Rodou perfeito desde o início, a mudança para a versão 7.0-6 do Proton é devido a minha placa de vídeo e não do jogo.
I've completed this game using Proton 9.0-2 without issues
TDP 6w
GOG version using ProtonGE through Heroic Games Launcher works out of the box
Without Proton Experimental, the game has graphical glitches
(GOG version) Works well
Played GOG version with Proton 7.0-1.
A Worthy Video Game
Resolution: 4k FPS: 60 Vsync In Game Menu: Yes Notes: Alt+Tab out , then back in to play; also, if the in game resolution doesn't match your monitor or system resolution, then the game randomly freezes, and crashes.
Runs perfectly fine out of the box
use PROTON_USE_D9VK=1 %command% to fix
Initially had graphical glitches. Replaced DXVK with D9VK (current version 0.13) and this fixed the graphical issue. Only other issue I found was a sound distortion/corruption when draining the water in underground sewer area. Other than that game seemed to play fine with a steady 60fps.
Graphical glitches (black triangles)
Reasons unknown