Game will get stuck on what I suppose is the title screen. However, everything is black, and although audio plays, I can't do anything
The game does not start in fullscreen.
Poor performance during and after certain cutscenes.
AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution is recommended. The problem is that the game does not start in fullscreen. As a workaround, after launching the game in the settings I set windowed fullscreen and then real fullscreen at a lower resolution so that AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution kicks in. If performance is still an issue, try to restart the game.

No tinkering needed
Played on Windows and Linux, both worked well.
Finished game with some performance issues
Some scenes had FPS in the 30-40's. More than usual shader compilation stutters. But mostly a smooth 120fps.

Disabled touch screen and pads to avoid accidental activation.
Steam Peformance Menu -Frame Rate Limit off, Refresh Rate 60, Scaling Filter FSR, FSR Sharpness 0. In game options -Graphics Menu - Fullscreen 1152x720, Medium everything except Ultra Textures, VSYNC ON, MAX FPS 30, Blur off (Preference) -Game- Headbobbing NO (avoid motion sickness lol) Gives 3-4hrs playtime.
Text can be a bit small but it's manageable
Graphics menu is a bit janky, you have to push the joystick up and down sometimes to get proper setting otherwise it's fine in game control wise.
You can likely push 40fps as there's some headroom with my settings, however battery life will suffer and fps drops into the 30s will happen at points.

TESTED DEMO ONLY - took five attempts
Just on cutscenes, minor stutter.
I tried running the demo, nothing happened. Tried a few times. On the fifth it loaded and ran fine. Strange!
Game worked out of the box, with performance problems
Heavy suttering when arriving in new areas or in cutscenes. Dropping all settings to Medium helped, but didn't get rid of the problem entirely.
Outside of the heavy stuttering and frame drops when loading new areas (the initial cutscene was especially awful), the game worked fine out of the box. No issues with the controls or anything else. The loadings felt overly long despite being installed on an SSD. If I'm not mistaken though, all of these are issues on Windows as well and are fairly frequent based on the forums.

Game choked heavily on cutscenes
Initial launch in Proton Experimental failed entirely; I used 7.0-3 which immediately fixed it
The entire game ran flawlessly on max settings. Which surprised me given its silver rating.
My proton version was set to experimental by default.
Game works out-of-the box on latest proton. I was able to finish it completely. But performance in some places little annoying
Some videos at launching the game and at the finale are not played properly. (colored mesh instead of video)
There are significant FPS drops (from 60-70 to 15-30) in some locations, especially in chapter 8 (Mines). Changing graphics settings does not help.

6.18-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
I had to use 1920p and medium settings to get 60 FPS.
Low frame rate and long load times. same as on windows.

Due to my system limitations I had to run on minimum settings. The intro was choppy and but after that seems OK. Able to run at 35 fps.
In order to get this game to work I had to install buster backports, Proton 4.2 and Media Foundation workaround for Wine as above for Proton using the below command.
PROTON='/home/username/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 4.2' WINEPREFIX='/home/username/.steam/steam/steamapps/compdata/72300' ./mf-install -proton
Proton 5.21 GE
15 fps on minimal settings. Setting shadows to LOW deeps fps to 5!
Splash Screen comes up, but thenn a black screen.

- Download from here: https://github.com/z0z0z/mf-install
- Unpack to the root of the game prefix: ./steamapps/compatdata/805620/pfx/mf-install-master/mf-install.sh
- Run the script: WINEPREFIX='./steamapps/compatdata/805620/pfx' './mf-install.sh'
There are a lot of slowdowns at the beginning of the game. After some time performance is normalized. This is probably due to the compilation of the Shader cache.
Black screen after startup.
This happened while trying to run the demo.

Opens to a black screen with a creaking door sound.
This was specifically for the demo, assuming it is the same for the main game

Black screen after startup with only the door squeaking sound on the background.

Only black screen with background sounds (probably a cinematic) but you can't press anything to get to the tile screen. To close the game you have to force it (ctrl + alt + esc since I'm using kde). I've tried to use the mfplat workaround to try to fix it but it didn't work.

Played through the full demo without any issues.