Only minor audio problems
A bit of crackling in audio-intensive scenes. Didn't keep me from enjoying the game
Works perfectly fine out of the box
Works perfectly out of the box
The only issues I had were that I like Sanctus Reach better but my buddy does not. :-)
I was actually using the asynchronous "PBEM" version
Plays great.. no problems
Works flawlessly out of the box with small text once you have selected "Gamepad" controls. 100% good on Deck
Text is quite small, but I can totally read it

Runs out of the box with Proton Experimental. Need to change to gamepad input mode in main menu settings.
Locked frame rate to 60
Menus have small text
Just did the 3 tutorials for now. The demo worked flawlessly as well.
All issues seem to have been fixed, now works out of the box
Had to launch via desktop mode, but once launched, ran fine from gaming mode. Had a couple crashes during the campaign.
launched in desktop mode to appease the launcher.
Needs desktop mode to proceed.
Have crashed twice upon attempting to complete a campaign mission. Was able to proceed when I restarted.
Not 100% stable, but it works!
Desktop Mode
Just some color bar during loading and menu screen, game witthout any issue
Just install normally and play using desktop mode, no issues but some graphic artifact during menu and loading. The problem in game mode is the launcher window.

Works flawlessly.
Install ok, does not start game
Too many crashes. And there's no video.
I hope this gets sorted if they ever add Tau.

Somewhat unstable, playable if you really like the game.
some icons and buttons will have artifacts that go away when redrawn
Sometimes after a crash the last save would crash as well
Crashes when hovering icons on the left (not essencial). Used to crash on exit until last update. Every once in a whil will crash in mission for no apparent trigger.
Cannot load two missions in a row without exiting in between.
Minor UI glitches
Minor UI Glitches. Otherwise working perfectly fine
There is some artifacting that occurs in the main menu. This can be resolved by going into the game settings and turning of "UI particle effects". Outside of that, on the games battlescape, occaisonally some icons will get a weird green block halo around them. Likely due to how some of the UI effects work. Minor annoyance, nothing that would render the game unplayable by any stretch.
My original saves are not supported on proton from Steam Cloud because they use the DLC. And the only way to get the DLC to be loadable is enabling SteamPlay for EVERYTHING, rather than specific games. However, once I enabled globally, DLC downloaded fine and the Save files worked again.
Aside from the occaisonal UI glitch that doesn't render the game unplayable (minor annoyance at best). As a side note, loading DLC requires SteamPlay to be enabled globally from steam preferences, you can't just enable it for the game, as the DLC don't catch it otherwise.
Got much better than it used to be, only some UI FX glitches remain
Launcher worked, game does not
The launcher came up with a complaint about a settings file. The game splash screen displays, then it crashes.
I asked for a refund, sadly.
Game starts, immediately dies

Crashed in the menu in Proton GE 6.21 and 6.3 before I could go to the settings. Worked after disabling UI Particle Effects manually.
.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/1295500/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/Black Lab Games/Warhammer 40,000 Battlesector/system_settings.cfg
needed "UIParticleEffects":false
full config for reference:
Update: After 10+ hours of gameplay, i can say that it crashes sometimes. The crashes increases if the computer is turned on for a long time (don't know why...temp files?) and if the mission has lot of troops (never crashed in the early 2-3 solo missions). Haven't tried multiplayer, the fact that it crash more as troop count increase doesn't reassure me.
Summary: restart computer before playing, save every turn in single player :-)

The only 2 problems where UI glitches and no cutscenes.
UI Glitches mainly caused by " UI Particle FX" option activated. Fix: Disable it. As others suggested, just disable it. To Disable: On the Main Screen, go to Options --> Graphics --> UI Particle FX and click to disable
Can't see cutscene. Fix: use Glorious Eggroll version of proton. Here some instructions: https://boilingsteam.com/proton-glorious-eggroll/ At the end there is also a script to automatically update to the latest GE.
Had to turn off the advanced particles

Works out of the box with Proton 6.3-6
UI Issues due to -- UI Particle FX option was Enabled in Graphic Settings
Only problem detected was UI Particle FX was not working and that was causing distorted images on the UI. But it has an easy fix, just disable it.
To Disable: On the Main Screen, go to Options --> Graphics --> UI Particle FX and click to disable
Used Proton 6.15-GE-1, otherwise videos don't play. Occasional Unity-related crashes. Could be unrelated to Proton, but i haven't played it on Windows to see if the crashes occur there. As long as you save frequently it shouldn't be a problem cuz it starts right up again.
I was only able to run the game using glorious eggroll's newest version Proton-6.13-GE-1
Launcher worked, screen is black

Playable but a bit slow in medium settings at 4k, might not be related to Proton as Windows discussions mention unexpectedly slow performance too
Crashed on main menu when using Proton 6.3-4, had to use GE to fix it but then it ran fine. Didn't seem to want to exit though - alt-tab to Steam to stop it.

0.00.64 Demo version
Tried to run with 5.0, 6.4 GE and 6.3 Proton versions. All of them were able to open the Slitherine game starting launch window.
5.0, 6.4GE Crapped out on the first load screen.
6.3 was able to reach the main menu, where visual artifacts were present, shortly after crashed.