The mouse would randomly flick, making the game basically impossible to play
There's the odd bit of choppiness. I recall similar issues on Windows, so this might not be a Linux/Proton issue.

Works perfectly. Finished the game 4 times with the first 3 characters on the default difficulty.
Some information about my setup: I am running Gnome 45.3, on an Nvidia laptop, with the entire xorg session being rendered using the Nvidia card. I also have my laptop hooked up to a second external monitor.

gamemoderun %command%
Very slight fps drops when there shouldn't have been

Worked outta box, nothing to say

Works out of the box
Had very rare lag spikes, but I think that might have been shader caching or file IO when it tried to load a new level or sound effect. Once everything was loaded it was fine. Nothing I would consider worrying about.

DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun
Game keep up good fps value only on lowest settings, and it's getting worse the further in the game you go XD and it uses about 11GB of ram
it is playable and I beat the game many times, but it could be better

very little stutter sometime, one big after buying something in a shop

Having Huge FPS drops
Unable to run on newer proton

gamemoderun mangohud %command%
While this might not be the best rhythm shooter out-there, especially when compared to metal hell singer, it still a very fun game thanks to the different builds, characters and rouge like aspects, which give it a lot of replay-ability.
Game used to work pretty well. Now it doesn't anymore.
Tested multiple Proton Versions
I do not know if it was a game update or a Proton Update. But at one point, the game stopped running. All dependencies are installed and I can press Play on steam. But the game never opens. Even Steam recognizes that and shows me the Play Button again after a few seconds.
I tried running all sorts of different Proton versions, but I could not get it to run again on any of them.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
Even supports custom soundtrack
Works just fine both mouse and gamepad. Game is deceptively gpu heavy but from the windows version I know it's not a proton issue.
Just works
The game is constantly dark, as if every texture (not shader) was replaced with solid black. Makes it unplayable.

Ran perfectly and without noticeable latency
Although performance was imperfect, I am fairly sure this is due to my video card and not an indication of its quality through Proton
Note: I played this game through family sharing which is why I do not own it
gamemoderun %command%
Windowed and Fullscreen-Borderless had some stutters at times, so I use Fullscreen
I experienced minimal stutters when not being in Fullscreen mode, other than that I didnt't experience any differences from playing on Win10.
with the steam overlay enabled it was a bit jumpy, diabled it and it was smoooooth
Works great, no issues at all.
Runs great, good performance
Deleted intro movie because it's laggy
Steam/steamapps/common/BPM BULLETS PER MINUTE/WindowsNoEditor/BPM/Content/Movies/
Disabling steam overlay seemed to stop the stutterings when entering a new room
Just install and play. Flawless experience
some text is quite small, e.g. Ability descriptions
gamemoderun %command%
At first the game would slightly stutter every time I fired my weapon, which makes an FPS rather unplayable. However simply turning off the Steam Overlay in the game's properties dialog fixed that issue.
Found no issues
Great performance. Solid 144fps in 1440p
An alternate control scheme may be preferred, a few options are available.
changed gyro to mouse input
some artifacting at the edge of the screen
changed controls, artifacts are unimportant
Maintains a steady 60fps at 4k on medium/high settings. Game will hang if you don't skip intro video, but otherwise runs perfectly.
It was very quick and easy to get this game up and running, would recommend to anyone looking for a stable shooter game on Linux.

Doesn't fully release the keyboard, inputs are still registered in game even if not in focus. Also one time, after switching back to the game (focus on game window), the space key stopped working, yet when switching to another window and pressing the space key, I could hear the sound of the game character jumping.
Randomly, frame-rate will start dropping every time you shoot your weapon. The drops are severe enough that the game becomes unplayable. Closing and restarting the game won't fix it, but restarting Steam will. This happens with both Xorg and XWayland. I was able to complete a run without incurring in this issue only once.
The intro video doesn't play correctly and causes the game to crash. It can be deleted or replaced with blank video: ffmpeg -y -f lavfi -i color=duration=1:size=3840x2160 "$HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/BPM BULLETS PER MINUTE/WindowsNoEditor/BPM/Content/Movies/AweIdent.mp4"
If not working, try 5.0-10, or try your preferred Proton GE flavor (ProtonUp-Qt)
Significant frametime spike on muzzle flash when shooting starter weapon. Occurred on 7.0rc2-GE1, 6.3-8, 5.13-6. Fixed with 5.0-10 Intro video is corrupted, either delete it or click mouse to skip.
Works fine with slight bugs on intro
Intro audio stuttered and video seemed crackly, the actual game is absolutely fine
Intro video is a lil messed up, but the game plays great.
If intro is skipped, runs perfectly fine
Crackling when the intro video is playing. After this everything goes back to normal.
Runs very well.
Intro Video crashes at end. If you pressa button before, you get to the main menu.
Remove intro video located in WindowsNoEditor/BPM/Content/Movies/
Major artifacting, but it's certainly playable.
The latency calibration tool is broken