Would stutter when joining multiplayer world and sometimes freeze but otherwise stable
I previously had major crashing and instability when using GE Proton 9-16, now it's much better after a simple proton update

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="msacm32=n,b" %command%
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="msacm32=n,b" %command% allowed me to use "Allow Asset Mods"

Basically would freeze when interacting with any checkpoints and then stop responding and crash. Unfortunately made it unplayable

I had to change Proton version, after that it worked with 0 issues.

gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Compiled Mesa-git and it worked flawless so far, need to test further.

Run out of the box
- Was never able to complete The Gauntlet beecause the game always crash around round 16.

Game worked without tinkering. No artifacting or instability noticed. Both FSR and Xess work with frame generation.
game-performance %command%
Was able to run in Proton Experimental, Proton GE-22, and Proton-Cachyos(native package) without tinkering.

Whole screen flickers, the flickering keeps persistent even after closing the game and rebooting in KDE. The flickering stops itself after some time on its own.
I get the same fps regardless of potato or ultra settings, occasional texture flickering. The regadless the game was playable.
After the recent kde update 6.2.4 and after updating to zen kernel 6.12.5 the game got significantly worse to play now with very frequent texture flickers, well the whole screen flickers to the point of it being uplayable. Performance also got worse -- low and unstable fps upon entering a location. This sometimes fixes itself by repeatedly opening and closing inventory. If I disable the launch options the flickering and performance issues come immidieatally, with launch options it takes couple of location loads but the end result is the same.
The game also sometimes freezes the whole pc requiring hard reset. The kernel does not respond. This happened to me roughly 3 times in the whole 83 hours played.
setting fps limits does not do anything or does not do what it should. setting 45 fps limit brings better frame rate than setting 75 fps limit

gamemoderun %command%
Once I got to world three the issues I had with world two just intensified. In world 2 using the settings of my previous post it would crash every hour to hour and a half. On world three with the same setup and many different ones recommended here and through research in other places I have not found a setup that could stay playable for more than 10 minutes which makes this world nearly unplayable.

gamemoderun %command%
In the first world I was using Proton 9.0-3, but in world two that led to constant crashing and world two required Proton Experimental
To continue from my last post everything still applies, but I did two things to make it so world two would stop crashing.
- I changed the graphic preset to medium (not sure if it helped with stability but it made the frame rate more stable)
- I switch from Proton 9.0-3 to Proton Experimental. (So far this made world two stop crashing)

gamemoderun %command%
Requires specific ingame settings, launch options, and disabling Steam Overlay while in-game
What I did to get the game running and stable:
Disable "Steam Overlay while in-game"
set launch option: gamemoderun %command%
In game settings disable the following: FSR upscaling (led to inconsistent crashing when enable roughly ever 20 minutes) Frame Generation (Did not work properly and led to graphic issues and lower frames)
NOTE I have NOT tried the settings "Minimize Input Latency" or "Optimize Performance in Menus" and have them disabled just in case.
I am on controller and the game has a pretty high default deadzone and I would recommend lowering it to improve accuracy.
For more stability I would recommend enabling Fullscreen and if there are issues with screen tearing I would recommend enabling Vsync.
This will very but I was staying at 70-100 frames depending on the environment with the high Graphic Quality Preset.
Works fine

Worked out-of-the-box without any issues. Using Proton Experimental with an Xbox 360 clone gamepad (Asus TV500BG).
I could not enter Windowed Mode until I set the resolution to something smaller than my monitors native resolution.
DLSS + Ulta @ 60~80FPS. Gameplay is smooth and enjoyable.
gamemoderun %command%

Works well enough
Crashed maybe six times in twenty hours of play. Not ideal, but not a big deal.
Game works perfectly.

gamemoderun %command%
Desktop mouse pointer is stuck ingame. (Alt+Tab to move it away)
The game works without any Problems, just hit install and enjoy playing. (Ok, obligatory gamemoderun %command% in launch options) Overall performance is identical to windows, in some instances slightly better. The Framedrops I've experienced under Windows felt more stuttery than under Linux. The issue with the cursor happend under KDE, but is no real problem. I've used standard proton.

1440p 180Hz monitor with AMD FSR upscaling and frame generation gets around 120+ fps with some dips into the 80-90s.
Excellent experience with no noticeable issues.
Some little stutters but really rare

It runs better than on windows, flawless gameplay and FSR3 Frame Gen working out of the box. Don't have any issues while playing.
game-performance %command%
Been using CachyOS with the native steam package and native proton-cachyos build included by the distro, the experience has been seamless and the gameplay great. Highly recommend this game!

Freezes after a few minutes of gameplay, impossible to reach the end of the first mission.
Crashes after a few minutes of gameplay, every time.

Не знаю, связано ли это с запуском через протон или это проблема самой игры, но у меня был довольно ощутимый гостинг за главным персонажем в начале игры при резком вращении камеры, несмотря на отключённые технологии масштабирования и генерации кадров, тем не менее, ещё до конца "обучения" он ушёл.

Does not use discrete GPU.
If I force it to use my dGPU, it fails to make it to the title screen, either erroring with lack of DX12 support, or failing assertions after booting, depending on settings. Switching to Proton 7 works in that it bugs the game into not using my dGPU which launches... for unplayable levels of FPS. I've been trying fixes for hours but nothing is solving the issue, just changing the errors back and forth.

It is technically playable but has noticeably worse performance (especially in specific areas) which can negatively affect the experience
Common stuttering, unable to maintain even stable 60fps while the same settings on windows gave seamless 80+

60-85 FPS compared to 180 FPS in windows, not sure what the issue is, its defeinitely not one of the playable versions in my opinion
MANGOHUD_CONFIG="fps_limit=178" mangohud %command%
Roughly half the fps i get in windows, without frame gen enabled on both.

Works perfectly, no tinkering. Only native FSR3 FG don't work, with FG mods you can fix this problem tho.

Game just worked out of the box. I'm using KDE running on X11 not Wayland. Set Preset to Ultra, FSR to Performance and VSYNC to On.
Do not enable AMD FRS 3 Frame Generation - it halved(!) my framerate (strange thing as on my low-end gaming laptop under Windows it increased the framerate)
Sometimes when game launches the focus does't seem to transfer to the game's window so I need to alt+tab and again to be able to play - but that's probaby KDE's thing.

Works with defaults, but takes a very long time to boot first run (for me almost a full minute). If you think you're just hitting a black screen like I did at first, let it cook a few minutes. Seems to be the case with Windows too
gamemoderun %command%
No tinkering needed.

Plays Great
My DualSense controller over Bluetooth was not detected until I enabled Steam Input. Then it worked fine but had Xbox glyphs. I've heard Playstation controllers are detected when using a wire, but I didn't want to use one, so didn't try.
If you are using a Bluetooth controller (not wired), you might have to turn on Steam Input. But this is very easy.

DXVK_FILTER_DEVICE_NAME="AMD Radeon RX 7600" %command%
I had to disable EXPO (intel XMP). With EXPO active the game crashed every ~30 minutes. The start option forces the game to use my graphics card. And Proton 7 was necessary for me so that I could start the game once.

gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Works with the normal proton as well from my testing

Almost perfect
Wine Assertion Failed popups
Occasionally, a Wine C++ error message will pop up. As long as you don't close it, the game will continue to run as if nothing is wrong.