Works flawlessly. The devs said voice would never work on linux, but it does!
Linux is specifically supported by the developers

Really smooth, not a single problem

Idk maybe if you have AMD you'll have a better luck
Renderer suddenly dies and comebacks to life at random times. What I mean by that is GPU usage goes to 0% alongside with my FPS
My internet is garbage
GPU being underutilized, so I have <50% of GPU utilization, but only 60FPS with FPS having no lock and vsync disabled sucks, and even that FPS is unstable. Add to this renderer deaths.
Worked great, havent experienced any issues

É um jogo relativamente leve, com graficos simples e premissa interessante, a quem gosta de shooter taticos que realmente são
Roda bem, necessita de pre instalar o componente proton easy anti-cheat, caso instale apos o jogo apenas rodar verificação de integridade dos arquivos e irá rodar normalmente
Um jogo simples que segue sua premissa, com desenvolvedores ativos na comunidade, fora o adendo de instalar o proton easy anti-cheat nenhuma modificação adicional necessaria para iniciar

The devs went out of their way to enable Linux through their anti-cheat!

One instance of big chugging and freeze
Linux Mint

Crashed on the first launch I think, but it's been perfect since.
Worked completely fine, no setup required. Recent update must have fixed it.

No issues in multiplayer, just jumped straight in and it worked
any issues stated by other people here seem to be resolved. i could hear voice chat and see typed chat and play fine so it seems to be all good

no gamepad support whatsoever
EAC fixed on Deck via recent patch. No controller support. Runs well on Deck.
It works

Everything worked fine out of the box.
Microphone won't work
Devs just announced yesterday (04.03.2025), that the EAC problem has been resolved for Linux and seem to be very open in der communication (see Daniel's report 3 posts down).
All in all quite fun game, have to bring some friends over

gamescope --force-grab-cursor -W 2560 -H 1440 -f -- %command%
EAC fixed
launch options for hyprland
I had no problems with EAC, but your experience may vary.

Joining matches works however you get kicked by anti-cheat once the map is displayed
Anti-Cheat is broken
Multiplayer kicks from EAC

28 February update broke linux support
Word from the devs:
Our Linux support is very experimental. We were stuck without a working eac in proton for the longest time and native Linux builds have no voice or text chat as vivox stopped their native Linux builds after epic bought them. We had proton support working last patch but something with todays patch broke it, Ozy has worked out what is wrong but due to issues with our server hosting provider we can’t resolve it currently
Our hosting provider (Multiplay/Unity) pushed a UI Update to their fleet config management tool, this included an accidental change that prevents us from deploying configuration changes. We're waiting on a response from their engineering team as the on-call engineer couldn't come to a conclusion/resolution to this problem. We're presuming they'll resolve it once they're back into office tomorrow. This configuration change we had to revert was what enabled Linux.

After playing online for a few hours, I can confidently say this game is supported! Voice chat and online multiplayer work with zero issues.

gamemoderun %command%
Mic input is not working, even after changing some settings. Further investigation on my part is required though.
Game ran incredible and as expected.

gamescope --force-grab-cursor -W 2560 -H 1440 -f -- %command%
launch options are only required for Hyprland

I'd expect to run the game at a higher FPS than I do given the graphics but it's still at least ~90 fps. May be the same on Windows, I don't know.
An update came out a few days ago that enabled linux to play multiplayer and it is fully functional!

Not borked anymore, EAC seems to be updated

gamemoderun %command%
Online multiplayer worked with no issues
Runs flawlessly! Dev enabled EAC with Proton!

This game is amazing. If you like team based shooters and being tactical, its amazing. We don't even play shooters much but are enjoying it
The matchmaking is slow from not many servers available, but this is not a linux issue, this is a global issue for the game
The anticheat refusing pvp matchmaking for linux has been patched out, we are now allowed to play, and I've only noticed very minor bugs LINUX CAN NOW MATCHMAKE PVP (I do not recall what specifically, I think something about menus, and perhaps a specific setting or two not actually applying? perhaps it isn't properly translating to linux the ability to Modify that specific thing)

They just pushed a patch that included experimental fixes for the linux issues, and things seem to be working, I'm able to play both multiplayer without getting kicked by EAC and use voice chat

Tried coop and 5v5 unranked, seems to work fine, did not get EAC kicked

PROTON_USE_EAC_LINUX=1 gamescope --force-grab-cursor -W 2560 -H 1440 -f -- %command%
Easy Anti Cheat kicks you from the match within couple seconds.
Any other game mode work fine but there is not a single PvP game mode that doesn't use anticheat. Game doesn't have LAN.
anti-cheat thinks that i was cheating when playing on steam deck

The game seems cool. But, as it is curently "dead" (no one playing it), could not find any multiplayer game.
This game have a good feeling. Unfortunatly the player base is realy small.

Easy Anti Cheat kicks you from multiplayer
Kicked by EAC
Game could be playable if it wasn't for EAC
4FPS where I'd expect a pinned 165
Kicked from multiplayer game soon after joining due to anti-cheat
EAC still is enabled and non-functional as of June 1 2022.
While the game launches and goes into multiplayer just fine, it will crash after 5 seconds loading in. According to the devs, some more work will need to be done to get EAC working properly.
Some menu audio kept playing during training
EAC Kick after joining a match
Game runs fine, EAC is the only problem
Nop, still not working in linux beacose of the AEC .. but at this time i dont think it matters ... the player base is almost nonexistent.
EAC kick you out of a deserted game!