Works right out of the box
really fun game too
Works perfectly fine
Game 'failed to initialize graphics'
Error: "Failed to initialize graphics. Make sure you have DirectX 11 installed, have up to date drivers for your graphics card and have not disabled 3D acceleration in display settings. InitializeEngineGraphics failed."
Game will work with launch option PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% (Not noticeably slower than with DXVK, but this might just be 'cause little happens at a the start of a game.)
No battery life review. Majority of playtime connected to a wall outlet.
Amazing job of the dev putting out such a high quality and great running game.
Runs flawless without any tinkering.
Amazing job of the dev putting out such a high quality solid running game.
Works great without tinkering, nothing should stop you from playing this game right away.
As of now this game particular has issues syncing to steam cloud. It will fail to upload the save file right after closing the game. This can be worked around by waiting >10 minutes and retrying sync.
After 3h session some framedrops. They were minor and didn't impair gameplay in my opinion.
Game supports ful in-game key-rebinding <3
Works just like it would on Windows.
The only reason this game isn't Platinum is because of the older reports, you can try it out with no fear.
Game runs perfectly fine.

Proton-6.10-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Game would not run without using latest GE Proton, which made it run flawlessly
Perfectly out of box

Very smooth without issues
I just installed and started playing without any issues.
Initially there is a pop up window which displays an error about not having selected a default application for some file type, but I just ignored it, closed it and it worked just fine afterwards.