Works great and runs great on Chromebook

When returning to fullscreen it only shows part of the screen. Unplayable using fullscreen after you alt-tab. But borderless works fine so it's not really a problem.
The only option for borderless was 1440p, 4k isn't an option. But it looks fine on a 4k screen.
alt-tab made it a tiny screen and then had to fiddle to get fullscreen again

Hangs a bit on "Running" but with nothing happening. Just wait a bit more and the game will launch.
Game took a long ass time to start. I almost made a borked report

An old but gold game, runs flawlessly on Steam Deck with great performance and battery life
By setting the graphics setting to "Middle" preset in game and setting TDP to 5W, you can easily get locked 60fps with around 7-8 hours of gameplay on Steam Deck OLED.

The battery lasts a reasonable amount of time at 90fps, perfect for Steam Deck OLED.

Works perfectly, and has options for nintendo/playstation button icons which is nice

No tinkering or adjustment needed. Just start and play.

Locked to 45 fps. Lower can create ghosting and choppiness.

Use at least Proton 9.0-4
I've encountered a problem using Proton 9.0-3 (maybe this issue also affects previous proton versions) that prevents the user to easily select the skill to remove when a Persona levels up and learns a new skill. To be more specific, when you try to select one of the available Persona skills, the game immediately reselects the new available skill. In order to change the skill you must perform a frame perfect button press on the controller. This issue has been fixed with Proton 9.0-4

Works just fine apart from a minor windowing issue.
Borderless fullscreen wouldn't work after quitting. Fixed by switching to fullscreen and then back to borderless.
Using wayland, haven't tested on X11.
37 hours in and I've experienced no issues.

Using Steam Flatpak. Works flawlessly, zero issues in my full playthrough.
Works fine
Works fine

If you put your focus in other windows while the game is set to fullscreen, you won't be able to get back to the game. Though this is simply fixed by using borderles, which works flawlessly.
I only encountered the one problem with not being able to go back to the game while in fullscreen

Tried some settings found here "Set FPS limit to 45FPS, reduced TDP to 8W, set GPU clock to 600MHz" but I ended up getting better battery life by setting TDP to 6W and setting GPU clock to default.
The game can easily run at 60+fps on maxed out settings but I limited it to 45fps for better battery life.

Set FPS limit to 45FPS, reduced TDP to 8W, set GPU clock to 600MHz. Works perfectly with 6+ hours per charge (OLED)
Does not support Steam Deck's native resolution, so limited to 1280x720.
Game works great on Ubuntu on 144hz display. Had issues with it on PopOS because of 144hz being a bit wonky there.

Modded the game so I had to use the "reloaded-II" mod manager which has to be added as a non steam game and given the "STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=/home/user/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/1113000/ %command% --launch "Z:\home\user\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Persona 4 Golden\P4G.exe" and also had to get some dependencies for it. I also added "WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dxgi,d3d11=n" PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 DXVK_ASYNC=1 DXVK_GPLASYNCCACHE=1 gamemoderun" before it just to be sure that it would run with the ,dll i've given it
the game would sometimes not fullscreen unless you go into the settings and re-select the option, both borderless and fullscreen have the same issue (can probably be permanently solved with gamescope)
game runs the same unmodded, so it's just launch and play without any issue.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" SteamDeck=1 prime-run gamemoderun %command%
used this tutorial to get the game working with the ASI loader in reloaded II https://gamebanana.com/tuts/15712
the game wouldnt initially start in fullscreen, but all you have to do to put it in fullscreen is to maximise the window

I play on an external monitor when plugged in at 120 fps. When handheld, I lock 40 hz / 40 fps and get about 3-3.5 hours of battery, although the game has weird ghosting at this refresh rate.

No issues
runs like native

Corre estable a 60fps sin modificar nada en el juego, recomiendo totalmente modificar el TDP y GPU clock para una mayor autonomia de la bateria

Very good out the box experience, Steam Deck Verified holds up
Had to do no tinkering on my end to get a good experience with P4G, a personal preference (which ive had to do reguardless of OS) is up the frame limit in the in game settings to 120 fps. Runs phenominaly at all times
Works perfectly with the default compatability settings on Steam
Woks Perfectly on Fedora with Nvidia Graphics, as well as my other gaming PC
For me what worked was installing: wmp9 devenum vcrun2015 d3dx11_43. Installing quartz actually BROKE the game. Installing xact didn't break it but i found it unnecessary. If you have any audio problems you should probably also install it.
Worked after switching to Intel Power Saving mode in Optimus (Intel Arc is fun, ain't it?)

Launches, freezes, then exits. No game window even pops up. No error message.
Proton log file says 'MESA-INTEL: warning: cannot initialize blitter engine'. Game worked fine on same hardware on Windows 10.
40 fps refresh rate

Set maximum screen refresh rate to 50hz when on battery
The game wouldn't register left inputs on the right stick when I had the left stick pointed upwards.
The game ran well on battery power, and was able to be played at 1080p connected to an external display without any noticeable issues or framerate drops.


It just works
I expected that it would run well on my laptop given it's a pretty old game and runs great on my Steamdeck too. Installed and ran without any issues. Didn't really play much but this was more of an experiment just to see if it would run.
Ran just fine my Framwork Laptop 13 Intel 12th gen on Kubuntu 24.04 LTS.

gamemoderun %command%
Just enable Steam Input and enjoy the game at whatever settings! Went for Proton-GE but it worked just as flawlessly with 9.0 or Experimental.

Changed resolution to 960x600. Switched to windowed mode.
In Steam Deck performance options set frame limit to 40 FPS(40 Hz), turned on half rate shading, set TDP limit to 9, set GPU clock to 600 MHz. Turned FSR on with sharpness 2.
Runs amazingly well with default settings. Battery life was a little underwhelming with default settings, about 2 hours, but with some adjustments I now get around 4.
No changes are needed for the game to run well but would definitely tinker a bit for better battery life.

gamemoderun %command%
didnt like my PS5 controller(saw but no buttons) until i changed to enable steam input
may have to finesse the controller.. or play keyboard only
No luck
gamemoderun %command%