Works very well, audio and inputs line up without any configuration outside of the in game settings.
Amazing game. Audio needed to be set to ~5ms latency with my IEMs, and then the gameplay was flawless. I'm just about able to get ~80 fps with my card at 1440p all low. Frametimes are also very consistent.
Runs great on 9.04 without tweaks. Don't forget to callibrate the game for latency :)

Works great
Input latency is just ever so slightly inconsistent
Works perfectly without any problems.

Tried playing it on borealis, but it wont go past the gear select menu. Crashed both in the menu after a while and when loading a level. Tried both default and experimental proton versions.
gamemoderun %command%
gamemoderun %command%

gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Significant FPS drops on hardware that should have none on max settings. I legit would go anywhere from 38-100 FPS at all times, and it rarely stayed high. The menus were 100% fine, as well as the way when I was looking in certain directions. But 99% of the game is unplayable at this framerate.
Maybe it's my newer hardware, but I've tried every possible tinker through the launch options, several different newer and older proton versions, nothing helped. The game consistently would use under 50% of my GPU and 20% of my CPU, it would jump down and up at random causing insane frame drops and frametime issues.

I haven't noticed any problems, it works smoothly.
runs perfectly out of box with default settings. no tinkering or launch options needed

No Metalhead Massacre For Me
7.0-6 resulted in failure to launch. 8.0-5 resulted in at least attempting to load. I got a seizure warning screen and some music, then it crashed. Adding "gamemoderun %command%" for either version was not effective.
gamemoderun %command%

Settings for a consistent 60 fps (tested with OLED Steam Deck):
Steam Deck Performance Settings:
- Frame Limit: 60 fps
- Scaling Filter: FSR
- FSR Sharpness: 5
Game Settings:
- VSync: Off (IMPORTANT!! Otherwise you are locked to 40 fps)
- FPS Cap: 60
- Overall Graphics Quality: Medium (leave all settings medium except below)
- Texture Resolution: High
- Shadow Quality: Low
- SSAO: Off
- Resolution:
- 800 x 500 is 60 fps 99.9% of the time w/ rare but brief drops to mid 50s.
- 928 x 580 is 60 fps 99% of the time w/ rare drops to the mid 50s
- 960 x 600 is 60 fps a majority of the time but will drop to mid 50's more often.
Text can get difficult to read especially at lower resolutions
Runs perfectly out of the box.

Had to install: Visual Studio C++ Redistributable (https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe) and DirectX June 2010 Redistributable (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109).
First time the game launched it was only black screen. After installing Visual Studio C++ Redistributable and DirectX June 2010 Redistributable with protontricks tha game launches and runs great.
Spiel installiert und gespielt, bisher ohne Probleme.

Game used to work flawlessly but I booted it up 2 months after not touching at all, and it change to not being able to get to the menu.
I've seen others with this issue (1 report on protondb), but that's kind of sad that it just doesn't work anymore out of nowhere.
Other proton compatibilities did not help me.
Works perfectly fine
Very solid experience!
nvidia-offload %command%
Works perfectly, even on ultrawide resolutions.
Worked fine natively
Finished the game, no issues occured.
Graphics Settings
- Display: Fullscreen
- VSync: On
- Field of View: 85
- Antialiasing: SMAA Low
- Texture Resolution: Medium
- Shadow Quality: Low
- SSAO Quality: Low
- Model Detail: Medium
- World Detail: Medium
- Motion Blur: Off
- 1152x720 @ 60hz
Text is a little small.
This was a lot of fun, playing through a couple of levels and I noticed I didn't really go below 40fps even when things were getting a bit hairy. I was however only playing on "GOAT" difficulty (Medium I guess?) as I'm not that good at aiming with a controller.
The sound is awesome, you can really get in to this game especially on deck. Looks great, runs pretty well just text can be a bit hard to read as it's a bit small.
All in all, decent experience.
Text can be a bit small to read.
Didn't really have to do any tinkering, just dropped the refresh rate to 40hz and allowed vertical sync to match.
Ran pretty much flawlessly for me.
This should not require any tweaking or tinkering, just install with the suggested proton version and have fun. Two small remarks:
- There were one or two scenes where there were a lot of enemies on screen where I experiences a somewhat unexpected framerate dip. Otherwise ran very well at max settings on 3440x1440.
- Some people complained in other reports that they noticed audio sync issues. I did not experience this, but the game's setting has a built-in tool that allows you to sync any potentional delays in audio and input. Make sure to check that out in the settings if you have issues.
Text is a bit on the small size
This is a rhythm game, I ran calibration as recommended due to using Bluetooth headphones (AirPods), but found it was still not registering me being in time to the music very well. Works perfectly through speakers.
\m/ \m/
it runs well
found no issues that impacted my overall experience, at launch there were some performance issues but i havent seen any these past few weeks
If it were any other games, the audio glitching would be annoying, but OK. In a game where the music plays a big role, this is unplayable.

Can run at 55-60 FPS with all settings to low or at a stable 40 FPS with medium to high settings. Pick your poison.
No issues getting this to run out of the box.
Fantastic performance
This game is as simple as hitting install and pressing play. It works just as well as Windows, or perhaps even better.
gamemoderun DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
Without the commands the game is a bit laggy in some areas. Playable but not very smooth.
Great game and despite it's made in Unity3D it works really well.
Runs flawlessly
Just click play and enjoy...