BLACK SCREEN only on Proton Experimental on other Proton versions doesnt even start.
On Proton Experimental, initial splash screen is visible and then a blackscreen, the game is not playable. When using any other version (GE Proton or older versions of proton) the game doesnt even start.
Wasn't able to pass loading screen with default steam settings, proton experimental, hotfix, GE latest, GE 7.29

Could not get it to work at a playable framerate and resolution
game can only run when I set the window size to 1280x720 and lower the graphics quality dramatically, I also tried different versions of proton but to no avail, no idea what could be causing this as I've run way more robust games before and they worked really well

Game works fine with proton expiremental, completed full campaign without issues, no audio desync what so ever
set the game to 10w still performs 60fps
ui text is a bit too small for comfort, but still manageble
without changing the proton version it would occasionally crash
gamemoderun %command%
The game has lower FPS than on Windows, I had to change the settings from ‘high’ to ‘medium’
TDP limit to 10

El juego funciona increible con GE-Proton9-5 (que es el proton que uso actualmente con casi todos mis juegos), los tiempos de carga entre ballatas son mucho mas rapidos comparados con GE-Proton7-29 que es el que usaba antes.
gamemoderun %command%

All the functions work perfectly
Another successful launch from the first time. It's even a little boring. But it's great in general for Linux games.
The begining of the match will be fine but once in game the match desyncs. Either have few seconds to a maybe a minute if lucky.

Story and arcade modes works perfeclty using Proton 8.0-5
The game stucks to retrieve loot boxes prices (generally starting from the second batch)
I haven't been able to find online matches. Also there is the loot boxes bug mentioned.

The text were very small and hard to read.
Other than small text it was fine.
The only problem was the text was hard to read because it was to small.

Just like another user said: "Without reverting to an older Proton 7.0 version, the game won't even start. So make sure you do that first". That's all. Doing that it works nice.
Just remember switching to Proton 7.0.6 before first run

Text is pretty small, may be hard for some users to read.
Default Proton
Multiplayer would randomly desync and kick me.
As suggested by another user causes the game to crash on load for me.
Multiplayer works as perfectly as it should.

When using the right Proton version (v7.0.), this is a very fun game with a fun story. No issues whatsoever
Without reverting to an older Proton 7.0 version, they game won't even start. So make sure you do that first

Worked fine.
Juste don't start

%steam%/steamapps/compatdata/627270/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/Injustice2 change UserSettings.ini for fullscreen mode and resolution
You can use lifehack with a force switch to older native proton (7 version), set graphical settings, then unset force switch or swith to a newest version. Or change config-file forwadly. The fame dosen't start with last Proton GE (8-16)

Doesn't start at all
I've tried using Proton GE and various versions of Steam's Proton, but none of them start the game. I've verify my download, clear cache, but nothing makes this game start

gamemoderun MANGOHUD=1 %command%
It will not let me get to main menu.

the games perfectly at 60fps

A veces entre la carga de video/juego hay una lenta transición.
El juego lo dejé en requisitos medios para mejorar la jugabilidad.

If you can get it to run properly it seems to run ok for single player story and practice mode. I haven't tested multiplayer yet.
After splash screen the game would lock up. Could still alt+tab out though.
Unable to start game fully under certain OS setups.
Under my usual parition in Linux Mint 20.3 it will not fully load. I can get it to install. But it will not load under any proton (default, 8.0-2, 7.0-6, 6.3-8, hotfix) or GE-proton versions (7-35, 8.4). Proton Experimental will occasionally start to load but lock up after the tech splash screen. On a fresh install of Linux Mint 21 with just steam installed and with no VPN the game will install and run fine under Proton Experimental with no tweaks. The initial loading and vulkan shader loading can take 5-10 minutes but the game seems to run fine after that. I have played about 5 hours at this point and haven't noticed any other crashes, graphical, or audio issues so far. PS3 controller works fine although the menus list it as Xbox controller with associated button prompts. I have only tried single player story and practice modes so far.

Played on HIGH Texture and it was amazing! Plugged my xbox controller and worked out of the box, no tweaks needed!
Works out of the box for single player (the one I tested)
Can't alt-tab back into fullscreen. Use borderless window.
Performance degrades substantially at resolutions higher than 1600x900
Crashed once
Used GE 8-3. Autoconfig chooses appropriate settings at 1600x900. Disable "release check" in controller options for keyboard play. Played story mode without crashes, played private matches with a friend with only 1 crash.
It messes with the options in the steam and quick menu buttons.
Works great - used to not. Proton experimental.
GE-Proton 7-43
Con Ge-Proton 7-43 ha funcionado sin problema.
The multiplayer ping symbol and text is too small, everything else is readable but can be a bit small at times.
You can play online multiplayer matches for a few seconds and then you'll be kicked (desynced).
Online leaderboards doesn't work either.
Worked perfectly and recognised multiple thirdparty controllers.
Newest GE-Proton versions (>7.29) freezes at start.
Vibration feedback is very random and wrong
GE-Proton 7-31 freezes on boot during the intro so you must use GE-Proton 7-29. Playing with Steams default Proton skips all sorts of video playback or just shows nothing while the voice plays in the background. Proton Experimental just crashes.

If these get fixed, it's as fun of a game to play as ever. I just hope these are fixed soon
gamemoderun WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR=1 WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR_MODE=performance %command%
can go fullscreen but sometimes it can hang the system hard
Can't play Multiversus/Legendary Multiversus. Story mode freezes so you can't play through chapters. I assume it's something to do with the cutscenes.
couldn't connect to the servers either

gamemoderun %command%
when 1st startup only audio with black screen
game is enjoyable if ur dc or fighting fan
Online mode when searching for player match audio completely cuts out and able to play a couple of seconds before it disconnects.When it disconnects audio returns.
Online mode when searching for player match audio completely cuts out and able to play a couple of seconds before it disconnects.When it disconnects audio returns
Online mode when searching for player match audio completely cuts out and able to play a couple of seconds before it disconnects.
Story,Versus and Multiverse play without issues.
Really close to being considered fully playable if the online audio and match desync is fixed.

Works well with GE-Proton7-29. Zero issues so far.
However, it won't even get to the initial menu with GE-Proton7-30 as the game locks up when it tries to play the initial company logo video. Keep this one on GE-Proton7-29 for a smooth ride.