus highlight issues in the start menu when using the game controller. I could select all entries, but sometime the "unhighlighting" of the current focus did not work. With mouse everything was fine. (Maybe on Windows there is the same issue?)
Game is playbale with standard proton but cutscenes are not viewable (Cutscenes just some moving yellow-pinkish stuff. Seen this also in some other games.)
Tried all the command line options mentioned in past reports. No success.
Works very well out of the box.
Maybe a desired behaviour: Whenever there are muliple controllers connected, game forces you into multi player game.
Works very well out of the box. No glitches.
I connected to my Asmodee Account without issue, I did not play online. I just went through the tutorial.
Install and run. Quite fine.
Soemtimes it fells like there is very little, but it was very short.
Works fine with proton. Native doesn't work anymore.
Mouse works only properly when switching to full screen.
Runs perfectly fine.
Strange that the devs don't offer the native Linux version onsteam although they offer one on their website...
Works very well and stable for almost 2 hours.
One time on leaving the game, steam big picture was "stretched" and I had to restart steam. I could not reproduce.
Works fine
The "Your GPU doesn't support DLSS" is annoying but no significant problem.
Works very well and you can play it if you accept the crash on exit, better exit game from overlay.
I had issues if multiple controllers were connected: Sometimes no controller was detected, sometimes system hangs.
The dark shadows makes it almost unplayable in certain races.
Shadows are too dark, sometimes impossible to see the track.
Logitech G29 detetcted but break and gas pedal not useable. Clutch pedal could only be used as gas pedal.
Works fine except changing player name is not possible.
Online: I could create an online account from the launcher. Connection was possible but no one available to play.I assume it's "abandoned".
Works perfectly fine.
I could jpin a game, but there were noch players in.
The games runs perfectly well.
The only thing that didn't work was starting the tutorial video "How to play". Maybe some missing codecs/libs.
Game is unplayable.
Splash screen is not correct displyed.
Moement of mousepointer was "stuttering". No exact clicking was possible.
Crashes very often.
Works perfeectly fine with Proton 6.9-GE-2. Doesn't work at all with Standard Proton 6.3-5.
G.9-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
You can play it with 6.3 if you accept to not see the cut scenes (test image is displayed instead).
REcommendation is to use one of the Proton GE versions to see the cut scenes as they give much more athmosphere.
If you can live without the cutscenes, you can play the game without issues.
I did realze after a while; cutscenes are missing. Games just skips it.
Works very well. No real issues.
Screen has black bars on sides on first start. Can be fixed in the graphics settungs.
Works basically perfectly. AAs described controller support is a little be weird.
It took several starts until the detected properly my Xbox One Controller. Controller behaviour is not fully working, e.g. after the match you can select the "Statistics" can only selected by the mouse.
Mp real thumb up or down. You can play it if you accapt the mising cut scenes.
Cutscenes don't play
Works out of the box with default settings.
It detected my G29 wheel, but I had dto do some remappings.
Using Mouse/Keyboard works fine
It looks like there is not full controller support included. Game tells in intro to press specfic keys so you have to guess what's on controller. I did not find dash on controller. Mayy not be related to Proton though. Mose/Keyboard works fine.
Game does not even start.
I also tried several past proton version with no luck.
Works very well.
Couch multiplayer with multiple gamepads works as well. I couldn't find anyone for online multiplayer.
With this strange mouse behaviour it is no fun at all.
Maybe the behaviour I expereinced is "works as designed": I can only move the mouse while I'm presing the left mouse button. Then I release and have to click again to select.
Besides Aufio in one cutscene, the game runs fine.
Audio in one cut scene missing.
Works perfectly fine. I'm using Proton as the native version didn't detect controllers.
Game starts and shows a few splash screen. Then it stays on a black screen playing some music/sound.
Added -linux as launch parameter
EAC is not enabled so you got kicked out after 3-6 minutes.
EAC kicks you out
Works perfectly fine under Proton
Native version doesn't detect properly controllers.
A few instabilities but potentially from the game and not fromproton-
Cut Scenes are stuttering, but is reported by Windows players as well.
Crashes randomly, but is reported by Windows players as well.
Works perfectly fine on Standard proton if you accept that some cut scenes are not shown.
I recommend playing with Proton GE to avoid seeing the "test video" which causes sometimes the ctscenes to over too fast thus missing a few pieces of the story.
Proton-5.21-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Standard Proton 5.13-5: Missing Cut Scenes Keyboard/Maus has issue (e.g. no zoom possible)
Works but too slow
Even with reduced settings it shows abad response time
Plays perfectly fine.
The android app still works but you get a warning that it's made for an older OS version.
Runs very good with 5.21-GE-1. With Proton 5.13-6 as well playable, but intro and cut scenes are missing because of media foundation.
5.21-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
At first start I had some issues with missing controller detection, but at later starts this did not occur again,
Works fine and is playable if you accept upside-down cutscene videos.
Videos play upside down
Just the tutorial is playable.
Game hangs after tutorial with a black screen.
Works perfectly fine out of the box if you use DX11. DX12 runs but has artifacts.
Recognized my G29 wheel as well.
Except the email-problem all went fine.
Whenlogging int Racnet,The games soen't regonize my mail adress as a correct mail address. Hence I can't log into racenet.
Rund properly only with DX1, the DX12 version has artefacts.
EA Launcher has broken the game finally. The launcher is startimg but tells me that the game is not yet published.
Proton 7.01 causes severe graphical artifacts.
Is loading for some time, but then returns to Steam Client. I tried also Proton-5.21-GE-1 with no success.
Did not recogmize Logitech G29 Wheel
I tried both 5.13.6 and Proton-5.21-GE-1: Both did not work.
Worked perfectly out of the box. (Except mssing detection of wheel.)
G29 wheel wasn't recogmized.
Works now fine.
Changing driver details (name) results in crashing the game. But as the game takes your steam name, it's irrelevant, so just skip this step.
Asthe online multiplayer is an essential part, I vote it down. But local play and couch play works fine.
On changinf screen resolution, game hangs.
Maybe my online play issue was caused by 4K resolution, but as I was unable to change that, multiplayer was not playable.
Proton-5.21-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Game crashes freqiently
I tried various proton releases. Best was with Proton-5.21-GE-1. But even there have been some crashes,
Works very well. If you don't need the tutorial, you can play ery well.
The marker hexagon is usually not where the mouse pointer is. Makes it a little bit difficult but is manageable.
Tutorial crashes on first colonization. This works in normal game play.
I did not check any size limits.
Works perfectly well.
If you want to use multiple controllers, you have to set Steam Input to enabled. (my case: Steam controller and two XBox One Controllrt)
Works perfectly well.
In difference to my last report, steam input must be disabled to to local multi player with split screen. So either disable it globally or disable in game controller options.
Proton-5.21-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
You can play it also with 5.13-6, but then no in-game moves are shown.
With Proton 6.3, game shows a lot of test videos as background and in cut scenes. Proton-6.1-GE-2 has an annoying sound bug.
Thumb up although it doesn'scale full to 1980p. (Coukd be a gamescope compatibility issue.)
Gameplay works with standard proton but no cutscenes/videos displayed so I used 6.21-GE-2.
6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
It runs out of the box with 6.3-5.
I experienced a few things in game control that looked like bugs, but I can't put ot pn proton, maybe early access bugs?
Works ojḱay withsome stbility issues
Could be the Earky Access stage
Works fine on Proton 6.3-8 with CEG support.
In "Homeworld Classic", the tutorial crashes. Game is playable.
Everything worked fine without any issues.
Game could connect to Online-lay Server but noone was available to play.
With 5.13-6 game starts but comes up within window with broken screen. No interaction possile. With 4.11 it works and you can switch to full screen. Then it's also playable with 5.13
IF you start with 4..1 you can change game to full screen. Once in full screen you can run it with 5.13-6 as well.
Althoug game runs in major parts with Proton 5.21-GE-1, I would not rate it as enjoyable currently.
5.21-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
At first start, game was not at full screen but rather in a corner. Going to settings and switching resolution solved this. Reason could be my 4k monitor.
Sometimes controller stopped working.
I did not play online, but game founds soaces online to enter.
Works perfectly fine with all cutscenes with Proton 6.21-GE-2. On 6.3-8 some missing cut-scenes
Proton 6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Proton 6.21-GE-2
Works fine though there are a few glitches in UI of wich I assume they hae nothing to do with proton
It runs very good at second start.Could also connect to a mobile phone as "controller" in the local network.
At first starts Uplay launcher download some updates/content. Afterwards it crashed. Started it again and then it runs flawless. I played it only very short as it is quite exhausting. Will update once I played it longer with the kids :D
Works and is playable.
From time to time game misses controller detection.
Not stable
Original game starts only every second time. Remae doesn't work at all.
Basically it works fine on the training ground.
No online players available for playing.
Works perfectly fine out of the box.
Infact I found a few minor bugs, but according to the reviews the game is not really a good example of great software quality.
Works ok with th flaws I mentioned.
On changing resolution game hangs
Could be because of the 4k resolution.
Works finr once working screen resolution was set.
I had to try everal "filters" manually until one worked. Strange way of set-up graphics resolution. Auto detect did not work.
Gameplay works perfectly fine. No issues.
The game has very strange way to define resolution (a "factor" based approach). If the calculated resolution isn't suported by your monitor, games doesn't start. I assume in window mode you have less issues.
Works just fine. Only startsplash screen shows test video which is completely unimportant for game play.
As game crahes in a cinematic, I had to apply the fix on KidEngine.ini as described here:
Works for to play
As others wrote, game doesm't exit properly. Can be closed via Steam overlay.
Doesn't start atall.
Tried GE 5.21-1 and 6..1-2 as well - no success.
6.19-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Proton 6.19-GE-2
Except the video all runs fine
The intro viedo has only psychedelic yellow/pinkish colours
With latest Proton 5.13-6, Game crashs upon start-
Games runs basically with 5.0-10 and GE 5.21-GE-1, but has even with those release some exceptions but continues to run.
Looks like you can play it although there is this connection problem.
Gane tries to connect to server, but regularily fails. After some time and automatic automatic attempts, connection looks like beig establisheh. Unclear if everything works but at least it created me a user.
Works if graogic settings are reduced.
If you van ignore the missing cut scene sound, you can enjoy.
Cut scenes don't play audio.
Proton 6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Proton 6.21-GE-2
With Proton 6.3-8 I didn't get beyond the launcher.
Skip the buggy 2k launcher with launch options: eval $( echo "%command%" | sed "s/2KLauncher/LauncherPatcher.exe'.*/mafiadefinitiveedition.exe'/" )
It works out of the box.
Instead of intro video, the test video for media foundation is shown. Game works nevertheless.
Works very well with 6.3-8. Intro splash requires media foundation but game is playable.
A few stuttering in the opening scene.
Recommend 6.21-GE2
Works fine
On first start, the 2k launcher was updating and then got stuck with telling to start the game from the store it was purchased. I closed and started it again and since this it always bypasses the launcher atotmatically,
Works very well out of the box.
I haven't finished the first level hence my rating might be incomplete.
DOS mode coming with Proton results in flickering and crash
Works perfectly fine on Proton.
Native Bersion doesn't start at all, so you need to switch to proton.
Folowed and set launch options to SDL_AUDIODRIVER="directsound" %command%
From time to time the mouse pointer hangs, but still playable.
You can choose:
- Proton 3.7-8 and changed launch options to hear the sound of cutscenes.
- Proton 5.13-8 and no sound in the cutscenes.
Not really playable without possibility to save. But that depends on individual point of view.
Save & load gane still crashes in single player campaign.
I haven't tested multiplayer.
Game ends with a crash screen saying "NullrefernceObjectException" vor version, Scene: TitleScene
Works perfectly fine. Only the Video behind the intro screen shows only the usual MF test screen, but game is fully playbale.
To get the intro screen movie playing, use Proton-6.21-GE-2
Works very well with latest proton 6.3-4.
A small movie at the start rquires Media Fountation. I didn't find any further cutscenes requireing it.
There are a few cutscenes requiring Media Foundation. They can be bypassed by pressing a button. Game hangs when leaving to desktop.
Runs perefectly fine with Proton GE
Works like native.
Steam Controller wasn't recognized
It's playable but as it is a horse riding game, horses should be painted correctly to enjoy the games.
Textures of horses are missing. Horse appear as a grid of black lines.
As it is a game on horses missing textures of horses is of course not acceptable to see this as an enjoyable experience.
When doing riding, textures of horse are missing. So you see only a grid of black lines. Looks like a horse but of course not as intended.
EAC not activated for proton, so login fails
6.16-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Logitech G29 Wheel workesd as wll after button remapping, especially for Brake needed. I could nout to servers but did not play online.
Works very well. With custom assignment even my G29 works without issues.
Connection to "EA Nation" was not possible. I assume servers aren't anymore up anymore.
Works very well out of the box
Played it with an Xbox one wireless controller nad a LogitechG29 Wheel. Online connection was possible. As there was no open race I ended up in free online drive.
Works perfectly fine.
Only internet links in initial screen are shown as white rectangulat, but that's neglectable.
Server Connection Failure
Without the launch option, Level doesn't start
Esync must be deactivated to have propoer sound.
To make the sound work, ESYNC must be disabled.
To make controllers work, I enabled Steam Input for this game.
Works perfectly fine
Gane works fine except the intro video
Intro videos are not playing, but can be skipped with a click
6.5-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Runs with standard as well, but shows only test screen for broadcast scenes, so unplaybale as they are essential for the gameplay.
Proton Experimental
Instead of cutscenes, a test picture is shown (I assume it's from Proton Experimental)
5.21-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Used Proton 5.21-GE-1
With Standard Proton (5.13-6) game hangs at cut scenes, so I assume because of missing media foundation.
5.21-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Proton 5.21-GE-1
With Standard Proton, the "video instructors" don't show up.
Game could not connect to server. ("Server maintenance").I tried on differnt days, so I assume it's a DRM issue.
Game worksexcept the initial glitch with the mouse very well.
The mouse showed weired beahviour at first start: I could move it only by pressing a button. Then I changed resolution to full screen and this problem was gone.
I did not test load of levels or the level editor.
With 5.21-GE-1 , game works perfectly fine. Eith 5.13-6, game is playable but Intro/cutscenes are missing.
5.21-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Works very well
Don't be impatiened when starting the game. It takes some time to start.
Worked fine. But I havn't played long.
With Proton 5.13-5: Some (Intro) cutscenes are missing, but they are automatically skiped. Game crashes on Exit.
I had a few crashes. If that is OK, you can play it.
Steam Controller was basically working but not on the "Desktop" in the game. (Maybe intention???)
Works very well already with 6.3.6 but bideos are still missing, so better use 6.16-GE-1.
6.16-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Some stuttering on 4K no issues with FullHD. No one available for online mutliplayer.
Works very well. Texts are all dsplayed except the verion news, but that is a minor non-relevant issue.
Cutscenes are played with test video. You haf to use MF plat or Proton GE.
It's working but graphics should be asjusted to enojoy it.Still expect some rare stuttering.
I played at 1080p at high settings. It felt a little bit slow, but playable.
Game works perfectly fine.
Start video with company logos is only displayed as test video, press akey to skip. Haven't found any other cut scenes so far in the game.
I think it's playable if you accept do quit and reenter from time to time.
Randomy gamepad stops working
Game hangs at exiting
Works perfectly fine.
On first start it hangs with music and blank screen, second start went fine. I could not reproduce.
Works out of he box
If yu experience issues with gameplay: Keep in mind it's early access in March 2021.
Works fine to play it.
I had two cashes when rolling the globe initially, but the tutorial played fine.
It basically runs, but with the jumping mouse, there was no real fun. Maybe a problem on my side as nobody else reprted it so far.
The mouse was jumping around so it was difficult to select the tile to move to or the character to attack.
I used the mentioned fix to create manually portal_knights.cfg,
Doesn't start with Standard Proton. Also no luck with GE versions.
6.20-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Proton 6.20-GE-1
Stops with "Fatal Error" with Proton 6.3-7.
Works out of the box
I didn't play only as there was no suitable match available. May try it in some days again.
Works very well if the controller workd.
Looks like the game has still issues with controllers. On my two xbox controllers, some buttons did not work. PS4 Dual Shock and the Steam Controller worked without issues.
I connected online but I found no player.
Basically the game starts and runs, but as there are no servers available, it's not playable at all.
Gameplay works perfectly fine.
There is one neglectable limitation: The small explanation videos are not played but only a test pattern video in Proton 6.3-1.
6.8-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
You can play on Proton 6.3 as well (without the cut scenes and tutorial videos)
Works fine if you want to play with mouse/keyboard.
I could not select in the settings launcher a controller. In game they dis not work therefore.
Works very well with Proton 6.1-GE-2. There is an intro video requiring media foundation. 6.3-1 works as well but shows a test-video.
Runs very well with Proton 6.3-1. Instead of the intro you see a test pattern video, but game runs fine.
If you want to see the inro video, use Proton 6.1-GE-2 or other Ge versions including media foundation support.
Works very well except media foundation videos.
I found only one video right at the beginning using edia foundation. There might be more. So if you want to see game videos, use Proton GE.
6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
I played it with Proton-6.21-GE-2
Works perfectly fine.
Could not try online multiplayer as no one was avaliable. At least it raised no error and stated "searching".
Works perfectly fine. I hadn't any issues.
I didn't find out how to exit a game, so I stopped it via the overlay.
On start of game there was the error: You must use "Turn Windows Featureson or off"in the control panel to install or configureMicrosoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
Gme reaches the main menu, but on start, it hangs at a white screen. Tried also GE-Proton7-37 with no luck.
Crashes using standard proton at splash screen.
With standard proton, cutscenes doesn't play, only audio. Gameplay works nevertheless.
I say although I have some doubts on the stability.
Sometimes it looks like the game hangs, but just wait, it may continue.
Works perfectly with Proton 6.3-2: Videos are missing, but works. Proton 6.1-E-2 Everything works.
6.1-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Too many crashes to let it be enjoyable.
Crashes qzuite often. Also in STeam reviews mentioned that the game is buggy. So could be possible that the crashes are general game issues.
Too many flaws especially the missing controller detection-
Config program hangs atsave so I could only start with 640x480.
Works fine with the exception of the restriction to 4:3 aspect ratio.
Works only in 4:3 apect ratio.
Works fine. Had a "blinking" in the intro video but nothing later on.
Works fine. 16:9 is not possible, only old standard 4:3 resolutions.
Works fine except the screen scaling
Does not scale 16:9, stays at 4:3
It looks like everything works fine. But I did not test very long and all the possibilities.
Basically it's playable with 6.3 but there are some bugs: Demon isn't painted correctely, Cuscene are shown with a test-image,
The demon was just a small cloud.
I recommend Proton GE for a very good game experience where all the issue are gone.
Unplayble with default settings and default proton. No ways better with GE.
Map is often painted black so terreian is not visible.
Mouse reacted laggy or wasn't visible at all.
Works fine with proton 6.3-8 with the following launch optionsto skip 2k launcher: eval $(echo "%command%" | sed "s/2KLauncher/LauncherPatcher.exe'.*/Base/Binaries/Win64Steam/CivilizationVI.exe'/")
Gameplay works very well. The artifacts in the cut scenes doesn't influence gameplay.
The cutscenes movies show lots of horzontal dashed lines.
Added launch option: rm Starships64.exe && ln -s Starships.exe Starships64.exe; %command%
Works perfectly fine.
I could connect to online servers but did not start playing.
Works perfeclty fine.
I connected to multi-player. I saw other players but I did not play.
Not yet stable even if GE versions.
Hangs at first cut scene. Tried aswell GE versionwithout luck.
Ther are some in-screen movies requireing media foundation. Before 6.3, they are simply not shown. With 6.3, the test video appears. Works with Proton GE.
Works perfectly fine if installed in a directory not having a dot at the beginning or use the launch parameter as described.
I added launch parameter PROTON_SET_GAME_DRIVE=1 %command% to get around the issue that games starts not if installed in or below a folder dot at the beginning (e.g. ".steam").
Runs very fine. I had to disabl VSYNC in the config otherwise game crashes on start.
The config screen is a ltlle borked but can be used to make the necessary settings.
Basically yes, but it's unstable and everyons has to decide by himself.
Sometimes arbitrary sound stops. In some cases (starting sushine tour) it ws reporducible.
SOme stuttering if screen is crowded. With ESYNC disabled it looked a lttle bit better.
Works pretty well as long as you have an internet connection.
Works not in offline mode or internet connection is off
Cut scenes shown as test picture films.
If you need the cutscenes, go for mesia foundation install or use proton GE.
With this cursor/mouse beahviour it's unplayble.
Mouse movement was weired. I had to press the left mouse butonn so thatthe cursor moved.
Potentially usage of Steam-compositor-plus caused the mousepointer issues.
Works perfectly fine
Still too many flaws and workarounds needed-
I played it n gameros. Using Steam Compositor results in Black Screen after the kauncher. Disabling Steam compositor allowed to play but has many lags in display.
This report is baased on GamerOS with Steam Compositor. On other distros it can run smooth.
Runs very well. I did not test VR. Only minor issue: When leaving the game it does not return to BP. You have to kill it in the overlay.
Multiplayer: I could connect but did not start a game.
Works out of the box
No online player servers reached.
Runs only in a small window in the corner due to steam-compositor-plus.
It's too laggy to experience a pleasant play.
quite laggy
crashes on exit
Works very will with Standard Proton but without cut scenes. Hence I used Proton 6.21-GE-2
6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Proton 6.21-GE-2
Works with standard proton, but only without controllers
Unpredictabke if the game starts. Too many crashes.
Doesn't start every time. I gad to retry several times
Now the game works except for the cut scenes.
Stops at cutscene due to missing media foundation.
GAme crashes at intro video. A little bit better playable with Proton GE.
The game looks abanded.
Too many crahes.
Crashes for various Proton Versions at various stages.
Game hnags at white screen with Prorton 6.3-8 or 7.0-2
If you ignore the damaged cut scenes, it's playable.
Cut scenes play but not viewable: just some moving yellow-pinkish stuff. Seen this also in some other games. Might be a conversoin issue on Valve's side.
6.18-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
I had to use 1920p and medium settings to get 60 FPS.
Works perfectly fine
Cut Scenes are missing. But crashes preent fun gameplay.
Very much playable
VEry rarely sound is just noise
Works very well. No issues. Start and exit looks a little bit slow.
I did not play multiplayer, bt only checked connection. That worked.
Works fine
After installing and updating the launcher, it tells me to lauch the game "wher you bought it (EPIC or Steam". I closed the launcher and started the game again, and now it bypasses the launcher.
Missing fonts; boilerplate texts in options; starting a run ends in eternal loading screen.
I tried various proton release and GE as well.
Runs perfectly fine out of the box.
I could not test multi player as there was no one online.
No gameplay out of the box. Requires to find the drive image to mount it manually.
Works perfectly fine. I have experienced in two scenes a glimps of stutteer, but still acceptable for a pleasant game experience.
Works very well.
On time the controller stops working. But ater restart everything was fine again.
Did not tried multi player.
Works perfectly fine with Standard Proton
Native Version doesn't start.
Works perfectly fine-
I could not test online multiplayer due to missing players
Works very well and is playable.
Video scenes only show as test picture
I found videos requiring media foundation only in the pop-up help.
Works perfectly fine. Since 5.13-6, it also works with D3D10enabled, no tweking isnecessary anymore.
Crashes on initializing DirectX11 with Proton 6.3-5
Works perfectly fine out of the box.
Could not fine hosted multiplayer games.
6.1-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Proton 6.1-GE-2
Cut scenesrequire MF orProton GE. Rest is playable eith 6.3-5
Proton 6.1-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Proton 6.1-GE-2
Works perfectly fine.
FMV/Cut scenes work only if set to "window".
Works perfectly fine
FMV/cutscenes require setting to "windowed" mode.
Works perfectly fine.
Set Graphics to windowed mode to see FMV/cut scenes.
I tried various things with newer Proton Versions by tweaking via launch options. Nothing really helped to acheieve an acceptable non-stuttering gameplay. Then I went back to Proton 4.2-9. Yes, you have to install DirectX but that went smooth. ALso the game srun smooth by this approach. Maybe just some very rare stutters.
Works perfectly fine out of the box with Proton 4.11. Later versions crash on loading game.
Came to the menue and browse through various trains and tracks, but whenver I tried to start playing nothing happens.
Tried 6.3-8 and 6.21-GE-2.
5.21-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Standard Proton game hangs at cut scene(s) right a the begining..
Works out of the box with Proton 5.13-5.
Works quite fine if set-up the right way.
I had to switch to full screen tomake the mouse work propoerly, could be caused by steam compositor. Hangs on exit.
Game works.
Use my rating with care. Game has stillmany rough points and looks more loke under development.
Works perfectly fine out of the box.
Not really trouble. Initial install requires use of touchscreen. On later starts launcher is straught fprward bypassed.
Gameplay works perfectly fine with proton 5.13-5 Cut Scene - press Gamepad green/A to continue Crash on exit - kill process with ovverlay
No issues with Proton 5.21-GE-1
Works very well out of the box, I tried it with two controllers (steam, xbox) and both worked very well.
Game crashes immediately after start. Sendng big report was possible. I treid as well various GE versions but with no luck.
Works very well. Played a few matches and modeled two fighters. No issues experienced.
Offline play works very well. I tried 2 times online, but the game replaced other playeers aftersome seconds wirh AI player.
Works very well.
I could only select max 1600x1200 resolution. But could be a game limitation.
Works very well out of the box.
Did not test multiplayer, but connection was possible.
Works quite fine.
Propoer gamepad use requires setting setting steam-input to always on.
If you accept arbitrary controller recognition you can play the game quite well.
Controllers work arbitrary. If you connect multiple controllers no controller is detected. If you conenct one cpntroller it's sometimes detected. When you pug in the second controller, the games hangs.
some stuttering
With Proton 6.9-GE-2 it looks like running smoother.
It works with Standard proton, but my controller was not detected. So only mouse/keyboard was possible.
Not all tutorial videos palyable (due to media foundation). With Proton GE, controller were detected, and all videos were played, but I experienced regular crahses.
Gameplay works fine. Launcher has some issues.
Der Launcher was sometime not available to set the resolution.
Not playable
Menu screen to select a worm was half black
Crashes on loading a level
Only training works. I tried also ProtonGE with no luck.
Multiplayer is not pssible
Stops with black screen on selcting anyythingin main menu
Randomly hangs. painting of player is not working.
Entering second time paiting makes it crashing
Painting of player does not work.
I played the whole game getting all achievements. Most of the time on Steam Deck. Works perfectly fine.
It''s playable without the videos.
I had to switch to full screen otherwise mouse hangs.
Requires indeo vieo codecs to play in gme videos.
Works very well if launcher workaround is used.
If you start it directly, screen is flickering. If you start it via the launcher, everything works fine.
Game hangs at a white screen. After several restarts I reached one time the screen to enter my driver name, but afterwards it crashed again.
The DEV start option works, but is in the end a test drive.
ALthough I haven't playedlong, game works fine.
I had to set game to fullscrenn, to get rid of poiter position issues.