If you have a fairly old system, then you will hardly be able to play this well (without various errors and lags)
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
I set the game launch parameters in steam (which are written above), and then launched the game via bash with this command: MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE=i965 steam steam://rungameid/632470 The problem is that some of the shaders are not loaded, so objects are not highlighted when pressing TAB or the right mouse button In the SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/632470/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/LocalLow/ZAUM Studio/Disco Elysium/Settings/Settings.json file, I tried to edit the highlightToggle parameter (change false to true), but after each restart the setting is reset (nothing changed)
Objects are not highlighted when pressing TAB or right mouse button
The launch is incredibly long
In the settings you can enable detective mode, which will generally fix the error
Proton Experimental

collage mode is lagging
No issues at all

lowered fps to 60
character was sitting in a previous game, started a new game and he was in the same position

anti-aliasing is not perfect but not bad at all
Game shows as running but no display on Hyprland
MANGOHUD=1 game-performance %command%

gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Occasionally, the game will suddenly start having severe frame pacing issues, most commonly from walking around near Measurehead's area. Fix method is just to reboot the game.
Played through the game 4 times now, had roughly the same experience regarding performance each time.

i tried proton 9.0-4 , 7.0-6 , experimental ,proton hotfix, and proton-ge-custom but the game doesn't lunch
i also tried steam tinker lunch with proton version to experimental

Just installed and played.

The game launches, displays loading screen with some background art, then another loading screen that's black with some text
it just hangs on the second loading screen
Worked perfectly out of the box
Just works on my system
Roda como se fosse nativo.
Runs perfectly. No complaints here.

PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
First launch might takes a heck long time (several minutes to launch)
You will probably need to run the game with launch options because without launch options game will return "Failed to set resolution" error

Very minor crackling sometimes when tabbing in and out of the game.

Flawless out the box

PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%
Random freezes throughout gameplay
Run the game as-is freezes on the 1st loading screen. 'PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command%' makes it go the the 2nd loading screen, then hangs.
PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command%
distro elysium

Set the refresh rate to 50hz
The game suffers from a well known Unity issue: although you can reach 60fps pretty easily, the camera and animations will update at 50fps, so the frameraye always looks (and even reads) as choppy. You can actually crank up most settings if you lock the Steam Deck's refresh rate to 50, and you'll get a very stable experience.

Set the refresh rate of the screen to 50hz
The game is built on Unity and has a known framerate issue tied to the engine. Camera movement and in game animations/physics run at 50fps, even though the game can reach higher framerates. No matter the settings, the game will appear has having stutters and frame spikes unless you set the screen refresh rate to a multiple of 50. Fortunately you can reach 50fps easily on Steam Deck even with high settings. You can limit the TDP to 12 to preserve battery life.

Added quicksave to back grip buttons
TDP limit to 12
Increase font size may help

runs out of the box
no issues running the game

works out of the box installing directly from Steam, no custom action required

This was very straight forward and it worked as if it were a native game
It worked like a charm out of the box, no thinkering needed.

It's a great game! I think there's some drama with the original developers not getting proceeds from the publishers now, so keep that in mind if you're buying the game new. You might wanna google that.
Changed max refresh rate of Steam Deck to 60Hz


Initially installed but failed to load. Stuck on 99% on vulcan shaders at first attempt, followed by silent fails. I then thought I'd play a different game (Influxis) which did the loading Vulcan shader thing and then installed something. So I thought I'd give installing this another go, and it now runs fine. So it doesn't install required components itself.
I don't know if "gamemoderun" is required, I tried it with every option listed in this thread before.