Another fantastic experience, played this game beginning to end on the Deck and set my TPD to 5 watts, the game ran at a locked 60fps on the highest settings, genuinely a fantastic Kart Racer game and highly recommended especially if you can grab it on sale like I did.
Game played flawlessly from beginning to end. (The missions and the Grand Prix)
I also played it docked for an hour or so at 4K/60fps and it ran flawlessly. (Although I turned off any TDP restrictions for this and let it play at full power)
Great game and great experience overall on the Deck!

Runs great out of the box. No issues as far as I can see.

This is an update to my last submission, on Proton8-6 this game had audio issues and a few graphical quirks. Proton 9 seems to have fixed all these issues and now works perfectly!
Works perfectly

Love this game, plays great right out of the box. Controls are simple and easy, graphics and audio are stunning despite being a port of an older game. If you enjoy racing games like Mario Kart and love Sonic and/or niche SEGA characters, you will like this game! also Shadow is the best character :)

Tried this shortly after the Deck first launched and it had major stuttering and crashing issues. Now, it runs flawlessly for me. It's amazing how good Proton has gotten. Only other thing is that controls seem to show keyboard inputs instead of controller, but it's easily overlooked for myself

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d9.dll=n,b" %command%
Get the fixed D3D9 DLL from mega.nz/file/e8RGzQ5I#J1uFqwSEK8Hgk7xYfzzh3xxNI_WQVa5XRXChXgeAcls and drop it in your install directory beside the game executable. Then run with the launch DLL override option for fixed performance.

Works flawlessly, aside from the audio issue of announcer getting cut off, which also happens on Windows if you are running GE-Proton8-6! Must have recently been fixed as it didn't run a week or two ago when I was running GE's 8-4
gamescope -h 2160 -H 1080 -i -f -- %command%
Here's a tip: the game has -by default- really bad antialiasing (like really, it's a graphical mess), so if your pc is powerful enough, don't hesitate to disable FXAA and set a higher render scale (for me i set 4k with gamescope) to then downscale it to your monitor scale (for me, 1080p).
Just play Transformed.
Constant freezes especially when you or another racer gets hit by a rocket or item, some stuttering.
Too many issues to recommend playing this trough Proton. Play Transformed, that one works perfectly on Proton and improves everything from this game.

The game is playable and still very enjoyable! After the stutters due to the shader cache however.
Used The Built-in Config App/Launch option to change the resolution to that of the steam deck (1280 X 800).
Set FPS Limit to 45 FPS and Enabled HRS (Half Rate Shading)
At the end of the race/results where you can choose to play again, go shopping, or return to the menu. The audio seems to just die then return maybe about 3-7 seconds later. Also putting the deck to sleep then waking it back up later causes the audio to speed up.
Game Stutters every now and then at the beginning of the race. This seems to be a one time thing. Likely Due to the shader cache. After a minute or 2 the game should stay stable.

DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
The announcer skips a lot, but I think this happens on Windows also according to steam forums
Missing parts of models, most likely caused by DXVK_ASYNC which is needed to remove stuttering, but I'm not sure
Stuttering, but this seems to be solved by setting "DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%" in launch options
Works completely fine, only issue I've really experienced is that the first few times you load some things, its a little freezy.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Despite changing the resolution settings and the widescreen checkbox in the game's config, it will not leave 4:3 resolution.
Game had short freezes quite often the first few times I played, but it smoothed out the more I played.
I played with a friend via Steam Remote Play with no issues.
Had to turn down the settings to low with "One player" Low quality models to have the game be playable, and even then for the first 2 or 3 grand prix the game was quite stuttery and laggy. after playing all 6 grand prix the game runs fine though.
The Game works better with the proton argument, it prevents certain tracks from crashing the game.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
A bit of stuttering while playing on a track for the first time, for the 1st minute of gameplay on it. Probably because of vulkan shader cache or something.
Works well, if you have stuttering and freezing, keep playing, it will stop after a few minutes.

Performs better without vsync. The options I put for textures is at least medium and shadows to low in the configuration. This gives me a decent speed with little to no lag from the track Sunshine Tour for example. Haven't test out the multiplayer yet.
Besides crashes, there are some stuttering, for the first minutes of gameplay, but it vanishes.
Frequent crashes because of certain tracks.
Well, it's not very stable but besides crashes, it works really well.
Not a very pleasant experience
Most voice lines longer than a couple of seconds will just be cut off rather abruptly.
Game stutters very heavily during gameplay, the frequency varies depending on the track and it does calm down after a couple of laps, but either way it's far from being a smooth experience.
I tested a random assortment of tracks, most of which crashed the game. This occurred either when first loading in, randomly during a race or when trying to exit to menu.
I had to paste PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
into the launch options to make it run at all
A lot of stuttering, especially during the first few minutes. Some maps are more playable than others

Game window opens and then closes after about half a second.
The game window opens in windowed mode at a small-ish resolution with a black screen, then closes after a small amount of time.
Basically yes, but it's unstable and everyons has to decide by himself.
Sometimes arbitrary sound stops. In some cases (starting sushine tour) it ws reporducible.
SOme stuttering if screen is crowded. With ESYNC disabled it looked a lttle bit better.
Game runs fine out of the box at 60 FPS!
The game runs smoothly, except for frame drops when playing a map for the first time
Few textures are flickering (like Amy's or Knuckles eyes)
Slight frame drops when first playing a map
Game had no problem running. Separated configuration utility takes a long time to open but works without any issues.
Overall a very enjoyable experience.
If you notice some borked animations when playing at higher than 60 FPS, it is due to the game itself and not Proton/Wine.
Had two crashes on mission #58. I recommend disabling VSync for this mission, as it seems to have fixed the issue.

In order to make the launcher work and use a more "decent" resolution, I had to manually install dotnet46 using protontricks. protontricks 212480 dotnet46

Game used to run; runs no longer
A while ago - maybe Proton 4.x? - it used to run and run pretty darn well. Now it just won't start. It says it's creating Vulkan Textures and then nothing happens.
Baixa taxa de frames e pequenos congelamentos.
Low Frame rates
Game crash after the menu
Giving that you need to change video settings manually on the setting file, and that the game might crash, it isn't a amazing experience.
Since the config program doesn't run, you need to change the video settings manually on the settings.ini file (inside the game folder).
The game runs fine, but when a lot of stuff is happening at the same time, the game might crash.

Would give platinum if not for the slight pause issue. Only occurs maybe once to max three times per level
Sometimes but not often it pauses for a second or less when loading a new sound
Played with keyboard and PS3 controller with no issues

Launcher is throwing some errors related to .NET Framework 4.0, probably caused by missing DLLs or overrides. Clicking continue allows to ignore these errors partially.

Large frame rate drops when lots of racers are in view & firing items can cause momentary stutter, although disabling D3D11 & running under WineD3D instead seems to ever so slightly alleviate this, but it's still a problem. Rumble is heavily diminished (using a DualShock 4), maybe due to SFX volume issues.

For a weird reason (but it also an issue on Windows), if your audio is set to "analogic surround output", it will crashes after the Sumo logo. You need to set your audio to "stereo". After that, it works perfectly (even the configuration panel)

Graphics Settings need to be set out of game either in the .ini file directly or via running the config.exe through WINE. Some minor Issues (Track Introductions from the Announcer sometimes get cur off, Voices during Races too quiet no matter the settings), other than that a Flawless experience.

The config option is not working, but the game starts with the default config. I played it with a steam controller.

Everything runs great, except for the config, Need to manually edit the configuration if you want a proper resolution, after that i have not encountered a single issue