PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 %command% -nomovies -forcehighpoly
Все работает стабильно, можно спокойно нести свет Императора)

game runs normally except for stuttering during large battles between CPU players, not sure of the cause
PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 %command% -forcehighpoly
game notification sounds missing, such as clicking on a unit, or when a new unit is created
Stuttering during intense battles between CPU players, no stutter on Windows 11
would be perfect if stuttering and audio was fixed

%command% -nomovies -forcehighpoly
I've installed vcrun2005
through protontricks
following the instructions here to make multiplayer work without having de-sync issues on the most recent version of Proton.
I'm also starting the game with -forcehighpoly
together with setting fullres_teamcolour=1
in ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Dawn\ of\ War\ Soulstorm/Local.ini
to use higher resolution textures.
The game would de-sync and require a restart while playing multiplayer. See note on installing vcrun2005
for work-around.

PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 %command% -forcehighpoly
After defeating the first race (played as tau, defeated orks first) crashes after every victory, trick with low resolution works until SoB HQ. Save on SoB HQ fails to load with a crash.

A classic game that works out of the box with Proton. Still playing the campaign from time to time.
Flickering AA. Odd texturing (maybe, because of my tinkering with ReShade).
Sometimes clicks didn't work.

Usable under Proton 3.7-8 . Game is made for older monitors, so widescreen fixes are a musthave
Game could crash after defeating any race. In this condition you must make save right befroe you destroy last target on race's HQ. Exit to main menu, set LOWEST POSSIBLE resolution and then load your save file. After this you finally can defeat race.

Crashes after defeating Eldars by Necrons. Everytime you are conquering their final location game crashes and it does not makes any saves.
Not reccomended to complete the singleplayer due to a crash after defeating any race

Can be slow to load into a multiplayer match but single palyer works as is and multiplayer works with the tweaks mentioned.
Using Unification Mod the Launch Command Above and Proton Version Changes Were necessary for multiplayer functionality.

Changing "allowhwcursor 1" to 0 in "Dawn of War Soulstorm/Drivers/spdx9_config.txt" to fix mouse flickering.
Changing "allowhwcursor 1" to 0 in "Dawn of War Soulstorm/Drivers/spdx9_config.txt" to fix mouse flickering.
It crashed once someone dropped a nuke or something at me in 8v8 FreeForAll. Otherwise, played about 6 games of 2v2 with a friend against hard bots with no problem
After about 10 minutes we kept getting Sync Error. Fixed by changing Proton manually to Proton 3.7-8 and supposedly, to decrease the chance of crashing while using the said proton verison, use PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 %command% Launch option

Game runs basically flawlessly under proton, modding is easy using the manual guide for unification and it worked out of the box.
Crashes when launching modded skirmish survival occasionally, seems to only occur when using new races

go and follow this guide to get steamtinkerlaunch on soulstorm: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/18hyp5g/how_to_run_dawn_of_war_mod_manager_and_other_mod/
If you are having issues getting steamtinkerlaunch to show up on flatpak, follow this guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/14kegjz/steamtinkerlaunch_doesnt_show_up_in_steams/
I found GE-Proton8-25 to work best out of all the versions of proton I tried

works perfectly
just run it with and recent version of proton

To get dawn of war mod manager to work, and get rid of the horrible fog, see this guide https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/18hyp5g/how_to_run_dawn_of_war_mod_manager_and_other_mod/
I made it, with the help of various comments from here and reddit, so thanks everyone!

Desync Errors 15 minutes into a multiplayer game
Desync errors
Good for Singleplayer, but Multiplayer is pure frustration.

Installed mod manager and Ultimate Apocolypse like normal. Dropped executables in the same folder as game exe. Set WINEPREFIX to path of compatdata (steam/steamapps/compatdata/9450/pfx/) and start executables. Runs as well as a legal-to-vote-aged game can run

The game usually runs fine, as long as you get it to actually start. I just swap through the newest stable Proton, Proton Experimental, and GE and one usually makes it work.
I enabled esync in /etc/security/limits.conf and that fixed the multiplayer for me (unmodded), I will try with the unification mod.
If you want to use the unification mod, just move the four parts into ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Dawn\ of\ War\ Soulstorm/, then copy and paste the following commands
cd ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Dawn\ of\ War\ Soulstorm/
mv Soulstorm.exe Soulstorm.exe.bac
mv Unification-v6.9.0-Full.exe Soulstorm.exe # or whatever version you use
Now run the game once, and install the mod. Then run:
cd ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Dawn\ of\ War\ Soulstorm/
mv DoW_Mod_Manager_v2.3.1.0.exe Soulstorm.exe # Version may change, so look what is there
start the game again The mod manager should start right up, then
cd ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Dawn\ of\ War\ Soulstorm/
mv Soulstorm.exe DowModManager.exe
mv Soulstorm.exe.bac Soulstorm.exe
and now you can enable laa and play with the unification mod on Linux! To start the mod manager again, simply do
cd ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Dawn\ of\ War\ Soulstorm/
mv Soulstorm.exe Soulstorm.exe.bac
mv DowModManager.exe Soulstorm.exe
and once you started it, repeat the 3rd code block There is probably a better way to do this, but you can just put these comnmand into a script and just run that.

One of the best RTS games ever and even better if usng unification or ultimate apocolypse.
Discord voices crackle
Sometimes maps will crash or sync errors. All down to it being old not playing it on linux.
If you mod it I advise installing the mods using bottles,
Multiplayer works for about 10-15 minutes before an Out of Sync error occurs. Previous recommendations of using older Proton versions (3.78, 4.11) fails to connect to servers.
Issues related to multiplayer are just the general issues that would be experienced on a native windows install
Using -forcehighpoly does not work well with some versions of Proton and Proton-GE and I would not recommend since the game already runs slow on occasion on its own.
Ensuring that esync is properly configured on your computer dramatically impacts this game. Without adjusting the limit the game will run in a slower and less stable state often resulting in a crash during longer games. Attempting to use mods without raising the limit is a non starter. Following the esync guide for Lutris is a great way to ensure that your system is functioning correctly and can be found here: https://github.com/lutris/docs/blob/master/HowToEsync.md
To install mods the most consistent and easiest way is to install and launch the base game as you normally would. After closing the game out navigate to the install folder and rename "Soulstorm.exe" to "Soulstorm.exe.bak" or any other name. Next after downloading the mod you wish to install move the exe into your "./Dawn of War Soulstorm" folder and create a copy that is renamed to "Soulstorm.exe" and launch the game as you would normally. This should bring up the installation for the mod and you should then follow the instructions for your specific mod. After installation is finished delete the mod installer called "Soulstorm.exe" and either repeat the process with other mods or create a copy of your "Soulstorm.exe.bak" and rename it "Soulstorm.exe" and launch the game as normal. Copies are suggested to reduce the need to wipe the folder and uninstall/reinstall the game since modding it is highly finicky. Alternatively copying a complete and working modded installation from a windows machine does work. -nomovies for less hearing loss when starting the game and not necessary to run the game.
The game did not launch at all without the WINEPREFIX added in the path. I tried every version of proton from 3.7-8 to 7.20-GE.
WINEPREFIX=$STEAM_LIBRARY/steamapps/compatdata/9450/pfx %command%
The game did not launch at all without the WINEPREFIX added in the path. I tried every version of proton from 3.7-8 to 7.20-GE. Add the WINEPREFIX to the path and then the game runs fine. No other advice on this page helped me - I tried all the things like force large memory stuff.

Multiplayer works fine on Proton 3.7-8.
The performance issues also occur on windows it's just the games fault.
Full campaign playthrough and some more.
Finished online mathes, no issues.
This is a great out-of-the-box experience and, for a 2008 game, Proton makes a great use case for game preservation in this particular case.
Base game runs good with all proton versions before 5.0-10. After version 5.0-10 load time issues and instability increase.
When using the base game it multiplayer functions as intended but with any mods a "game files do not match" error occurs even if the files are
Base multiplayer works well. When playing modded multiplayer the game errors with a "Game files do not match" and multiplayer is unplayable due to this. This has been tested across every proton version at the time of posting with a fresh installation of the game and mods between tests.
Base multiplayer works well. Same error continues to occur on LAN. The error was not replicated across windows devices.
With the game being as old as it is the real draw is the modded verisons of the game at this time. There contiue to be errors with this but the base game functions as intended by the developers with no noticed issues.

Singleplayer works out of the box. Multiplayer will constantly crash without Force Large Address aware.
Large Address Aware required to avoid "Out of Sync" errors in multiplayer.
Worked for years online without issues, then I started getting "Out of Sync" errors on every match.
After following the advice on github to force Proton 3.7-8 and setting the launch command to:
multiplayer is again dead stable, even with 8 players.
There is the occasional slowdown, but nothing more than my Windows friends are experiencing; just a case of 'old game on modern OS' syndrome I suspect.

Solo games work out of the box. Sometimes issues with multiplayer games but the problems were infrequent.
Had problems from time to time with multiplayer where client would go out of sync. Happens about once in ten matches.

Playable for campaigns etc. but terrible out of sync errors in multiplayer
Crashes with out of sync on online multiplayer
21:47:11.79 P2PNetwork::OnChecksumMessage - ignoring corrupt packet
21:47:11.79 GAME -- Sync error detected, frame 4339 (current frame 4340), remote peer (txomon, 1) - (null)
21:47:11.79 NetSendMessage -- peerid:1
21:47:11.79 SIM -- Didn't find SyncErrorlog for frame 4338
21:47:11.79 SIM -- Dumping SyncErrorlog for frame 4339
21:47:11.79 SIM -- Dumping SyncErrorlog for frame 4340
21:47:11.80 P2PNetwork::OnChecksumMessage - ignoring corrupt packet
21:47:12.00 GAME -- Received drop request (1) from peer 00000001, frame 0
21:47:12.00 SIM -- Didn't find SyncErrorlog for frame 4338
21:47:12.00 SIM -- Didn't find SyncErrorlog for frame 4339
21:47:12.00 SIM -- Dumping SyncErrorlog for frame 4341
Only 5.0-10 works well. Other versions (5.13-6, 6.3-6, 6.16-GE-1) have significant performance issues and very long map loading times.

Seems to run vanilla but not with UA recently
Boots fine and seems to run fine on vanilla but with the Ultimate Apocalypse mod I cannot load into a skirmish despite it working before even after a fresh reinstall of the game
Works perfectla fine
Plays solid, with and without mods. Minor mouse weirdness easily overcome.
Mouse gets stuck on portions of the window on startup and if the window is moved. Tabbing out and back in resolves this.
Very nice
Game can ocasionally crash

Run with Proton 5.13-4
Game froze after campaign started. After that i closed the game and restarted it and all went good

Run with Proton 5.13-4
just one time after start the campaign. After close the game and re run all was good
Game will always crash while loading campaign since last week

You might have some fun with it but performance problems with higher unit count might make it disappointing at some point.
- changed resolution setting in game files with an external tool (a text editor)
- installed camera zoom mod because otherwise it's pretty unplayable on my resolution
When game slows down in big skirmishes models also start to disappear (some units disappear completely, some only partially - I think smaller models are more likely to disappear completely)
Black screen when coming back to fullscreen main menu (from another virtual desktop/workspace), switching back and forth in game worked.
Works fine with small numbers of units; frames slow down significantly in big skirmishes down to being just unplayable with 3 second lags (from a click to reaction). Might be related just to network play, haven't tested it in other conditions so far (but I've tested it multiple times on a good connection so I don't think it's a problem with the connection itself).
Works well with Ultimate Apocalypse Mod and Manjaro Linux

Occasional horizontal lines through textures - Only when zoomed out (game is modded).
Game works very well. I have installed Ultimate Apocalypse and some other mods.
To get mod installers to run, copy the .exe's into the root directory of Soulstorm. Rename Soulstorm.exe to Soulstorm.exe.bak.
Next, rename the required installer to Soulstorm.exe (for example, the UA installer) then run the game through steam. This will launch the installer instead for you. Leave it's installation directory alone. Once installed you can delete the installer's executable.
Do this for each installer, renaming them to Soulstorm.exe and running the game through steam until you are done.
Once everything is installed, just rename Soulstorm.exe.bak back to Soulstorm. Remember to use the Game Manager from the main menu to activate your mod.
Various sounds and voices, sometimes not reproduced in the game. To fix it, you should use proton version 4.16 (it failed with 3.16) (Possibly also works with version 5)
flickering mouse cursor. To fix, go to SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Dawn of War Soulstorm/Drivers/spdx9_config.txt and replace allowhwcursor 1 with allowhwcursor 0
Crashes in Campaign mode. To fix, enable the Large Address Aware tweak (set PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 %command% as the game's launch options)