На моем железе при настройках по-умолчанию (DX12) игра часто выбивала. Если же поставить на DX11, на почти минимальных настройках игра шла отлично. В игре куча багов, ломались скрипты и помогала перезагрузка, но я так понимаю, что это проблемы самой игры, а не Linux. Игра была пройдена.
Works fine out of box.

Enabled DLSS & Ultra Settings with 80+ FPS @ 2560x1080. Used an ASUS TV500BG gamepad (XBOX 360 clone) and everything worked great. Have completed the entire main storyline as well as the Cyber Heist DLC without any problems.

SteamDeck=0 %command%
Enabled Half Rate Shading, lowered TDP Limit to 12 Watts.
The game uses a thin font that makes some in-world prompts a little harder to read.
Significant performance problems on any settings above full low including hitting 0-1 FPS entering the first hub area which slowed the whole system down and required a hard close of the game.
I'm not sure what happened here, unless my memory sucks that badly the game used to run pretty flawlessly out of the box a year or so ago including in co-op and the game hasn't received a patch of any kind in two years but now it's got some struggles.

Limit to 45FPS, 12W TDP and 1200 GPU clock
No UI scaling, XP meter and some flavour text is difficult to read on Steam Deck display
Occasional slowdowns in hub areas, particularly in High street area. Still playable but would go down to 30fps.
Played from start to finish on Steam Deck, game runs great at 45FPS save for some crowded areas and during effects-heavy fights. Lowered resolution scale to 95 and graphics settings to low. DX11 and CPU performance mode helped with stability.

**Requires tinkering**. Once the game is property configured runs ~40fps on Steam Deck LCD, with drops into the mid-30s (20fps on metro)
SteamDeck=0 %command%
- Refresh Rate 40Hz
- 12w TDP
- (optional) Half Rate Shading On.
Small text, almost unreadable
Experimented with sub-12watt power limits, and noticed minor artifacting at the right side of the screen.
Frame Pacing is uneven, with spikes and drops as you move throughout the world. Tweaked settings can help reduce the lows, but was not able to eliminate it.
By default, the game runs terribly on the Steam Deck. Should not be considered "Verified" in my opinion as tinkering is mandatory. With changing the settings, I was able to get around 40fps, but the frame time was never steady and had drops into the mid-30s regularly.
With that said, after setup, I am enjoying playing the game on Steam Deck LCD, running Bazzite.
The Steam Deck build is gimped. No "Exit to Desktop" button on the main menu and being locked to 30fps. Use the command line argument "SteamDeck=0 %command%". Thank you to Patola who linked this thread, https://steamcommunity.com/app/979690/discussions/3/3320862598750530211/
Below are the game Settings that worked best for me.
Resolution Scale: 90
Texture Detail: Medium
Shadow Quaity: Low
Anti-Aliasing: Medium
Post Process Quality: Low
View Distance: Medium
Effects Quality: Medium
DirectX: DX11
Motion Blur: Off
Film Grain: Off
CPU Performance Mode: On
Physics Objects: Off
Audio Mode: Small Speakers
Steam Performance Settings:
Frame Limit: 40FPS/40HZ
Half Rate Shading: On (Game looks good either way, so having it on can help with performance)
TDP Limit: 12 watts (tested down to 8, and noticed artifacting and poor performance)

The game freezes to a crawn when entering the first major population area. The only remedy is to force shut down. It happens each time in the same area preventing progress.
This game should not be Deck Verified.

game will freeze in high populated areas. switched settings to low, dx11.

Prohibitive frame drops in the main town area. Deck became unresponsive outside of a hard reset. Became physically unable to progress story, due to the lock happening repeatedly in same spot.
Steam Deck Verified is a bold-faced lie.

many times it fails, especially when starting the game and the menu
Randomly crashes

I set graphics to medium, proton experimental, and direct x 11. And it worked fine after that.
Massive frame rate drops in certain locations until I turned switched to Proton Experimental and DirectX 11.

Worked perfectly start to end, except for a crash every few hours. The game autosaves very frequently so it's a very minor issue. Performance was excellent with DX11, slightly less with DX12.
gamemoderun %command% -culture="de"

Works very well inbetween occasional crashes
Playable, but expect some occasional crashes

Overall good
Had occasional crashes and often the FPS would drop significantly. I think this might be more of an issue with the game than Proton though, since a friend who was playing on Windows had the same issues.

Fun isometric cyberpunk game that runs out of the box
There's no tinkering necessary, the game runs flawlessly with the default Proton version the Steam Client offered.

gamemoderun %command%
You can start the game just the way it is, and get a native-like experience already. But because the game is so long (>40h) i recommend switching to dx11 in-game for ~+10% more FPS and less stuttering.

O jogo rodou lizo no linux tive que deixar com os graficos no mínimo porque não tenho placa de vídeo dedicada mais rodou de boa,.
O jogo é excelente e roda como nativo.
changing to DirectX 11 in game resolved stuttering

Game works out the box, no tinkering required
Game works out the box, no tinkering required
As stated in my PC report, this game runs flawlessly out the box for both single player and multiplayer on all of my Linux PC's and all of my family's Steam Decks. Just install and play. 5/5 stars

I play this game on both PC and Steamdeck with my wife; and it's always gone without a hitch.
I play this game on both PC and Steamdeck with my wife; and it's always gone without a hitch.
This game runs flawlessly out the box on all my PC's and all my family's Steam Decks.

Unplayable for me. Stutters like crazy, even outside of battles, to the point it freezes the window and I've to restart the game.
Text difficult to read
It stutters like crazy every couple of minutes, sometimes it even freezes. I had to restart it like 6 times in an hour and a half
Had to restart it a couple of times.
I've refunded it. I tried all things I've seen here and none worked.

Game won't launch on Proton Experimental, 8.0-2, or 7.0-6
PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 gamemoderun %command%
Installed the game and tried to get it to launch using launch settings recommended by other reviews as well as using 3 different versions of Proton, but it won't launch.
SteamDeck=0 %command%
Managed to make it work with a keyboard and mouse steps:
- Install this script to disable steam deck controls when mouse and keyboard are connected (https://github.com/scawp/Steam-Deck.Auto-Disable-Steam-Controller)
- Add keyboard/mouse (keyboard worked for me) to /home/deck/.local/share/scawp/SDADSC/conf/simple_device_list.txt (then just unplug and replug the device for steam deck controls to be disabled
- Add "SteamDeck=0 %command%" to launch options within steam for this game
DXVK_ASYNC=1 DXVK_HUD=compiler %command%
I had occasional lockups and crashes playing co-op.
I had to choose Proton 7.0-6. Newer versions didn't work at all. Once in the game I set it to use DirctX 11. I would like to find better settings to remove all crashes/lockups
PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 gamemoderun %command%
Odd crash but this was game related
Odd disconnect
Ran through the whole base game both solo and co-op with a friend on Windows. We both got odd disconnects depending on who was hosting. Other than a cache pause now and then game looks great. Also ran through the Cyber Heist DLC.
There are game breaking bugs which are not OS related with both quests and game crashes. There appears to be multiple threads on the forum about issues with the last boss on Cyber Heist DLC (no spoilers) that means it wont trigger a cut scene. I have the achievement in steam but attempted the boss 6 times with no cut scene and ending. As of this date it was not fixed.
Have Refresh rate at 40, Framerate Limit at 40 Turned off the 30 FPS Lock. Turned off the Motion Blur, and Film Grain then turned on all the Ray Tracing. With those it ran fantasticly with almost steady 40fps. All controls worked perfect with the default "Official Layout for The Ascent - Gamepad"
Seems like the game has been updated sense precious reports and now works much better.
Refresh rate and Frame rate set to 40
A few issues/bugs/crashe(s), but 99% playable.
Reloading when playing on keyboard and mouse while also having an Xbox controller plugged in caused a significant slow down. Unplugging Xbox controller fixed this issue for about 90% of the time, other times reloading weapon regardless causes a massive drop in frames.
Maybe, depends on saving intervals which I'm not sure on or whether the crash affected my save game at all. About to see when I relaunch.
Minor stuttering, but infrequent and dependent on the area you're in. Also I have all settings at max including all ray tracing settings on and maxxed as well.
Just had one random crash/freeze. Making this report immedietely afterward. Had to terminate the application. Crash/freeze happened when entering a new area with new enemies. This can be tolerated considering the game overall runs pretty well, even with previously mentioned issues.
As with everything computers these days; trial and error. This game is enjoyable to play and runs great minus a few bugs that probably aren't the fault of Linux at all, just basic game bugs that take time to get worked out by the developers. Just have to learn to power through and work through the bugs as well.

Lots of stuttering and freezes.
Only bought the main game. didnt buy any dlcs. I dont recommend it until the bugs are fixed
Keys would not work sometimes
Main mission bug where cut scene wouldnt play to progress, HUD goes missing occasionally
occassionally missing HUDs, crashes etc

SteamDeck=0 %command%
Configured my own buttons so that no gamepad input was sent to the game.
30 fps lock
The default configuration for this game on the deck is nothing short of terrible, to the point that I consider it sabotaged. Read the thread here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/979690/discussions/3/3320862598750530211/ -- ok, so to just magically fix most problems, you have to provide the SteamDeck=0 variable to the launch options, and also use an input configuration for mouse and keyboard (not physical ones, but e.g. the touchpad as mouse). It doesn't fix the 30fps lock though, but at least with that the game is playable and you have an "exit to desktop" option!
- Lock Refresh Rate to 40
- Limit TDP to 10w
- GPU Clock to 1100
- Half Rate Shading on
- All game graphical settings to Medium, Shadows to low
Worked fine with friends!
Very happy with the performance of this game on Deck, and the battery life when tweaks are made.
The works works well enough without doing much, but has some bad stutters during big fights.
Refresh Rate locked to 40Hz
Text is a bit small
Had the game initially stutter quite bad. Resolved with a bit of work.
Occasional Crashes on DX12, Switch to DX 11 to stop.
The game performs best, locked 40FPS and no stutters with the following tinkering:
- Use Proton-GE (latest)
- Use DXVK_ASYNC=1 on Luanch Options
- Change VRAM in BIOS to 4GB
- Used CryoByte's steam deck utilities script to increase Swap File to 16Gb, and decrease Swappiness to 1
In-Game Settings:
- Turn Off "Lock FPS to 30" option
- Resolution Scale set to 80
- Textture detail set to HIGH
- Shadow Quality set to MEDIUM
- Anti Aliasing set to HIGH
- Post Process Quality set to MEDIUM
- View Distance set to MEDIUM
- Effects Quality set to MEDIUM
- DirectX seto to DX11
- Motion Blur and Fil Grain set to OFF
- Physics Objects set to ON
DXVK_ASYNC=1 DXVK_HUD=compiler %command%
Text is very small.
Significant frame drops during combat could be mitigated by using async shader compilation (DXVC_ASYNC=1) and optimizations below.
Online coop is buggy af. Sometimes it starts stuttering so hard when someone connects, that the game becomes unplayable. Sometimes the UI breaks / disappears mid-game. Sometimes items on the floor are visible only for the host or can only be picked up by the host. Apparently, these issues also occur on windows and seem to be independent of the Proton version. Nonetheless, I spent over 20 hours in online coop because it's a lot of fun if it works.
Without further tinkering, The Ascent is affected by significant performance issues (heavy framedrops during combat, down to 1-3 FPS). Things I did to optimize performance:
- increase VRAM to 4GB
- set swappines to 1 and increased swapfile (see https://github.com/CryoByte33/steam-deck-utilities)
- use DX11
- use GE-Proton with async shader compilation (DXVK_ASYNC=1)
- lower graphics to "medium" (with shadows to "low")
- allow tearing
- disable vsync, disable internal frame limit and set screen rate to 40hz
With those settings I get 30 to 40 FPS even in combat with many enemies and effects. Some stuttering remains, though. Use DXVK_HUD=compiler to see if it's caused by shader compilation.