Worked out of the box
Just installed and played on Steam. All default settings. No issues.
Просто работает
Works flawlessly out of the box.
Perfect experience out of the box
Flawless experience out of the box

The interface is build for keyboard and mouse only. The UI is challenging to navigate and the game is nearly unplayable without a mouse.
Would recommend on any Linux PC, but as gamepad support is non existent, I would not recommend playing it on the Steam deck.

Only change was dxvk 1.10.3 (for 1030 gpu), all the rest default. No proton verions worked to get game to go past the loading screen.
1030 video card required dxvk 1.10.3, set options in lutris. Also tried other ways, but none worked, game either does not open or freezes on loading screen. Re: Proton, no version, including GE worked for me.
Game probably simply won't run on 1030 gpu.

It just works, great voice actors.
Just Works. No Tinkering
gamemoderun %command%
No issues launching and playing the game.
Works perfectly without any tinkering
Had issue using with native Proton 7, but with GE Proton7-26 worked fine !
El juego no se abre.
The previously video issue doesn't exist any more
Works out of the box
Works out of the box
Just simply pressed play and played a session with no issues.
Other then the typical expected lag with generating vulkan shaders, which went away quickly. Game runs as if it was on Windows. Steam Cloud seems to work fine and I was able to get back to my savegame.
Bar the loading bug, game runs perfectly without tweaks
When loading into a game, the game shows you some health tips etc. - the video that plays alongside it is warped and doesn't display correctly / however this does not affect gameplay as all glitches end once loaded in.
Runs well, no graphical issues. Can be slow to find or download a map, but that's also true when running on Windows.
Tabbing out of the game will release the mouse, but will continue to capture its movements even when the window doesn't have focus.
Media/Videos/Animations played during load screen are distorted.
FPS somewhat low, but still playable
Buildings took an extremely long time (5+ seconds) to render when zoomed in, and ocasionally would do weird things
FPS averaging 15 or less (still playable though)
Animations next to the tipps are bugged
Works fine, some graphical issues in loading screens
Videos in loading screens don't work
Did not notice any issues during one work shift
Works great
loading screen video aren't load correctly
Except for the videos in loading screens, it works perfect.
It just works and that's what matters.
Some screens in the start menu display the multicolor no signal that you would seen on the TV. It doesn't affect gameplay or anything else.
In settings when changing controls they are not displayed correctly.
Would sometimes crash when downloading the map
I noticed that when starting a free game or a scenario, the map would be downloaded and it would get stuck and then either crash or just load infinitely. To bypass this you have to start the game you want and when it crashes/freezes just load it again and again until it loads completely. so basically just brute force it.
When having a lot of districs, the game would very. VERY rarely stutter for a second.

Infinite Loading...
The game launches but stays stuck at an infinite Loading Screen.
During the loading screens, safety tip videos are garbled. Gameplay isn't affected.
Worksperfectly fine outof the box

Proton-5.8-GE-2-MF GloriousEggroll
The video next to the tips when loading a game is all jumbled.
Loading screen hangs
Unable to reach main menu. Can hear intro music.
Loading screen tips seem to be off by 1 pixel for every row of pixels, leading to the loading screen tips being discolored and slewed. Otherwise game runs fine. You do have to use glorious eggroll to get the game to run in first place though.

stuck at loading screen, background music playing
Appeared only in a little window in the loading screen