Works perfectly out of the box
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%

This game runs beautifully as long as you change the Proton version to 6.3.8. The rest is just smooth...
There is a slight mouse to screen lag given my hardware and that I am using a 2nd Gen Intel 2500k and also given the fact that I can't run Steam on the Proprietary nVidia Driver (!) but the game is using DirectX properly so the mouse lag is likely to be my hardware setup.

60 fps 7 watts by default

It works fine

Works like charm out of the box
Added "gamemoderun" to the launch parameters, but with this game is not really needed.

I played the version I got for free from Amazon Prime Gaming some time ago. I used Lutris to install it and then chose Lutris' "add to Steam" option. Never had any problems with the game and completely finished it.

DXVK_FRAME_RATE=120 %command%
Only tinkering I did was to fix some kind of screen tearing, even though the gama forces v-sync on and has no option to change it I still had problems with screen tearing, so I had to force dxvk to disable it then set the max allowed FPS through an env variable so the game wouldn't run at thousands of FPS for no reason.
To forcefully disable vsync in any game that runs using dxvk do the following: create a file named "dxvk.conf" containing "dxgi.syncInterval = 0" next to the game executable. Beware that this CAN lead to bugs and other things, luckly for this game it worked perfectly well with no problems.
Runs like native.
Works perfectly fine
Game runs great with all default options, and is easy on the battery
Full play-through with a DS3 controller
I haven't had any issues playing this with Proton 7.0-1 and GTX 1660ti
as Todd Howard would say... it just works
Game works perfectly out of the box.
I played the entire campaign with 1080p 60fps and a X-Box 360 controller. Everything works without any problems, including video/cutscenes and the achievements.
Runs great out of the box
Runs flawlessly. Played start to finish without any problems.
Nothing out of the ordinary, works out of the box
Feels like a native game. Flawless.
Recognized my wired Xbox 360 controller and it worked perfectly.
Worked flawlessly.
Runs smooth 1080p 60fps
Works out of the box and comes with cute cat puns

No issues.
Played the whole campaign (12 hours) with X-Box 360 Controller. Everything works out of the box.
Works OOTB.
Runs out of the box.
Once selected "continue" in title screen and the game misloaded but just reopened the game and it worked flawless. (only happened once)

Except few seconds screen freeze when taking a screenshot with Steam Overlay, the game is working perfectly! I also had to switch to QWERTY to play, but I think the windows version have the same problem, as there is no control options in the menu.