I tried both default version of Proton (Hotfix) and some others (Experimental, 9.0-4), it just doesn't launch
Unable to play on Kubuntu

work perfectly out of the box
sometimes it does not start in fullscreen mode and I need to use alt+tab

Game plays without issue
Game randomly swapped from fullscreen or windowed fullscreen to windowed and the cursor escaped a few times.
See fullscreen issue. Mouse escaped a couple times
I've completed the game without issues using Proton 9.0-4

Works flawlessly

text can be a bit small to read in the game
works great from the start
Small artefacts around subtitles while playing, not during cutscenes.
Probably the same as on Windows if not better because I didn't had a single f*cking system update interputing my game :)
Completed without issues
Had no issues, runs flawlessly

The game freezes quite frequently, randomly.
The game freezes and it is frustrating to progress.

Performance is much better than its sequel

Graphic menu systematically freeze the whole system if you go into and try to manually select the option, very odd and uncommon for Unreal engine games. Use the preset settings to avoid this. Recommended preset for the ARC380 is Medium with 90% of downscaling (1080p/1200p).
Played from start to finish on maximum settings 2560x1440 without issues anywhere other than the usual game bugs which are part of the game.

Works awesome out the box, but would suggest lowering settings for battery life, 40FPS cap looks and works great.
Lowered settings for battery life vs quality
Ingame Vsync - Off / Chromatic - Low / Draw Distance - High / Shadow Maps - High / Volumetrics - Med / Ambient Occlusion - Med / DOF - High / Contact Shadows - High / Light shafts - High / SSAO - Med / AA - Ultra / Textures - High
The above seems to work great for visuals vs battery life. Drop draw distance, light shafts, shadows to medium and SSR to off if wanting more battery life. I lowered the resolution to 1152x720 with FSR to get a sharper image, but that's optional!
It freezes more often than what would be acceptable, in my opinion, but still it's playable

Turn the graphics down and lock your refresh rate to 40 unless you want the deck to become a space heater. The engine doesnt seem to be optimised for lower powered devices. This game tends to eat battery life like its nothing so I'd recommend you play plugged in.
Works great with a native Proton and without issues
Works well

Runs out of the box
Runs great and without issues

I have this game on the Epic Store, and I used the Heroic Games Launcher with Proton GE8-25, and it works perfectly without any configurations.

There were very rare (maybe once in an hour) traversal stutters, but that could just be an engine issue.

Ran perfectly!

At the beginning of chapter 7 or 8 I had one problem with a cracking sound. Adding PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 %command% or restarting Steam fixed the issue.

The game runs on Proton version 3.7-8.

Works without issues.
window mode, lower resolution and activate fsr2, it can run 60fps with this setting but rpn will hit 6k. so i capped it with 45fps. i had no trouble playing with this settings. awesome from start to finish.

The game on this configuration feels the same as on windows. There is a slight difference on the graph. But the graphics and gameplay will b
I launched the Epic games store version via the Heroic Games Launcher. I think Steam players won't have any problems at all

For all the time passing a couple of times the game crushes. But at a stable 30 fps it was comfortable to play
MANGO_CONFIG=fps_limit=30,no_display mangohud gamemoderun %command%
sometimes game crushes