Works out of the box
Игра пройдена и глюков не было, fps держался около 60, но иногда (по ночам чаще всего) падал до 7. Это портило впечатления от игры, с оптимизацией в ней совсем хреновенько.
If you can tweak the controls, then you'll have a good experience playing through the game.
Game runs good on default settings without tweaking, however the default controls do not really work. Choose WASD keyboard and mouse, then tweak the buttons to your liking, it is possible to map pretty much all required controls to the decks controls.
Game plays at a mostly stable 30fps and without crashing in my play time.
Mapped hotbar to left track pad. Mapped additional controls to back grip buttons and tweaked face buttons. Also reduced mouse speed to 50%.
If Steam tweaked the default control scheme, the game could be marked as playable.
Tha game runs without issue, but the default controller layout isn't working well in this game
Added mapping for flashlight to L4
40 FPS, 40 Hz
Works right from install on SteamDeck
Finished game without issues
mangohud MANGOHUD_CONFIG=cpu_temp,gpu_temp,position=top-left,ram,vram,font_scale=0.8,toggle_hud=F9,alpha=0.7,arch %command%

Update to my previous report: Works great after a reboot
Initially my controls were completely hosed but after a reboot of Linux it worked fine. Definitely has some control lag, just enough to make me sick, but the game otherwise was flawless.

Controls didn't work at all.
Mouse didn't work at all, the pointer was visible on the center of the screen the entire time. Keyboard controls didn't work, couldn't walk forwards with W, and letting off all keys would automatically walk backwards.

Long startup for the sake of crash
At first, the game seems to be trying to start, and the music in the background starts to stop and continue, then the game stops, and the Steam screen shows "Play"

6.15-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
but it can be used in borderless window mode and works great
The game is made in Unreal, from my experience with other games with the same engine, it is better to use the Proton GE version, I clarify that I did not test it with the Proton version by default.
Good game but much more enjoyable in cooperative mode with friends.
OOTB no issues.
Works well.
Works out of the box
Works just fine out of the box

Crashes with the Proton 4.11-2. Also occasional crash to desktop when playing co-op that other Windows users didn't seem to experience.

The game open and goes to the menu but it stops when I click on Play

Everything works as expected...

Shutter at start and after some time perhaps till all is loaded then works perfect. Controller fully supported

nothing was tweaked, Performance is not so great comparing the Epic settings with Windows