Played with Proton 6.3-8
Works perfectly fine
Devs of this game have been really good with attempting to support Proton despite the lack of full linux support.
Works good enough
Played with Proton 5.0-9.
Maybe with a better pc...? Not sure.
Very low FPS, max graphics but this game don't need too much.
Weapon previews don't work
can start/join a game, but TO MUCH LAG makes it unplayable
missing players avatars
cursor pointer lag & game lag
the lag isn't that awful, it goes away after 2-5 secods and only appears at the start of each turn. but since this game has timed turns (day/night circles) and timing is crucial it will lead to frustration! ~ Also, with proton 4.11-13 it wouldn't enter a game and it wouldn't close unless i used Alt+F4, but with proton 5.0-5 there is no such issue and the game closes OK
Gameplay is unreachable, broken, only main menu and settings are ok, using proton 4.11-13
After clicking PLAY in the menu (Find Group or Make Group) it will kick you back on the main menu screen. This is the case regardless of launching with the DX11 or Vulkan option
I can only interact with the initial menu and settings. I can't get to the actual gameplay
Started the first time, logged in and got stuck on loading screen. After that it never started again.
The game is available native on Linux for OpenGL and Vulkan, it starts, but then I cannot login. I tried to run the game on Proton, but there I only get an error message after starting the game independent of the DX11 or Vulkan backend.