O jogo funciona perfeitamente.

Just works

If you find someone to play with (the multiplayer mode is nearly dead), it is flawless

It just works, no issues whatsoever. Proton 9.0-1.

Did not notice any issues, good performance with some occasional lag spikes but apart from that, everything was fine.
WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY=16:0-7,16-23 DXVK_HUD=compiler mangohud %command%
shader cache compiling runs in game. So in first few minutes it runs with low fps but later runs flawlessly
WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY=16:0-7,16-23 DXVK_HUD=compiler mangohud %command%
Ran Without Issue
40Hz/40 FPS lock

gamemoderun mangohud %command%
If you like Hollywood movies about the Romans / Greek, then you'll love this game. Its a great little linear hack and slash.

Even though not extremely significant, there are slight fps drops here and there
The game crashed a couple of times
An awesome roman age hack and slash game, one of a kind literally as i don't know any other game like this, plays perfectly on the deck
40hz/40fps combination for improved battery life 3 hours max, around 2 hours on 60hz/60 fps, all graphic settings on normal, motion blur off, anisotropic filtering 4x for stable 60 fps with minimal framedrops. Late in the game, on the 5th or 6th level the fps started to drop constantly to 35-40 so i lowered object detail and shadows quality to low, no visible graphical difference but fixed the framerate issue for the remaining levels
no connection problems or framedrops
Using Cryobyte33's Cryo utilities 2.0 with recommended settings, this game runs perfectly with default settings and no lag so far.
Runs pretty much OOTB with no issues whatsoever the default Proton.
Really cool game. It works out of the box on proton 7.0-5 and works with 1080p with all the graphics to maximum and zero FPS issues.
I would call this a Platinum game from my experiance.
gamemoderun %command%
Sudden spikes in fps and lags
Crashes after the first kill. At the same time on different versions of the proton. And in addition to the fact that the game shuts down and also Steam
Ran perfectly, 60fps on max settings.
Runs smoothly out of the box. Just as expected.
Subtitles were pixelated and difficult to read
Beautiful looking game that works out of the box and running at mostly 60 FPS on low preset that showcase the Steam Deck
Some level streaming may cause slight hitches, but quite rare.
Flawless on Linux with controller support.
Great gore lol, it works out of the box.
Played from start to finish in story mode without any problem.
Played one game online and no issues
No issues to report on story mode. Just gorgeous graphics on my new pc and fun time from start to finish. I have tried in online mode and it went very smootly.
Managed a full playthrough streched across multiple sessions with no issues, utilizing the decks hibernation feature.
Some text in menu at the bottom
After first loading only some, 2 or 3 mini stuttering, but after that it was ok.
Worked fine, right out of the box, no tweaks
Works perfectly fine
Literally the only issue is that the game assumes you know the xbox facebutton colorcoding which isn't physically represented on the Deck. Other than that it works absolutely flawless.
No major issues, just enjoy install and enjoy the game
Rarely, but sometimes, there are quick performance drops
gamemoderun %command%
Works out of the box, with native resolution and full controller support. The game runs mostly at 60fps on "Low" graphics presets, with temporary dips in heavy scenes.
Game installed, played and perform perfeclty, expect for some minor craclking in the audio at some points
I mostly have to click start a couple of times before the Game actually launches.

7.0rc6-ge-1 GloriousEggroll
Finished campaign with no issues

Work completely fine, no issues at all
The audio issues from my previous review were due to my setup, not the game itself. Now after playing the game 7 hours online and offline with an Xbox One controller, I can't find anything to complain about.

Runs out of the box smoothly and only minor audio issues.
Sometime audio would turn off for some seconds in the cut scenes and during gameplay.