text is small
need physx winetrick. completed single story.

"Updating executable" then the execution stops
Tried every workaround on this page, none of them worked.
gamemoderun %command%
Switch to Windowed Fullscreen in Game Options

Unable to launch the game
Steam says "Updating executable" for a short while and then exits

El juego ni inicia, ni siquiera llega a abrir una ventana del juego, sólo dice actualizando ejecutable y se cierra.

Download and Play
Multiplayer works but there are only a few people playing
The game is working perfectly.
WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY=16:0-7,16-23 DXVK_HUD=compiler mangohud %command% -nostartupmovies

When starting the game for the first time the resolution is set to 4:3; when switching to and back from an external monitor, moreover, you'll have to manually readjust this setting
The game does not display the correct button names (or icons), but shows some placeholder names that make it difficult to understand how to do some tasks; when piloting the helicopter, moreover, the controller mappings shown in the settings do not match the one effectively loaded
The game froze when the battery of the Dualshock connected via Bluetooth ran out
Played the whole single player campaign on the Steam Deck (tested both in docked and detached mode). Overall it was a good experience with just some minor inconveniencs with the resolution and the controls' setting and labelling.

gamemoderun MANGOHUD=1 %command%
Starts up and runs perfectly. Dualsense controller works partially. Using Wayland

Played Campaign in Full. Flawless.
Proton 8.0-2
Runs great out of the box
gamemoderun %command%
Il gioco si avvia soltanto per l'intro, poi resta schermo nero
Works great
Multiplayer is mostly dead but still works. Joined a server with 2 others lol

No one playing multiplayer
Few shuttering, mostly happened on early chapter of campaign (single player story).
Very quiet

Worked fine after disabling "FPS Smoothing"
Sporadic stuttering during gameplay. Was fixed by disabling "FPS Smoothing" under system settings in game.

Controller(s) were not labeled properly.
Popping and smaller FPS drops. Nothing really important. It seems is related with the game itself.
Nobody there to play online.
Played the campaign from the beginning to end with Proton7.0-4. The game works well with minor issues.
It's really annoying the fact that the controller isn't properly labeled showing generic labels as button 11, button 3, etc. because some actions need quick response, making difficult to follow the instructions on the screen (prepare yourself to die because you press the wrong button. FYI: button 3 is [X] and button 1 is [A] on your Steam Deck gamepad).
Game supports controller, but some binds are double binded; also doesn't show button names, just has generic naming (Button 1, Button 2, etc,.)
Weird either glitch or issue where the game would randomly drop frames (ie not during busy/graphically intense scenes or transitions to new environment)
Was able to join an empty ~150ms pinged server with no issues; game seemed to hold 60 FPS even when crashing vehicle and blowing up environment
Not supported

Blurry text
In game options set the aspect ratio to 6:9
No funciona en resolucion 1366x768
Nobody plays this game's multiplayer anymore, but was able to join an empty server.
Working perfectly out of the box now
Valve really nailed it with the latest Proton release, no more silly DRM-related issues, like this game not opening up at all. Even my Xbox One gamepad's working with rumble support, if you're into that stuff.
Finished campaign with no issues
Also tried a multiplayer match which, though there was only one other player, worked great
Singleplayer and Multiplayer both work fine after Steam fixed the CEG DRM and Proton issue not too long back.
Game runs just like it did on Windows.

The screen turns black after the intro
First of all the game didn't understand that I want to play at a resolution of 1920 x 1080. The mouse was acting weird, the sound was distorted, I needed to disable DirectX11 which solves most of those problems. But after playing the intro the screen turns black.
Works as expected without the need of any cracked exe with latest proton
Played both online and locally with friends. Everything seems to work as native
Installs, Runs, Plays intro video then black screen.
Work fine out of the box.
Multiplayer: I could connect to servers but id not play.
Runs great with Proton-Experimental

Game runs out of the box with the current version of Proton Experimental. Not a good game tho'.
Mouse sensitivity is super weird

The game is working perfectly with the Proton Experimental and Steam client update on 11/20.
The steam client update fixes the drm issue.
