Só notei uma problema que ocorreu uma vez, após uns 30 min de gameplay, ao abrir o jogo de novo, ele fechava, bastou eu apagar a pasta de cache do jogo (1720090) dentro de compatdata e pronto, o jogo voltou a abrir novamente.

I've completed the game with Proton 7.0-5 without major issues. Solid frame rate at 1080p.
When I reached the Architect area, the game would hang randomly. I tried 3 times before I was able to pass this area (It might be a game issue, not Proton's. Perhaps something related to the monitor refresh rate or number of CPU cores. In my case 144hz/16 cores)
Works perfectly fine
Finished game without issues
Changing between fullscreen and window mode in game settings sometimes would cause game to stop responding (gaming mode).
Occasional fps drops in small parts of the game.
Game defaults to 1920x1080 resolution. This needs to be changed in the game settings or black bars will show up during cutscenes in incorrect places. Did not have any other problems throughout the game besides slight fps drops to 30-40 in some areas. Also, I had roughly 3 hours of game time, but offline mode caused the hours to not update.