gamemoderun %command%
RTX Enabled but set to low Screen % would create a fuzzy texture on everything
Played with mangohud for the first few levels without RTX and it felt off. Once i turned mangohud off and just left gamemoderun on all lag went away
Due to my issues with mangohud i would recommend not using it when playing the game outside of testing.

Works out of the box.

pretty sure default proton is 8, runs so good.
mostly played trough gamescope
Perfect OTB.

No issues, runs great. Some menus still list PC keybinds, but easily figured out given the game has simple controls.

Game runs like a dream. Be sure to use the command line options to enable Raytracing and DLSS mode in DX12 for Nvidia users.

Runs perfectly even when raytracing at high.

RTX features on Linux with nVidia requires launch options but runs out of the box (without RTX) as well.
But all RTX features look terrible so I turned them off anyway.
Video footage: https://youtu.be/zZapMpOhWMI
VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr11,pipeline_library_app_cache PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 gamescope -H 1440 -r 165 -f -- %command%
Ningún problema.
gamemoderun %command%
Game is very fun on linux and runs buttery smooth
Plays perfectly fine out of the box

Plays great.
Both renderers work great. DX12 seems to have slightly better performance. Raytracing features didn't work for me with this GPU/driver combination.
Enabled gyro and mapped D-Pad to arrow keys to navigate menus
Lowered graphics settings
Crashed almost every time I played it
Ran fine, I did play around with setting to try and get ray tracing working. Honestly the lighting is so good I don't know if I had it on...
gamemoderun %command%
Runs well out of the box in 5h 1 crash
I use Proton Experimental by default, I switch to the latest stable version to not have a black screen, the game works and looks very nice!
Changed OS, tried Ray Tracing and it works
a 'squeaky' noise comes through my speaker
I couldn't try RT on Zorin, don't know why, however, in Fedora it worked out of the box. Both are great experiences, RT isn't worth the performance hit imo...
started with proton experimental, which is by default on, but newer versions don't seem to work for me, some don't even launch
Runs perfectly with steam proton
Amid evil works essentially out of the box using the recommended steam proton tools. I did not have to tinker at all to hit high frame rates with RTX enabled and the settings maxxed out.

The splash screen appears when starting, but I get a dialog with Fatal Error and the game closes.
I tried different proton versions including Experimental, 7.0-3, and 6.3-8 but they all have the same issue.
PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr %command% -dx12
I tried with both no ray tracing and full ray tracing. There was still slowdown and stutter from time to time, and not much more in RT mode. DLSS at max quality also didn't improve performance much over native, so the stutter seems to be somewhat inherent, regardless of horse power. It's running at 4K though, and it has some rather big arenas with lots of particle effects being thrown around, so some slowdown is probably normal, haven't tried it on windows though.
The extra tinkering is just the startup command, it allows for DLSS and raytracing if your card supports it. Not a needed step.
game runs great. no issues with the first 2 episodes.
The inability to assign controls to side mouse buttons. Unsure if this is a game issue or Proton issue. I remember being able to use those buttons on an earlier version on Windows though.
Crashes constantly on 6.3-8, 7.0-1 and Proton Experimental.

PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr %command% -dx12
Game runs and even RT works, just can't get it to offer me DLSS under any circumstances
textures whole rooms and lighting just straight up missing
the Game would just chug at random
Click play, preparing to launch dialog box opens up and then closes and poof nothing happens
Granted I haven't finished the game (yet), it runs pretty much the same as on Windows.
I must also add that I didn't try Ray Tracing. Other than tat the game runs really smoothly.

As with all non-native games, run this off of a drive using the ext4 file system.

Worked out of the box for me, but I switched to 6.3-8 (to lock down the version).
I didn't try the RTX.

Black screen after Newblood logo
Trying to get both RT and DLSS working together results in a black screen along with X11 freezing for about 10 seconds before I can switch to another windows and quit out of the game. Using commend line options PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 PROTON_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU=0 VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr %command% -dx12 on Proton Experimental adn Proton GE 6.21.2
works fine

Game works outta the box with DXVK in DX11 mode. DX12 with DLSS works too with proper tweaks.
Proton-6.21-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Game works and runs flawlessly on DX11 mode with DXVK with no modifications or flags necessary.
DX12 mode works with the proper flags
PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr %command% -dx12
didn't try DX12