Very frustrating with the consistancy of crashes and reattempts to start a race.
Werid ghosting on the track at some points and extreme motion blur in the top left quater of the screen.
Reaching the 2nd tier of the career mode the game is arbitrarily crashing VERY frequently for seemingly no reason after passing the loading screen trying to start a race.
Runs as expected with Proton Experimental. Can change to my monitor's native resolution, but unable to change from 60hz to 120hz or 165hz
Text appears lower resolution however is perfectly readable.
Controller mapping via Steam Input works correctly but the in-game controller mapping did not bind my controller inputs.
Jogo abre e trava, ainda na seleção de idioma. Necessário forçar o fechamento.
Não funciona mais. Tentado várias versões do Proton e Proton GE, todas com os mesmos sintomas.
Ao iniciar, aparece a barra inicial com a logo do jogo, em seguida uma tela preta e depois de muitos segundos, a seleção de idioma. Trava neste ponto. Foi necessário fechar forçadamente, matando o processo. Já funcionou no passado, mas agora está quebrado.
Works basically just good as on Windows
Motion blur seems to be way stronger than it should be, it can be just turned off
Even better considering the fact that VSync actually works and I could play in 144 fps unlike on windows, where setting 144 fps usually crashes the game and resets your graphics config
Perfect without changing any setttings, valve recommended proton is 8.0-4.
Runs perfect.
There was an interesting visual glitch that when there was a dust cloud right in front of the car, there were people silhouettes on the screen.
I did not try multiplayer and only tried the start of the game but it is working flawlessly so far.
Works like a dream with better performance than I would have expected on Windows.
Works out-of-the-box, without any customizations. I`ve played with logitech f510, pretty well.
Works out of the box
Works very well. With custom assignment even my G29 works without issues.
Connection to "EA Nation" was not possible. I assume servers aren't anymore up anymore.
Works with proton 4.11-13
With proton 5.0 this game runs very well after adding command to SET LAUNCH OPTION... : PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command%
Works fine.
Very minor graphical artifacts. Runs well
- Some t-posing sprites and artifacts appear in wheel smoke if present in front of you while driving.
- Nearby car lights visible through hills, other cars and other obstructions. Isn't distracting and the game is 100% playable.
5.8-GE-1-MF GloriousEggroll
Proton 5.8-GE-1-MF
This dont start with a Proton 5 version, i try with 4-11-17 and runs perfectly
I expected more FPS but it's still playble (60+ FPS).
Everything seems to be working as far as I can tell. I didn't notice any problems.
I have no issue's with this game, Posted a steamcommunity video at
With Proton version 4.11-5 it worked perfectly
Runs perfectly out of the box. Played with xbox one controller without issues.
I have no issue's with this game, Posted a steamcommunity video at
Played through half of career mode so far. Everything just works, even gamepad support (for my xbone controller)
Single player runs flawlessly out of the box without any tweaks. Played with xbox360 controller without issues.
Not tested multiplayer
Crashes to desktop after the track safety warning. Language select is fine, sound is fine, no video on dev/publisher title cards. Esync/Wine D3D11 and disable D3D11 tweaks don't fix it.
Runs flawlessly
Alt+Tab or bring another application to focus will cause the game to lock up.