I own this game on GOG, and installed it through the Heroic Games Launcher. I had to enable this setting in Heroic to be able to launch and play the game, and afterwards it runs flawlessly:
✓ Auto Install/Update DXVK-NVAPI on Prefix

Too many hoops to jump through. Most other games work flawlessly by just enabling proton.
In a widescreen resolution the animations appear off screen before sliding into view during chat sequences and story animations.
Fullscreen causes severe performance degredations.
Does not function in widescreen mode properly. The game must be windowed at a typical 16:9 aspect ratio resolution to receive above 30 FPS.
Huge slowdowns and FPS instabilities while gaming fullscreen or windowed on a widescreen resolution.
The above mentioned issues could be generally considered as bugs.
Proton version 3.16 must be used. No other version would allow the game to boot into the main menu. The other versions of Proton cause a black screen at launch which eventually crashes after ~10 minutes.

Works just fine out of the box.
Had to put it into fullscreen manually every time.

Fullscreen issues, workaround exists (or just use windowed mode)
The game's fullscreen handling is weird and broken. It went into fullscreen for me, but it wouldn't cover the entire screen on the left and right while simultaneously going off the top and bottom of the screen.
I used KDE's Window Rules to work around it. Here's my config, though you'll have to tweak it to match your monitor size: https://gist.github.com/Infernio/b7caace1071063fdda97ca918fcfc886
Runs perfectly except for the fullscreen issue, but even if you don't want to bother with a workaround, in windowed mode the game will be fine.
Works perfectly. No screen tearing on my system either.
Finished game without issues
black screen
All fine works very well witout issues-
Worked perfectly outside of the fullscreen issue which really doesn't matter.
Use windowed mode, fullscreen doesn't work correctly.
Yes, while fullscreen doesn't work this experience is enjoyable in every other way.
Use fullscreen borderless. True fullscreen breaks the game.
It doesn't work as well as Shantae and the pirate's curse, but it's still pretty good.
Screen tearing when in full screen.
Had to press alt+enter to full screen. game doesn't launch properly after exiting with full screen. A workaround is to go back to windowed mode before exiting.

The only problem is the already mentioned about false fullscreen

Game ran perfectly without any tweaks. Take note, however - if you attempt to run the game in fullscreen, it will become unable to launch from then on forward.

Everything seems to work OK. Solid 60fps. There's a minor issue with setting fullscreen but it's nothing your window manager can't handle.

Everything seems to work OK. Solid 60fps with Nouveau / Quadro K2100M, even in lowest pstate. There's a minor issue with setting fullscreen but it's nothing your window manager can't handle.

tried it with proton 4.2-7 and 3.16-4. Both crash on start for me

Crashes at launch with Proton 4.2-7. Works with 3.16-4

Works. No Problems found.

Crashes when changing resolutions, but otherwise runs perfectly. Alt+Enter for fullscreen positioned the window off-screen first try (on a multi-monitor setup) but was correct after a restart.

Run perfectly, even using joystick.

Runs perfectly.

About 10% of the time the game fails to exit gracefully and crashes on exit. Doesn't affect playability as it only happens on exit game.

No issues found.

Plays very smoothly, didn't notice a single issue in a 2-hour test run.


No issues

Good, but little slow in 1920×1080 (ok, in 1280×720) Change the resolution not works (game crash).

Works flawless; for fullscreen it's needed to press Alt+Enter

Runs flawless