Just works

gamescope -f -h 1080 gamemoderun %command%
Experienced heavy slowdown and stutter when using borderless fullscreen. Make sure to use fullscreen for a good experience.

a good game that works flawlessly
Works out of the box. Don't even need proton just enable in: steam>settings>compatibility>"enable steam play for all other titles". After a few hours of testing, i had no visual glitches nor denuvo kicked me out of the game.
gamemoderun %command%

gamemoderun MANGOHUD=1 %command%
Starts up and runs perfectly. Ran on big picture mode 3440x1440p ultrawide resolution @144 FPS no problem. Dualsense controller working fine. Using Wayland

Heavy artifacts and Denuvo make it unplayable.
Very heavy artifacts of UI elements occur. It gets unplayable within minutes.
Also Denuvo locks you out of your game, if you try different compatibility modes.
Artifacting causes degredation in gameplay value. The game is playable. But the artifacting is enough to put me off.
Will have heavy artifacting on UI icons and stretched twitching textures.

Heavy geometric glitches start after some time playing
No issues found
Worked perfectly!
DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
o jogo rodou com mais fps no proton experimental (60 FPS qualidade gráfica alta)
Stuttering with vsync disabled. Enabled vsync and stuttering decreased but was still present. High preset. 60hz
Still might need a little bit of tweaking on my end. But definitely playable.
I set the graphics settings to High, lock FPS at 30 FPS and TDP at 8 watts
Let the opening movies play through to the main menu and then never had an issue
Game was really bad when I launched it a few times. Reboot the machine and let the intro videos play all the way through until it loaded the menu. Zero issues since.
Maybe 5 fps. Sound was super choppy. Tried 3 different version of proton. Running 510 Nvidia driver with 64gb of ram.
As of right now I am unable to play on PopOS 22.04. Will try again with more tinkering.
Works great with latest version of Steam Proton
Works out of the box. Only issue I've experienced was with the mouse bounding option in borderless windowed mode.
Option to restrict mouse to the window does not work in borderless windowed mode, but works fine in fullscreen.
The game runs out of the box. Just hit play.
I've had no issues and performance has been on par with Windows. The various save games you find online are compatible with Linux.
Pops up with an error saying 'No suitable display can be found. Please check your display driver'
Had no issues out of the box.
No issues at all after 5+ hours of play, performance seems to match Windows on the same device.
So far on Pop! OS using Proton 6.3-2 it has worked perfectly. Actually more stable than on my previous Windows gaming PC.
Could not load an old save game due to a "missing DLC" error. This appears to be a general issue with the game and not specific to Proton or Steam Play.
I tried all proton version, but game runs only with version 5.0. On any newer version game not even starts. Otherwise game runs just fine out of the box and I did not use any extra commands.
It works like a charm!
On top of the slight drop in quality, the game also had some very minor artifacts but which were fixed by zooming in further in the game
There was a slight drop in quality from what I normally see when I boot run the game on Windows instead
Runs very well. No issze. Great.
Runs great with Proton 5.13-4, no performance issues whatsoever.
I was experiencing severe performance issues with Proton 5.13-4 and Ubuntu 20.04.1 + Mesa 20.0.8 initially, which forced me to use Proton 5.0-10 and RADV_PERFTEST=aco %command% for this title (the latter performing great on my system). The situation has changed since my previous review for this game though, because Ubuntu updated their Vulkan and Mesa drivers for LTS users recently, which now defaults to Mesa 20.2.6, after installing the latest and greatest system updates from Canonical. Jurassic World Evolution is now performing better than ever, even with Proton 5.13-4: 720p / 60 fps / high settings. Btw, this also means that RADV_PERFTEST=aco %command% isn't necessary anymore, because the new stack of Mesa drivers enables this option by default.

RADV_PERFTEST=aco %command%
Works nicely out of the box.
Proton 5.13-4, fps unplayable. Proton 5.0-10, black screen initially, added RADV_PERFTEST=aco %command%, runs fine now, high/720p/60.
RADV_PERFTEST=aco %command%
Ran great out-of-the-box. No issues after about 90 minutes or so of play.

Denuvo DRM rejection
Denuvo again blocks legitimate customers, just shows a screen with "The server is not reachable, check your Internet connection and click "Retry"."

Launch option: RADV_PERFTEST=aco %command%
First boot hung for awhile but I never had an issue after that. The game runs great!

5.21-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
- Hangs on exiting the game, but pressing the Stop button in Steam resolves the issue.

Does not start up
Tried installing amdgpu but it's not available for my kernel version.