proton experimental worked for me

gamemoderun PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_USE_D9VK=1 %command%
Runs perfectly with the settings used above.

Installed dotnet6 and fonts to the game prefix, to make the game work with the Advanced Launcher and Asylum Reborn mods
Having PhysX on makes the game run at 20-30 FPS. Turning it off fixes the issue
HUD can dissapear because of a reason I couldn't identify. Not sure if this is a mod bug, a Proton issue, or both at once

mangohud gamemoderun %command%
PhysX not working for me drops FPS down to 10 but without its playable on max settings. Launcher is working out of the box.
Give it a try with the newest GE-Proton

Cambiado a GE-Proton9-23 para poder jugar y con todo al maximo

protontricks 35140 d3dcompiler_43 d3dx9 d3dx9_43 mfc80 vcrun2005
Does not work without additional dependencies

ERROR ON START: protontricks 35140 d3dcompiler_43 d3dx9 d3dx9_43 mfc80 vcrun2005
NO INTRO MOVIES: (game_root/BmGame/Movies/) rename/delete: baa_logo_run_v5_h264.bik, Legal.bik, Legalus.bik, nvidia.bik, and utlogo.bik
Broken game launcher with black buttons, game cant start

Works perfectly of the box!

I couldn't use my native resolution (1920x1080p) on fullscreen mode.
Some FPS drops.
Game wont start without having GE-Proton on it. Menu requires use of touch. Other than that, the game works well on the deck

You need to use the touchscreen once in the Launcher to press play but after that Everything works fine. I set the display framerate to 60fps and it runs very stable.
Run the following command to install additional components:
protontricks 35140 mdx d3dx9 d3dcompiler_43

The game will only work properly using GE Proton. Once that is done, you need to launch the game one time to install all the compatibility executables it needs. It will boot you back to game mode once done. Start it again and you're good to go. The game plays flawlessly at 60fps with everything on Very High and 8xMSAA. Do not activate PhysinX as it is not compatible with modern hardware. The game is capped at 62 fps somehow, so you'll need to use SteamOS' frame limiter. I advise aiming for 60 exclusively because the game's cutscenes are pre-rendered and/or capped at 30, and any other frame limit will introduce frame pacing issues in them. Note that there is a config launcher that cannot be bypassed. You can use the touchscreen to press Play on it. May be a little annoying if you play docked, otherwise it is a non-issue.
Altogether, a very satisfying experience once GE Proton is forced. It's nice to be able to enjoy the game in its original form instead of the UE4 remaster which I do not personnally like.

DOA, missing libraries
Does not start.
gamemoderun PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_USE_D9VK=1 %command%
Would not launch out of the box. Added launch options and installed the following DLLs through protontricks:
d3dcompiler_43, d3dx9, d3dx9_43, mfc80, vcrun2005
gamemoderun PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_USE_D9VK=1 %command%
Installed the following DLLs with protontricks: d3dcompiler_43, d3dx9, d3dx9_43, mfc80, vcrun2005

Game does not start with vanilla Proton. Game works without issues using https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom/releases GE-Proton9-22 Released.

During the final sequence of the game, a key cutscene does not play, and the final boss is completely frozen in place and cannot be defeated. This is fixed by restoring the previous checkpoint, which both plays the cutscene, and makes the fight work as normal.
Overall works very well, aside from the final boss issue I mentioned.

Needed to download Proton-GE and follow their guide in order to add it to Steam. Worked fine after choosing Proton-GE on Steam!

Black window shown after inital loading menu. Can hear audio but no images. Alt-Tab shows the game screen.
Whilst this worked on Bazzite/NVidia, haven't yet got it working on Steam Deck with these tinker steps.

for the game to work and have functional hardware accel for physx you need all of the following (for this game especifically):
- ge-proton
- nvidia-libs for functional cuda suport (physx dependency)
- protontricks: physx, mfc80, vcrun2005, d3dx9_43, d3dx9, d3dcompiler_43, mdx
- physx legacy from nvdia website
- copied PhysXDevice.dll from another game (arkhan city, batman origins, borderlands 2 confirmed to work) to $gamefolder/Binaries/
physx uses cpu by default causing perf problems
ps: edit $gamedir/BmGame/Config/DefaultEngine.ini and change MaxSmoothedFrameRate to get higher than 62 fps

d3dx9 d3dcompiler_43
Version of protontricks with popOS is old so had to install newer one to avoid 'magic number' issue

Overcame DLL issues, a PhysX error, and keyboard troubles, but enabling Steam Input let me enjoy the game with my PS5 controller!
gamemoderun %command%
To get the game working, I followed these steps:
Installed the necessary DLLs mentioned by others using the following command:
flatpak run com.github.Matoking.protontricks 35140 d3dcompiler_43 d3dx9 d3dx9_43 mfc80 vcrun2005
Afterward, I encountered an error:
General protection fault! History: QA APPROVED BUILD OCTOBER 2008
This issue was resolved by installing PhysX with the following command:
/home/sagan/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 9.0\ \(Beta\)/files/bin/wine msiexec /i ~/Downloads/PhysX-9.12.0613-SystemSoftware.msi
After these steps, the game launched successfully. However, keyboard input for movement was not recognized, even though it worked for other actions. To fix this, I enabled Steam Input and used my PS5 controller to play the game.
Keyboard input for movement was not recognized, even though it was recognized for other actions
Had to tinker quite a bit but working alright now

gamemoderun %command%
needed to install dlls: d3dcompiler_43, d3dx9, d3dx9_43, mfc80, vcrun2005

Some hitching here and there but that's not Proton's fault

I installed the game from Epic Games using the Heroic Launcher & launch it from Steam. Used GE-Proton9-20 with no additional workarounds
If you are on Stean Deck be aware you'll need to use the touch screen/mouse input to interact with the initial launcher before you get to the gamer. Tiny inconvenience.
Changing to GE Proton 8-23 seemed to work. No need to install a DLL or something. GE Proton 9.x doesn't work

Installed DLLs through ProtonTricks: d3dcompiler_43, d3dx9, d3dx9_43, mfc80, vcrun2005
The game will crash on launch if you do not use protontricks to install some DLLs

flatpak run com.github.Matoking.protontricks d3dx9 d3dcompiler_43
Install Protontricks from the flathub then open a terminal and run flatpak run com.github.Matoking.protontricks 35140 mdx d3dx9 d3dcompiler_43 win10
then add the launch options shown
Game launcher window will appear before you're able to start a game, recommended to have the touchscreen or a mouse (if using on a dock) ready

Wouldn't launch with regular proton

had to mess around with protontricks and uninstalling amd things
a small amount of crackling
Launching without tinkering works for some people not me

If the Deck is put into sleep mode while in-game, the game will say "No network connection" and kick you back to the title screen.
The launcher requires the touchscreen to start, but the game is smooth sailing from there.

Locked 60 FPS TDP 10W
Extra launch window when starting the game. Pressing play with touch screen is needed.
Audio can sometimes get bricked if you sleep your Steam Deck. Restarting the game fixes it.
A vertical line across the screen at the far left of the screen. Didn't bother me much.
Game needs tinkering to work though it is not much and worth it to play the game.

Game would not launch on standard Proton, on GE works flawlessly

Only works in my instance if I use proton GE any regular version of proton 4 onward didn't work

Initial launch menu, including settings is windowed, once you select start the game then switchs to full screen
Switch to GE-Proton