The game immediately crashes when the main menu loads.
gamemoderun %command%
Game runs perfectly on the Steam Deck. Not a single issue found on my entire playthrough

Works out of the box.
Played the whole game's campaign with a friend online.
funciona con proton 6.3.8

When having a second monitor (with a different resolution) enabled, the game was lagging.
Worked absolutely flawless with great controller support (using PS4 controller) out of the box.
Works out of the box, with full controller support and runs at 60 fps on high graphics presets. Lowering the graphics to medium seem to raise battery life by a small amount with little to no visual degradation.
When the camera is fully zoomed out (automatic, changes on a per-scene basis), game elements become a bit small for the Steam Deck's screen.
Finished game without issues
Now it works good
Played with Proton 6.3-8
Finished the game without any issue. Works out of the box
Full play-through with a DS3 controller
After installing DLL manually it worked https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/4006, also needed to set WINEARCH to win64 by WINEPREFIX command
Game runs fine even in 4K resolution
Use "protontricks 289690 d3dcompiler_47" to fix "Failed to initialize Direct3D with current settings" error
protontricks 289690 d3dcompiler_47
Got an error "Failed to initialize Direct3D with current settings" when launching the game. To fix the error, I ran the "protontricks 289690 d3dcompiler_47" in the console. I did not use "PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1" workaround. Found a solution here, last post: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/4006
Low res, lags
Proton 5.0-10, Mint
Aparece un cartel de "error direct3d"
The game works perfectly out of the box

Won't start
Gets blank screen windowed or in full screen mode. Systems freezes and hangs completely. Tried Proton 5.0, 5.13 and Experimental.
Works perfectly fine out of the box.
Not worked
Works out of the box

Play it fullscreen.
The game will crash on windowed
The controller or mouse would not work in windowed once in a while.
Some stuttering in the beginning and in new areas, I guess loading textures

works fine
enabling exclusive fullscreen in the options solved the issue

It works! I upgraded to Ubuntu 20.04 and now it works!
This game was not working for me on Ubuntu 19.10. But works out of the box on Ubuntu 20.04.

Launcher starts, game is not. Black screen showes for a second and returns to desktop.
Run with Proton 5.0-7 and Proton 4.11-13, command params: PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1
Found may be errors:
Temple of Osiris\LC2.exe: ../../../../proton/wine/dlls/d3d11/view.c:1794: unsafe_impl_from_ID3D11RenderTargetView: Проверочное утверждение «iface->lpVtbl == &d3d11_rendertarget_view_vtbl» не выполнено
204194.647:002f:0030:trace:loaddll:load_so_dll Loaded L"C:\windows\system32\uxtheme.dll" at 0xe9820000: builtin '+vgpr-spilling' is not a recognized feature for this target (ignoring feature)
204203.531:002f:003b:fixme:d3d:swapchain_init The application requested more than one back buffer, this is not properly supported. Please configure the application to use double buffering (1 back buffer) if possible. Game settings - double buffer
The performance drops are too great to play nicely
Works great, didnt use Fullscreen though (i never use it), just used windowed and then set it to fullscreen in KDE which worked great
Seems to work quite good. No problems detected.

Not having full-screen working really diminishes the experience in this game.
I could not figure out how to play this game in full screen, and it instead loads a borderless window that doesn't occupy fullscreen area. I could not figure how to move this borderless window too. This makes playing the game a bad experience, specially because it's a game that would benefit from being played in a TV.

Played the game through without any issue using the defaults. This is both with local co-player and someone joining us online.
RADV's aco mode will cause the game to randomly crash. Make sure it is off for this game (which is the default).
Playable, but performance is bad on my (not great) hardware.
Too slow to be fun