game works well out of the box

the text is a little too small. The map can be a bit hard to see

Game runs completely fine by default. Another one that has no reason not to be Steam Verified.
Ran the game at a locked 90FPS on Normal settings. No issues at all.

You can edit the games config file for slighty higher graphics. More info: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Batman:_Arkham_Origins#Shadow_artifacts_on_Batman.27s_cape.2C_blurry_shadows.2C_textures_load_improperly.
The game doesn't have an option to change mouse sensitivity. Go to Batman Arkham Origins/SinglePlayer/BMGame/Config/Bminput.ini and look for MouseSensitivity=30.0. Value of 8.0 worked for me.
Some scenes heavily drop the framerate, mainly in the Blackgate prison. Could be due to NVIDIA PhysX.
I was able to 100% the story mode.

Runs on linux flawlessly without having to edit or change anything.
This game runs out of the box. The game actually performs better than windows in which playijng the game on windows would make the game stutter.

Sem ajustes, sem modificações e com uma copia pirata, o jogo funciona no Lutris com wine-ge-8-26.

Error: "your video card does not support alpha blending with floating point render targets"
--nostartupmovies PROTON_LOG=1 PROTON_LOG_DIR=~/.steam/steam/logs PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1
Ao tentar jogar, na inicialização recebo o erro: "your video card does not support alpha blending with floating point render targets".
Já tentei outras versões do proton, alterar configurações em arquivos .ini do jogo, usar argumentos de inicialização, tanto do proton quando do jogo, como "--nostartupmovies", o máximo que consegui ir foi evitar o uso de números de ponto flutuantes, a desativando num arquivo .ini do jogo, e conseguir abrir o jogo mas passando a tela de splash, um quadrado preto pisca na tela e minimiza, o jogo não fecha, continua aberto e toca um áudio do menu princiapal.
Nota: O problema não é minha placa de vídeo, eu baixei uma versão pirata e ele funciona! Não precisei fazer nada e funciona! (Mais informações sobre isso em outro relato meu sobre o jogo)
Ran perfectly with Proton 9.0-3

The game is completely playable using Steam's default settings, but a definitive Origins experience can be achieved with minor tinkering.
I edited the "BmEngine.ini" file, on line 1682, by changing "DetailMode=0" (default) to "DetailMode=2". This change allowed Dynamic Shadows (in the Video Options) to be DX11 Enhanced properly. Without this change, DX11 Enhanced shadows on Batman's cape are noticeably low resolution and appear too fuzzy. Some environmental textures appeared at higher resolutions - the military vehicles on the Final Offer showed a dramatic improvement. PCGamingWiki made other changes to the .ini file, but this was the only change I made.
I was able to run the game at 30 FPS at near max settings (no anti-aliasing, no v-sync, and no Hardware Accelerated PhysX) while keeping the TDP Limit to 8 Watts and Manual GPU Clock to 800 MHz with no slow down. These settings gave the game approximately 4 hours of play time.
The fast travel cutscene audio sometimes cuts out but this was also present in the PS3 version of the game. This does not affect gameplay.
The military vehicles on the Final Offer showed low resolution textures when the "BmEngine.ini" file was not changed.
Hardware Accelerated PhysX is a Video Option that affects the physics of debris and cloth-like streamers. It is not a problem during the majority of the game except in one room of the Final Offer and the end game location. In these locations, this setting appeared to drop performance down to 12 FPS during Predator and Free-Flow encounters. Turning off Hardware Accelerated PhysX fixed the slow down problem completely at the cost of realistic-looking but cosmetic cloth and debris.
All DX11 Enhancements can be turned on for the game but doing so requires modifying the "BmEngine.ini" file in order for dynamic shadows to appear correctly. During a room puzzle involving three doors, the game did not load properly, Batman wouldn't move, and I couldn't progress any further. Restarting the game and reloading the checkpoint fixed the problem but I was unable to replicate the glitch.

Batman would crouch in the middle of a fight. Had to change right trigger threshold to fix it.

Works perfectly on Ubuntu 24.04
There is a video recording to showcase and give an idea how it works here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2-UClg1niQ
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Lighting of the player not correct

I ran into some bugs using Proton 9, but once i switched to proton 8 the game ran flawlessly

gamemoderun %command% -nostartupmovies
Runs well even with PhysX enabled
Отлично идет на Linux
Works out of the box.

Works great and out of the box
Works great out of the box, no tinkering needed.
Loaded up a old endgame savefile and played for half an hour. Playing the game docked with settings to native 1080p and high preset gives very stable 60 fps, with just some minor slowdowns here and there, but nothing to severe.
Started a new game afterward and played for roughly 2 hours, no issues to report so far, works very great.

A bit of frame drops, but nothing major
Cam be played at 60 fps with minor frame drops, especially when gliding around the map. Disable Physx for better performance.

6 watts tdp on medium settings
Text on the map is kinda small
Run perfectly out of the box, but I changed the settings to medium @6 watts tdp without any dx11 or physx features, which gives about 4 hours of battery life

The game has stutters because of UE3's low-quality texture streaming algorithm. To fix, follow the steps below.
Texture Streaming is bugged on GPUs with more than 8GBs of VRAM and may cause stutters.
To fix, right-click the game -> Manage -> "Browse local files".
Now go to SinglePlayer/BMGame/Config/BmEngine.ini
Ctrl + F and search for "PoolSize". The default value is 1024 (1GB), but I bumped mine up to 1536 (1.5GB) and it fixed all of the stuttering. Setting it too high causes the game to load up in memory objects that are too far away and this actually increases the stutters. Setting to 1.5 - 2GB seems to be more than enough for this game.
Low-quality texture streaming causes stutters on a 4070 left untouched.
Worked great out of the box

I normaly don't write reviews but this game i really didn't get.
I tried Batman Arkham City which is supported on the Steam Deck and it crashed every hour or so! This game is not supported and i played it none stop for the last view days and didn't get a single crash. I have added the --nostartupmovies line like everybody else and didn't touch any other setting. Smooth gameplay and no problems whatsoever! Great game too :) a must play every year for christmas!

Soft locked during the first bomb defusal at the bridge, opened a door and caused a frozen screen
Otherwise works fine, but this softlocks your game progress.

Add this to launch options: --nostartupmovie
40hz + 40fps limit.
You can reach 60fps with default settings, but better battery with 40hz and 40fps. The launch command is just to skip the really long startup movies: recommended but not mandatory.

Minus the weird Killer Croc visual glitch at the very start of th game... I played the whole title no problems, looks and worked great.
DX11 enhanced should be used for AO and Geomerty, avoid for DOF and shadows as I found they don't add enough visual to performance ratio! Phsyx also has a heavy performance tank.
Killer Croc intro battle has graphics glitchs.
If inital Croc glitch is fixed, could see this being marked as verified!

El problema de audio se ha dado durante la pelea contra cocodrilo asesino, luego nunca mas.
He podido pasarme el juego, aunque no al 100% gran parte del mismo sin contar coleccionables, sin mayor problema.

Killer Croc turning invisible during the first boss fight is definitely a thing still.
Definitely add the command to skip the very lengthy introduction videos. I did experience Killer Croc phasing in and out of reality, but at least the game never crashed on me, so there's that. Overall I'd say that the game is perfectly playable.
only proton 6-3-8 could fix the crashes for me

Lots of stuttering.

Game runs well with just proton experimental

Works well
Played with Proton 8.0-3.
To hide KDE/Plasma task panel in fullscreen do twice Alt+Tab.

Ran perfectly
Played through the single player story from start to finish plus the "Cold, Cold Heart" expansion at highest quality settings with no issues.

Starts up perfectly. Ran on big picture mode 3400x1440p ultrawide resolution no problem. Dualsense controller working fine. Using Wayland
PROTON_LOG=1 %command%
Edit config in the game folder
Edit ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Batman\ Arkham\ Origins/SinglePlayer/BMGame/Config/BmEngine.ini and change "DetailMode=0" to "DetailMode=2"
Blurry textures
The same problem sometimes happens on Windows too. Haven't experienced it on dualboot, but fixes initially sugested for Windows helps.
No stuttering, no bugs. Just perfection.
With proton GE, it hasn't crashed ever. I haven't tried the default proton but looking at other reports, just use GE
I turned graphics up to ultra, but you can:
- Lock fps to 40
- Reduce graphics settings to medium to increase battery life
Plays perfectly on deck. No crashing, stuttering or any issues
Only worth it if you're willing to deal with the crashes. Fine when it runs and you get a good hour or more at least before it happens.
Crashes every hour or 2nd hour. Happened throughout my play time no matter what proton you use, even GE versions. Plays fine if you're willing to relaunch the game every hour or so.
Locked to 50Hz
Crashed a lot on Proton7-06
Stability is an issue on Proton 7-06 with constant crashing every 20 to 30 minutes.However, I experienced no crashes in 10+ hours of play using Proton-GE7-50.
Performance is a mostly stable 60FPS but it can drop to the mid--to-low 50s during fast open world travel and there was a visual glitch during the killer croc fight.
Overall a great experience when using Proton-GE