Worked 100% fine but very minor controller issue
Controller would sometimes just stop working and require a restart, but it might not be a Linux issue and instead just an issue with how the game handles two players using a gamepad when there's a keyboard being unused.
It just works as expected on local multiplayer !
Works but not fantastically
Only rare but happens sometimes
about 70 FPS with my hardware
On i3wm fullscreen was not easy to escape (common problem) but also very slow to start the game. Also the game keeps your mouse stuck inside the game even on window mode so if I have two tiled windows, the game and other one, I cant use the mouse on the other one. So the game needs its own workspace.
If you dont use i3wm or other tiling wm you probably wont have any issue running the game.
Game's amazing, recomended to play with friends.
Was able to use two xbox series x|s controllers connected wirelessly through usb dongle without any tinkering.
Все работает из коробки, стабильные 60 ФПС, так же все работает на 4к телевизоре.
Прекрасная маленькая игра, проблем никаких быть не должно.
Works perfectly fine out of the box.
Works out of the box without thinkering
Click. Install. Play. Everything works out of the box.
Just Perfect
Excellent on Steam Deck
Works out of the box with consistent 60fps.
Game crashes entire system if run on a kernel with DS5 support, and attempting to use a DS5 controller
Rolled back to a pre-5.12 kernel, before the DualSense 5 driver was included. With a 5.12+ kernel, entire system crashes on game startup if a DS5 is connected, or when a DS5 becomes connected.
When using a kernel version with DualSense 5 controller support, game will only run when no such controller is connected, either by bluetooth or USB cable.
OOTB no issues
Worked just fine.
Installieren, starten und Spaß haben!
That's an amazing game. It works as well on Linux as on windows. Note: there are FPS issues on both systems.
Runs out of the Box
Works perfectly out of the box
Played through the solo campaign, will update my report once I try coop.
Works flawlessly in local coop! (Online not tested)
The game runs out of the box, didnt change nothing. Install and play.
Install and play.
It plays flawlessly
runs perfect out of the box
Played in local coop with 2 controllers connected via USB (PS4 and Xbox 360)