the game is BARELY playable on the Steam Deck, 30 FPS which is ok for a turn based strategy game
the ingame text tends to be small, even on a bigger screen while docked
this game is badly optimized even on windows, but on the steam deck, if you set everything to low and set the resolution to 1152x720, it does maintain a mostly consistent 30 FPS
With the exception of the initial tutorial where I experienced a lot of crashes, the game has been stable and performing great
Except for crashing every 20 minutes or so, everything works great
Everything looks and feels great, with smooth gameplay. Yet still unplayable due to crashing every few minutes. Difficult to finish a whole mission without a crash, and they occur out of the blue without any way of telling why
Works better than windows.
the game had some known bugs in windows. which dont seem to be present in linux. game works with 0 issues out the box
Runs well with default settings at low and 30 fps cap enabled
capped to 30 fps
Text is a bit small, but definitely readable
No tinkering, downloaded and played like I would have on windows.
Works flawlessly out of the box
I only tried proton experimental as I use it by default. It runs like a charm, framerate is fine.
Mouse cursor kept disappearing, solution was to unplug controller before starting the game (unless you prefer to play with controller).
Around 4 fps on cutscenes & ship scenes. Battle scenes are fine.
Major lag spikes on seemingly random moments on game scenes, but my computer was doing a lot of disk I/O at the time, it may be linked.
Tried multiple proton version, tried some different launch options, checked that my graphics drivers were up to date, nothing can staunch the inability of this software to play a movie under proton.
Changed resolution to 1280x800, graphical settings to low and FPS cap to 30
Plenty of text is small, but still readable
Runs pretty much out of the box. No major performance issues observed.
A good X-com clone in Warhammer 40K setting, people wo enjoy the lore of this universe will get many well-spent hours out of it
Cap framerate in game's settings to 30 fps, turn off motion blur and bloom, set anti-aliasing to FXAA, texture quality to medium, model-, shadow-, and decal quality to low, far clip distance to short, debris and UI Postprocessing to low for stable 30 fps and around 2,5-3 hours of battery life
Not possible to increase font size and the game requires the player to read through conversations, character screens etc.
Works fine
Small performance issues, but otherwise in good shape.
Probably pulse audio related. But it's not bad.
Some minor stuttering. Doesn't seem to change with graphical settings from low through high.
4 fps ugh
Text is a bit small, and slightly blurry when it gets smaller. Still readable on the steam deck though. Just a minor annoyance.
Ran perfectly fine on medium settings with Proton Experimental.
Cloud save took a few retries before working. Otherwise worked perfectly.
Small text that may be difficult to read for some players.
Ели видно текст.
дропы фпс до 25. Так держится 28-30 фпс.
ENABLE_VKBASALT=1 gamemoderun %command%
I have had rather stable framerates for the most part. No issues with cutscenes or most of what I've read in reviews. But there have been several updates before I started playing, so I assume many issues have been solved by the time I started.
The game looks great and is playable, but only around 30+ FPS, with dips into the 20-s.
Some text are very-very small, but not a deal breaker for me.
Regardless of settings, the game is poorly optimized - regardless of platform.
Overall a great game and an acceptable experience, but something is seriously wrong "under the hood". Having performance issues on an RTX2080 as well, so not related to the Deck or Linux.
overall works well out of the box, only some text can be small and some ties fps can drop of short amount of time, all in all run well.
40 fps lock
text can be small but mostly good enough
sometimes fps drop but in minor range
Game performs fine on Steam Deck
30 FPS lock
Sometimes the text was a bit small
Struggles to hit 60 FPS, and in some of the 3D camera angles it can dip into the 20s.
40 fps 40hz
The steam deck definitely has to work hard to play the game and it drains battery quickly as a result, but other than that no real issues besides the occasional crash. Always boots back up fine and the game frequently autosaves so you don't lose anything. The text is small, but I don't have any issues reading it.
Runs well with few minor fps drops. Following steam discussions it´s related to the game itself.
Runs perfectly with no issues
I've now sunk 22 hours into this on Linux. Absolutely zero issues, running on Max Graphics and just fantastic!
Menu (and some in-game) UI looks terrible, it is hard to recommend
In windowed mode, the game can lose window focus
UI is illegible
Poor performance but besides of that it is playable
Had to lower details to medium to get acceptable FPS.
Installs fine out of the gate and runs perfectly
So far I've encountered zero issues. No tinkering required, just a simple install and run job. Easy and smooth.
on high settings the game is very playable
ultra = full lag unable to play
if you do not install proto 5.13.6 impossible to launch the game
gamemoderun %command%
Sometimes lag/fps drops that resolved itself after beginning/finishing a mission.
Besides the few times the FPS dropped rather low, it otherwise runs at 60+ with settings on high.
gamemoderun %command%
Disabling anti-aliasing in the graphics configuration menu took care of the mouse lag and freezing in the menus. Ran great after that.
Small but not unreadable
All good out of the box
Game is not fully optimized for Steam Deck, but runs very well.
40 hertz 40fps
Works fine out of the box with very minor stuttering issues.
small amount of stuttering during the tutorial