Finished game without issues
Worked perfectly
Works perfectly fine out of the box
Works great out of the box
Works fine out of the box now, gamepad controls are fine and no problems occurred so far.
Crashes at start
doesn't start
With most games using an external Xinput library, only use a genuine Xbox 360 Wired Controller to play the game flawlessly.
Only true Native Xinput (Only the Xbox 360 Wired controller) worked flawlessly. Others like Dualshock 3 would drop shoulder button input. (Same as I Am Bread)
Game does not work with the Dualshock 3, as with I Am Bread. This is something that needs to be improved on by the Proton devs, otherwise the only choice is to get a genuine Xbox 360 Wired controller.
Graphics ran superbly at 4K 60fps with no significant stutters or hitches with Vsync on when running a 1080 Ti. DLC integrated just fine as well. In Game FMVs use Bink Video 2 and ran at 4K without Media Foundation issues.

xbox controller is stuttering

Game itself runs perfectly fine without any tweaks when used with keyboard and mouse but controller input (tested with Steam Controller) in game heavily stutters and makes it unplayable with this device.

Nvidia 415.23 and proton 3.16.5 is perfect.

Game now runs fine.

very playable (keyboard control, audio settings), minor rendering errors (I only see Lucky's head), couldn't get controller to work in game though. DLC content not tested

The main character has no body and npc characters flash or disappear. Other than that it runs well.