I played at 1600p max settings got between 30 - 48 fps
Works great out of the box, excellent performance as well on my Intel iGPU.
game crashes after tabbing out
Works perfectly fine
Just install and play, no major thinkering here. On last two levels i had little sttutering during few seconds but nothing to worry about.
Sometimes text can be small, but still readable.
Sometimes in last levels there is sudden stutter furing few seconds.
No issues found
Played smooth and the controls are great on controller, keyboard was a bit more of a challenge but Linux wise it might as well be native.
Crashes when you tab out, works very well otherwise.
Crashes when you tab out.
Takes about 30 seconds to launch with no loading indicator.
Text in game is on the small size, but generally readable.

Game initializes, gives network warning, and exits
Game starts via Steam. Game displays graphics with error message: "Failed to initialise Steam API Please ensure you start the game using the steam client"

This should be on the verifed list!!
The text is legible, but can be difficult to read.
The only issue of note would be some of the text being difficult to read in some parts. Otherwise, this game is very much enjoyable on the Steam Deck.
Ohne jegliche Anpassungen, standardmässig Steam Play und Proton 7.0-4 aktiviert
Works perfectly
Ultrawide on 3440x1440 works great with no tweaking
Works right out of the box
So far it works perfect in fullscreen. The game locked up when I attempted to change it from Fullscreen to Borderless windowed
Locked up changing from fullscreen to borderless windowed
Runs perfectly out of the gate
The game launches and runs smoothly and works with a controller input. I used a nintendo switch pro controller plugged in via USB on popOS
Some text is small, however subtitle can be scale up.