slow initial startup, occasional lags when looking around quickly

Easy Anti-Cheat prevents launch.
Don't know if the game itself even runs well on Linux because Easy Anti-Cheat refuses to even let the game launch. My experience is:
- Click "Play" to launch game.
- Wait a few seconds with nothing happening.
- EAC loading screen briefly pops up.
- Immediate crash before the game even loads.

Still not working
Yeah, I guess the problem is related to EAC. I just wanted to give a little update for you all.

I start the Game and Black Screen. After a while the Game stops.
No playable, I tried different Proton Versions
EAC won't allow starting of game
EAC won't allow starting of game, not playable
Doesn't start because of EAC anti cheat.
Doesn't run because of EAC.

Anticheat Borked
It will complain about the game being started form the wrong client or something and will close after that.

Not playable - Easy Anti Cheat Problem
If you give no special start options for Proton, game will exit directly after loading screen with EAC error: "Failed to create igame instance". If you start with "-noeac" option, game starts, you can create your character, but connection to any server will timeout with error: "Anti-Cheat Authentication timed out 1/2"
Starts up, but immediately crashes because of EAC

doesn't load, quits after EAC load window