Proton EasyAntiCheat Runtime

gamemoderun %command%
The game is enjoyable if u only play singleplayer

Without ProtonGE, I was receiving cheat detection errors and unable to proceed past the title screen. Swapped to ProtonGE and everything works.
Если запускать игру с Proton GE игра не жалуется на анти-чит, все работает нормально, но я все же не использовал бы в этой игре DXVK_ASYNC для избежания блокировки аккаунта.
Чтобы заставить игру компилировать основные шейдеры в самом начале, нужно вписать в Engine.ini в самый конец строчку:
[/Script/Engine.RendererSettings] r.CreateShadersOnLoad=1 niagara.CreateShadersOnLoad=1
Он находится по пути: ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/633230/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/NARUTO/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/
You can join online missions, but it will kick you in 15 secs because of EAC
This game is fine in the offline mode, but in order to do co-op or pvp, it's definitely necessary to have online functionality.
EAC causes the game to disconnect after 15 to 30 seconds of entering a multiplayer mode.
This game has potential to work completely as intended if someone can figure out a workaround for the online portion of EAC, judging by the fact that you can connect to lobbies and I was able to play at least two games without being EAC disconnected, I'm hoping it'll be possible in future.
Getting kicked out of server
After switching to GE Proton I could get through the main menu and completed the first battle when you play as Naruto. Although my old character didn't save I made a new one, got into the main lobby, skipped the dialogue aaaaand got disconnected. Tried to start the training with Kakashi but got disconnected again - probably some issues with EAC.
Every multiplayer match begin normally but after minute or so game kicks player out of room back to lobby (EAC?)
Singleplayer setting works fine along with multiplayer in-game lobby. But as game is practically multiplayer only, this is not much.
When this game was released there was no trick to go even on lobby thanks to EAC. I am not sure but even if server can be reached EAC still hinder connectivity during a match.
easyanticheat prevents to start the game

From the test I did, everything seemed to work, but I didn't test for long, did a few missions, and one match mission, no issues as far as I could tell..
I wouldn't call it tinkering, just by changing the proton version to a newer version..
I don't know if it's a compatibility bug, but the game closed with me in a specific quest twice in coop, but that's all, otherwise it ran very smoothly.
Gets to the main screen, but EAC errors block login and loading the main menu, couldn't even change settings much less play local only.
If EAC for proton/linux ever gets enabled for this game it will probably run very well, but for now don't bother buying it since there's absolutely no garuantee that will ever happen.
Launches perfectly fine, but refuses to login due to easyanticheat.
EAC not activated for proton, so login fails
Le jeu fonctionne parfaitement sauf pour le multijoueur, impossible de rejoindre une partie actuellement.
Aucun problème de connection, on voit les autres joueurs dans le lobby mais impossible de trouver une partie en matchmaking.
gamemoderun %command%
Couldn't use my save files from Windows
I get disconnected from online matches
To fix the issiue, you can reinstall the game, it fixes the problem sometimes
Just Download Protonup flatpak or Manually install Proton GE 7-9
The games runs and open, but missing dx11 only to run still once installed is suppose to run normally not yep tried.
Game is Borked due to anti-cheat, not allowing progress past initial intro.

Game launches, i suspect game would run perfectly fine if it wasn't for EAC
The error is saying failed anticheat, hopefully proton can fix it soon.

Easy Anti-Cheat renders the game completely unplayable despite from what I could see its start menu there was no physical issue.
Valve was supposed to have fixed this for the upcoming release of the Steam Deck!!!

Anticheat breaks compatibility
Seems they had big problems with cheaters and had to introduce an anticheat client, can blame the cheaters for this one.... Anticheat client is fundamentally incompatible with proton.
Can't proceed after "press any button" due to EasyAntiCheat error and unable to log in error
Anti-Cheat blocks to go further on start screen
Can't pass the anticheat screen before the menu pops out.
Was unable to get past Easy anti-cheat check.

Fails Easy Anti-Cheat validation checks. Unplayable.

runs perfectly out of the box.

"runs", but boots you out of matches partway through and sometimes crashes in lobby.

It ran amazingly, no tweaking whatsoever. However multiplayer didn't work. I would search for a game and I would get kicked after ~20 seconds.

Changed from XP to win 7 in wine-tricks and all works great. Performance is silky smooth. Game Tutorial Ran flawlessly, haven't tested Online Multiplayer yet hence gold rating. See ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6eW1C-2A0Q