Игра шла идеально, пройдена полностью, все достижения получены.
Worked fine, no effort.

Works perfect on Ubuntu 24.04
There is a video recording to showcase and give an idea how it works here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsVEK297QC0

It's a very good game on the deck! It only needs a little bit of tweaking. I highly recommend it!
The deck can't sustain a stable 60fps with the default settings (which was set to Fantastic)
I've made a few changes straight from the beginning:
- Game quality: Good (switched from Fantastic)
- Steam Deck's refresh rate: 50fps (50Hz)
- Steam Deck's TDP: 9W (to make the fan almost absent)
Overall, the game ran very well with these settings. I got a stable 50fps across the entire playthrough. If you want to further optimize it for playing on the go, you could try lowering the refresh rate to 40, lowering the game quality to medium and even setting a lower TDP limit.
Works flawlessly OOTB
The graphics are set to "Fantastic" by default, but this causes frequent fps dips and constant fan noise. I set the graphics to medium, turned off vsync, and limited fps and screen refresh rate to 50 hz. The game still looks great and the lower power consumption means the fan was completely silent.
The game plays perfectly with the mentioned adjustments.
Works perfectly fine
Finished game with no real issues
Performance sometimes drops to around 30fps
Never hits stable 60fps, but always 40+, so forcing 40Hz mode is the best way to go. Fan noise is absent, plays just great.
Forced 40Hz refresh rate

Runs perfectly out of the box
Don't see any way to save / continue the game after start, but same on windows.

Don't see a save game option, but also didn't see it on windows.
Performance isn't great (below 30fps). Likely related to futex/fsync. Standard fedora kernel without fsync patches (futex_wait_multiple) but contains futex2 (futex_waitv).
Restricting FPS to 30 makes the Steam Deck run cooler, thus less fan noise.
Works out of the box.

OOTB No issues.
Works out of the box with official Steam Proton 6.3-4 on my hardware.
Occasionally runs with only 1 FPS. Workaround is to Alt+Tab out of the game, then back in.
Nearly flawless. The dev is also getting testers for a native Linux version, so I'd highly recommend checking that out
Sometimes when the game has a lot of those bass-heavy swooshy noises, there can be slight skips. Otherwise runs great.
Only issues were ocassional frame rate dips after some wall walk transitions (130+ down to at most 90), but totally playable

Still works perfectly
Replayed after the release of the final (free) DLC. No issues at all.
Game working out of the box, like native.

No tweaks, no issues
Completed the main game and the free "Tower" DLC.

Completed the game, had no issues at all. Played with Dualshock 4.

Works excellently with an xbox one elite controller

Logitech F710 gamepad is working with the new patch. Ultrawide not supported at the moment, can be hacked via save file hex edit. note: dev warns that doing that may spoil some puzzles and secrets.

As of game updated to version 1.1 everything works perfectly out of the box, including Nintendo Switch Pro controller over bluetooth. Performance is also great.

Game works perfectly and with good performance, except controller input is not detected (Nintendo Switch Pro Controller over Bluetooth).

Ultrawide not supported at the moment, can be enabled via save file hex edit. Logitech F710 gamepad not working, tried messing with Steam controller setup, other Proton versions up to 4.14-GE-1, no luck. To me, this prevents Platinum rating... but you can decide for yourself if you consider controller support to be crucial. the game runs perfectly aside from that.

Game loads to a black screen, responsive to ALT+F4 to quit, but stays stuck. No audio, no video. Tried all the recommended tweaks, only makes it worse as game crashes before launching aforementioned black screen.

Runs without issues.

Works without issue right out of the box!

I have played for the first couple of chapters and experienced zero issues. No tweaking needed. I'll update if any issues arise. Very cool game so far.