Good game with Resolution issue's and no UltraWide support for folks with UltraWide Monitors
This game won't allow me to play at my Native resolution of 1920X1080 rather 1650X1050
Hoping the developer will resolve this issue ASAP

Set game resolution to 720p then set to 30fps
Game allows larger text in settings
stutters as it's FPS fluxuates to much

Game plays perfectly, experienced no issues whatsoever. Dualshock 4 also picked up and played perfectly. The game will pop open a browser for you to link the game with your Epic account and after doing this the game was unresponsive, but after relaunching it booted as it should.
I would recommend Lawn Mowing Simulator to any Linux ( and by default Steam Deck ) players seeking a simulated Lawn Mowing experience.
Indestinguishable gaming experience from that of Windows. Plays out the box on my Linux machine without issue.

Text while in-game, including on the menus was very small and in some cases certain button icons were impossible to read.
Little cracking during the start up intro videos and when finishing a level
gamemoderun gamescope -W 3440 -H 1440 -r 100 -b %command%
30 FPS (couldn't find any graphics settings to change)
Game would freeze or stutter every time I used my mouse to change camera angle during missions. (the test drive was fine).
When I tested drive the vehicles it seemed fine, but once I went to the first mission the game would freeze and stutter every time I used my mouse to change camera angle.
Works perfecty fine
It works, but with significant performance issues
Pressing and/or holding ctrl would not highlight tall grass
Unable to hold steady 60fps, especially if the cutter is activated on mower/trimmer
Found no issues
Crashes after alt+tab
Logitech g920 wheel not detected or working
Works ok, but if you wan't to use a wheel, it looks like you're out of luck for now.
Due to the wrong resolution the font is not completely sharp
Game works perfectly except that only 1280 x 720 resolution is supported. I think you can make adjustments via config files if necessary.
Input has started dropping on rare occasion since last review
Has a habit of deleting the save game after updates
Performance has degraded significantly since my last review. Extremely unstable FPS.
Performs terribly on even a powerful PC, and the resolution options don't include any standard options above 1080p on my machine. Very shoddy experience, and the devs are impossible to get a response from about any issues.

Requires a large amount of video RAM.
Do make a note of the system requirements on this before purchase, the "4GB" minimum is not a joke. Will not load properly on old/lowmem video cards.

Very occasional stutters, but probably due to how demanding the game is. Plenty playable, no complaints.
6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll