+com_skipIntroVideo 1 +seta r_aspectRatio 1 +seta r_mode -1 +seta r_customHeight 1080 +seta r_customWidth 1920
When playing with an internet connection, the transition to the settings menu is delayed while the game needlessly contacts the servers, and it does this every time. You can fix this by running Flatpak Steam with no internet: flatpak run --unshare=network com.valvesoftware.Steam
Also the game resolution will reset sometimes when switching Proton versions, so setting the resolution with the launch options instead can fix that.
it is very playable, i'm still working on getting everything working and i haven't gone into the different proton versions yet
+in_terminal 1 +com_skipIntroVideo 1 +com_skipKeyPressOnLoadScreens 1
frequently crashes on loading screen after a death but crashes at other times
i've had days playing where it doesn't crash at all and days where it crashes every few deaths
No problems, great performance.
text is too small.
All good
No problems, as good as on Windows
Гра працює ідеально
Запускав на версії Протона 9.0-4
+com_skipIntroVideo 1
Running great as expected, very nice and very fun.
Sometimes "Tab" wouldn't work to dismiss a menu. I had to Alt + Enter to make it work again.
This game just works perfectly out of the box.
It's really fun too
Game crashes if you alt+tab from fullscreen. Does not happen with borderless & windowed.
Very high sensitivity. Could be something related to my mouse though since it has unusual capabilities (Razer Viper 8kHz)
Had to use these launch paramteres "VKD3D_FEATURE_LEVEL=12_1 DXVK_ASYNC=1 ENABLE_VKBASALT=1 gamemoderun %command%" to run the game at 130-150FPS. It was running at 20-40FPS before that.
Not recommending the game for typical gamers because there was no easily available information on how to fix this issue online. I had to spend around 9 hours of my day to figure it out, including testing different drivers, tinkering with kernel/driver settings, etc.
Worked great out of the box.
Would always start on wrong monitor (have to manually change it in game with every startup)
Input was occasionally laggy after alt-tabbing
After switching to an older Proton version it works perfectly fine.
Worth getting for Linux.
prime-run %command% +com_skipIntroVideo 1 +r_renderAPI 0
Sometimes crashes about 1-2 minutes into gameplay
I also disabled shader-precaching which help stability ALOT
Works fine in 1440p.
Runs very well, just make sure to disable ray tracing as this causes a crash due to VRAM.
works damn good, if you have problems with newer versions just downgrade and the game will work smoothly
Occasional graphics slow down
Runs as well as Windows
Linux Mint's "Disable composting for full-screen windows" setting did not work for the game regardless of in-game settings, and I required tweaking of /etc/environment with settings for "CLUTTER_DEFAULT_FPS" and "__GL_SYNC_DISPLAY_DEVICE" to force my main monitor to sync at a proper 144 FPS with a 144/60 dual monitor setup.
gamemoderun %command% +com_skipIntroVideo 1
Game will black screen and eventually crash when using Vulkan and alt-tabbing, but is fine on OpenGL
Slight dips in performance sometimes. The game will slow down to 60 fps during some scripted sequences, but will go back to previous fps after
Flawless! Gaming on Linux so far is great and it will only get better!
Gaming on Linux is growing and only getting better, soon, bye bye Microsoft
The game would load up the cube animation for about 2-3 seconds then freeze and not work again.
Didnt work for me but it might work for you.
The window did not appear (just the sound of the game) had to switch to proton 8.0.5
Using raytracing made the game crash because of Vram usage
it's really strange. when I start the game with dual (1 portrait on left, 1 horizontal on center) screen setup, I need to actually click on the horizontal screen at startup time, otherwise the game just won't start properly. other than this very-very minor issue, it runs perfectly and very stable
gpu -50mv cpu -10mv
in bios: gpu -50 mv, cpu -10 mv, gpu up to 1800 mhz, cpu up to 3700 mhz.
in game: low settins, native resolution 1280x800, upscalers off.
result: 90 fps 90% time.
On my hardware, personally speaking, it doesn't run all that well and is borderline unplayable without serious tweaks
Entered r_ShadowAtlasWidth 0
into the console, which does significantly improve performance, but it's still not great
Assuming this is a Nouveau issue, but the game has serious slowdowns in-game and in the menus - I don't use the proprietary NVIDIA drivers because Wayland
The game started at 16:10 for some reason
Just a little bit of tweaks
Just works
On some window managers, mouse clicks are duplicated in the menu. You might need to use the keyboard only to navigate menus, and use the in-game command line (open with the ` key below escape) to rebind your keys, or alternatively just use another window manager or DE. I had the issue in dwm, but not qtile. Another user reported having the issue in bspwm, but not in KDE.
This is not a Proton issue specifically, but please keep in mind saves in the main game exectuable will not carry over to the modded executable. You will need to redo all your keybindings and other settings as well.
The sandbox runs very slow, utilizing little VRAM, apparently due to the NVIDIA driver not recognizing the new executable name. I have a symbolic link to the sandbox executable named "DOOMEternalx64vk.exe" and I typically run that executable directly, rather than launch it through the mod portal. Hopefully NVIDIA fixes this soon. Additionally, I haven't heard of AMD users on Linux having this issue, it seems to strictly be an NVIDIA problem.
Side note: I was on the idStudio alpha testing team, I have been experimenting with the mod portal and sandbox executable months before Quakecon of 2024.
VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/nvidia_icd.json gamemoderun %command% +com_skipSignInManager 1 +com_skipIntroVideo 1 +com_skipKeyPressOnLoadScreens 1 +r_antialiasing 0 +com_skipIntroVideo 1 +r_physicalDeviceIndex 0
Frame rate lower than the one expected from seeing the game run on Windows with similar HW.
Sometimes the game doesn't start. Randomly.
The game is playable just not at its full potential, but it's perfectly enjoyable. I wouldn't probably even have questioned the performance if my GPU was more powerful.
gamescope -f -W 2560 -H 1440 -r 180 --hdr-enabled gamemoderun %command%
Runs great for the most part, had some slowdowns on first launch but was fine after.
side-scrolling buttons on my mouse were being registered as 'mouse4' and 'mouse5' inputs, so accidentally side-scolling would trigger those buttons. fixed by remapping the input in Piper; I don't typically use side-scrolling.
great out of the box experience, deserving of a platinum seal really.
gamemoderun %command%
Tab key sometimes doesn't work, alt + enter twice can fix it. I ended up rebinding tab controls to a different key, no bid deal. This is a Doom Eternal problem, not a Linux problem, as it also occurs on Windows.
Rock solid 144fps.
RADV_PERFTEST='rt,gpl' AMD_VULKAN_ICD=RADV VKD3D_CONFIG=no_upload_hvv MANGOHUD_CONFIG="cpu_temp,cpu_mhz,pci_dev,ram,vram,io_read io_write,gpu_power,gpu_temp,vulkan_driver,gpu_junction_temp,gpu_mem_temp,gpu_core_clock,gpu_mem_clock,gpu_fan" mangohud %command% -USEALLAVAILABLECORES
There have been amdgpu driver crashes, although I'm not entirely sure, but a kernel and mesa driver update fixed the problem.