Plays fine aside from occasional performance drops during intense moments.
Can stutter when a lot of bullets/effects are onscreen at once, especially when flying the Luftschraube
In-game journal entries
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Shader compilation stutter early on. Overall performance is poor - can get 60 FPS at Low preset, but with high battery drain.
Unspecified error when launching. Error when trying to add DirectMusic via Protontricks.
5W Max TDP
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Frequent stuttering and FPS drops. High battery drain at default TDP settings.
Plays perfectly. Works with default gamepad or mouse layout.
Use 800x600 resolution in the launcher and enable FSR
Use Proton 6.3-8 to fix
Crash at launch
Vertex Shader compilation error. "Aborting due to not yet implemented feature: Complex initializer." Will not launch with any version of Proton.
Kind of ridiculous that this game was verified with all the problems it has.
End of level power-up selection text is impossible to read without magnification.
D-pad input is broken - pushing right moves right and pushing left also moves right.
Sharp FPS drops during certain moments, like large explosions.
Not possible to continue the game past the name entry screen in Arcade mode.
Plays perfectly
Image is stretched vertically when launched for the first time. Change in-game resolution option to 1280x800 to fix.
Now launches fine and plays perfectly
No music
Plays perfectly, but is difficult to control with the trackpads.
Increased sensitivity
Even though the game supposedly has Steam Cloud support, local high score tables and achievement progress are lost when the game is uninstalled.
Frame time isn't completely stable at all times, which appears as occasional judder
Should be 'playable' instead of verified, but no major issues. About 3 hours battery life at high preset and 30 FPS cap.
30 FPS cap
Pop-up tip windows and a few UI elements
Can't get 60 FPS even on lowest settings
Performance isn't great but it plays fine at 30 FPS.
30 FPS cap
Dialogue text is barely readable
Plays perfectly
A couple of lines of text here and there, like on the map screen.
Plays perfectly. Only keyboard icons are shown, but the game supports gamepad configurations.
Plays perfectly. Only keyboard icons are shown, but the game supports gamepad configurations.
Plays perfectly. Only keyboard icons are shown, but the game supports gamepad configurations.
Plays perfectly. Only keyboard icons are shown, but the game supports gamepad configurations.
Poor performance. Game is not well-suited to gamepad controls. Tiny text and UI throughout, even with max scaling set in the options.
30 FPS cap
Pretty much everything except the main menu and some in-game notifications are unreadable.
No sound during intro video with GE-Proton.
Videos don't play with default Proton.
Forced Proton 7.0-2
Native build has improper sound balance (sound effects way too loud) and levels will sometimes load with the background layer missing. Proton has neither problem, with identical performance to Native.
Both Native and Proton have slight scrolling stutter due to poor frame pacing. Set refresh rate to 58 Hz or cap FPS to 58 to get smoother performance.
The music doesn't play
The default Steam Input layout is a poor fit for the Deck. Better to use the standard Gamepad template.
Lag spikes every 5 seconds
No audio
The game is playable with gamepad controls (and even has rumble feedback), but they only worked for me temporarily. After uninstalling and reinstalling, they stopped working completely.
Technically playable but unpleasant on the Deck, at least in handheld mode. Docked should be fine, aside from missing speech recognition.
Most in-game text is too small, more so because of the amount of reading required.
The default resolution is too large for the Deck's screen, causing the top and bottom of the UI to be cropped. If you can get to the game settings (gear icon in top-left corner), changing to the lowest resolution option (700 vertical) will fix it.
The game's speech recognition doesn't seem to work with Proton.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Store page says full controller support, but is actually limited. Menus are navigated by steering the cursor with the right stick, and the control guide is for mouse and keyboard only.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No cloud support.
Playable but with lousy performance and high battery drain
Set graphics settings to low
Poor performance on medium graphics or higher
Barely worthwhile due to lousy performance, but plays fine.
Drop detail levels to low
Simple visuals but high power draw and drops below 60 with graphics at medium settings
The launcher window only accepts keyboard inputs. After that the rest of the game can be played with gamepad inputs.
No audio at all
Plays fine at a slightly reduced frame rate.
Game peformance is capped at 57 FPS instead of the intended 60, with some mild occasional stutter.
For the first launch, you need assignments for the arrow and z keys. After you've switched to gamepad control in the launcher options, you can use standard gamepad template thereafter.
Native build shows only a black screen with audio. Playable with Proton, but save data is not retained.
The game fully supports gamepad controls, but you have to bind all the inputs manually in the options menu. Until you do that, only keyboard commands are recognized (e.g. arrow keys, z, a, etc.).
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
The game is designed to run at 50 FPS. When playing at 60 FPS, there will be a mild scrolling stutter. To get smooth scrolling, set the Deck's refresh rate to 50 Hz.
Plays perfectly
With in-game fullscreen option enabled, the image is stretched vertically. Disable fullscreen to fix.
For whatever reason, the game no longer displays anything (videos or menus) after the opening launch window.
Audio from the Microsoft logo and the main menu are audible in the background, but there is no image. Tried multiple different Proton versions including GE, but nothing made a difference.
Intro movie doesn't play. No other significant problems.
Use 640x480 w/ FSR
Text is too small to read at native resolution. Recommend 640x480 or 960x540, and enable FSR scaling.
For controller layout - map arrow keys to d-pad, mouse to touchpad, mouse buttons to triggers.
Playable but the stuttery, unstable frame rate is seriously unpleasant.
Frame rate stuck at 57/58 FPS
UPDATED: Act 1 now plays perfectly. From level 2-1 though the music is still missing and lag spikes at 4-second intervals are still there.
Gameplay pop-up tooltips (e.g. boss health bar text and target indicator). Nothing critical.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Lag spikes every 4 seconds beginning on stage 2-1
The game was recently marked as "playable" on Deck but should not have been. Presumably the tester didn't play past the first 3 levels.
Plays perfectly
30 FPS cap
Not able to get stable 60 FPS even on the Medium preset. But stable 30 on High preset is no problem.
Broken controls
On first installation, I created a keyboard control layout that essentially worked fine. However, upon uninstalling and then reinstalling the game, the controls are completely broken - even if the arrow keys are properly mapped to the d-pad or analog stick, the game does not recognize them and so there is no way to navigate the menus or move your character in-game.
Wildly unstable frame rate at all times
FPS fluctuates between 38 and 42, causing constant stuttering
Plays near-perfectly
Runs at 59 FPS instead ofthe intended 60, with a mild stutter
You can smooth out the frame rate by changing the Deck's refresh rate to 58.
Plays perfectly with great battery life once past the minor initial hiccups
The game needs to be launched once in desktop mode first, so the readme popup window can be closed.
You need to toggle the relevant in-game oprion to enable native gamepad support.
Plays perfectly
The initial in-game resolution setting is 1600x960, which results in text wrapping outside of text boxes. Can be fixed by setting in-game resolution to 1280x720 and Fullscreen option to On.
Plays perfectly
The image is stretched vertically by default. Disable Fullscreen in game options to fix.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Plays well aside from some hard-to-read text and performance drops.
Some menu text is hard to read, both due to size and color scheme - particularly the +/- stat changes when comparing equipment.
Performance plummets when certain effects like smoke are on-screen. Also sub-60 FPS in some inexplicable situations like sitting at the main menu.
Plays fine but the leaderboards are completely inaccessible.
Crashes when attempting to view the leaderboards.
Terrible performance especially for a precision-based game like this.
Constant stuttering and sub-60 FPS
Unplayable performance on Deck
The turn/look speed is too low and there is no option to increase it. Only mouse look speed can be adjusted.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Can't maintain 30 FPS even with all graphics settings on Low and 75% resolution scale.
Won't launch with any available version of Proton
Plays perfectly. No tinkering necessary. 90 FPS on the highest settings with good battery life. Should probably be verified.
Subtitles are small, though still readable against the background.
Proton recommended over stable
Pausing can cause a system lockup
Native is unstable and someimes won't recognize controller. The Proton version uses more power but without bugs or crashes to deal with.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled
Playable, but can't hold 60 FPS despite the very simple graphics
Plays very well other than the occasional flicker
Background flickers occasionally
Needs some work setting up controls, then plays great. Proton not recommended due to save data being lost on uninstallation.
Game starts in a corner-bound 800x600 resolution. Need to manually select the Deck's native res in the game options.
Limited gamepad support and the initial layout is screwy. You can try one of several available community layouts, otherwise a combination of gamepad, mouse, and keyboard binds will be needed to have full control of everything.
Plays perfectly
Gameplay speed is tied to FPS, and the intended FPS is 60. So OLED users need to set the Deck's FPS limiter to 60, otherwise the game will play at 150% speed.
The tutorial text on the opening level never disappears and can't be dismissed, so there's no way to actually start playing.
A few lines
Requires Proton 4.11-13 for working audio.
The default control scheme is messed up ('unrecognized controller" popup window at launch) - use community layout to fix it.
A few lines of in-game text are difficult to read, and certain unit projectiles (esp. Archer) are hard to see on the Deck's screen.
Tech-wise it's perfect. Getting a control setup that is both comfortable and functional is difficult.
Plays perfectly
The tutorial text and the tips/instructions along the bottom of the screen were both a little small, but not too bad.
On the first launch, gamepad controls were not detected. A restart fixed it and it never happened again.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No cloud support.
There is a minor issue where the game often displays the wrong input instruction (e.g. "press Y" instead of "press A").
A bigger problem is that, if playing in gaming mode, you have to manually scroll through several dozen action sets if you want to customize the controls for any game (most of the games have their own set), which is a very slow process on the Deck. What's supposed to happen is that the correct action set is opened for you automatically, but that is not currently supported in the new Big Picture interface.
So until that's fixed, expect to spend a lot of time scrolling through these to do things like raise trackpad sensitivity, which is very low by default. Or you can play in Desktop mode until you have all the controls configured how you want them.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Videos do not play with vanilla Proton (test pattern). GE required.
Plays near-perfectly
The pre-rendered video volume is much quieter than the rest of the game. In a silent room I had to nearly max out the Deck's volume to hear them.
Losing save data when uninstalling is the main problem
Rumble feedbck is missing
Uninstalling causes the game data to be deleted
Mostly runs at 60 FPS but slowdown is common
Difficult to play without a mouse, but with a gyro config tweaked to comfort it's close enough. GE Proton required.
Native build doesn't launch. Vanilla Proton gives an error and then closes. GE runs without issues.
Gives an error and then closes
Other Bit.Trip games with the same startup error can be fixed by using GE Proton, but in this case it doesn't work.
Gives an error and then closes
Other Bit.Trip games with the same startup error can be fixed by using GE Proton, but in this case it doesn't work.
Gives an error and then closes
Other Bit.Trip games with the same startup error can be fixed by using GE Proton, but in this case it doesn't work.
Plays perfectly with Proton
If vsync is disabled and the Deck's 60 FPS cap is enabled, the game will run at 60 FPS but not smooth at all - feels more like a stuttery 30. Either the Deck's FPS cap needs to be disabled or vsync needs to be enabled for proper performance.
Assuming the stuttering I encountered isn't a game-related problem, then it plays perfectly (GE Proton required).
In about 20 minutes of play, I encountered several instances of seconds-long stuttering and a couple of major lag spikes that killed my run. No combination of fullscreen/window/v-sync/FPS cap settings made a difference. However, I'm not sure that it was a problem caused by the game rather than a Steam-related issue.
Native build doesn't launch. Vanilla Proton gives an error and then closes. GE runs without issues.
Played perfectly after early hiccups
A couple of crashes after clearing the launcher window on early play attempts, but they didn't persist in subsequent sessions.
Plays perfectly
No need to change any options in the launcher; everything is set correctly by default.
Plays perfectly after setting up a suitable control layout
Use zoom options in the menu to increase UI size for readability, or to move camera closer for easier control.
Plays perfectly
The game image is vertically stertched by default. Change resolution to 1280x720 in game options to fix.
Plays perfectly
Some of the names of items found in the world, not because the font is too small, but that the white text against light-color background doesn't stand out well on the Deck's screen.
Only mouse or touch control for the launcher window
You can play with settings maxed and get decent battery life, except for PhysX which is too much for the Deck to handle unfortunately.
Mouse or touch control only for the launcher window
Requires windowed mode to be set in the game's options, otherwise the video never initializes.
Graphics-wise everything can be enabled except DX11 features and PhysX, if you want stable performance.
Plays perfectly
I didn't need to mess with the controls at all---everything worked as it should using the default Proton (9.0-1), so the workaround with an extra controller probably isn't necessary anymore. All I did was set the resolution to 1280x720 in the game's launcher on the first boot.
Native build doesn't launch. Works with Proton, but you can't load any custom songs, which is the game's primary feature.
Only built-in songs can be played
Single-player plays perfectly. Did not test open mic or multiplayer.
To play local tracks, copy them into the following folder:
Then navigate to C:\users\steamuser\Music\ in-game.
Plays perfectly after a couple adjustments
I had no problems with gamepad controls - everything worked as expected. Only downside is you can't use the d-pad in the menus, only the left stick which is somewhat cumbursome. So I suggest assigning the right trackpad as a mouse and the left trackpad as the left mouse button to make navigating the menus easier.
The game defaults to the lowest graphics settings, but the Deck can easily handle Ultra and still get good battery life. You also may want to lower the FOV to 75-80 to reduce the fish eye camera effect.
Plays near-perfectly
Rare, brief lag spikes that seem to always occur in the same locations, so probably not a Deck-related problem. Regardless, they never occured at critical moments, only while walking around.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Terrible audio quality by default (definitely not a "minor issue"). Plays perfectly once that's fixed.
Major audio static in menus that sounds horrible. This is the simplest procedure I've found that will fix it:
- When the game has finished downloading, open Properties -> Compatibility and change to Proton 5.0.
- Launch the game. It will not start, but make sure you let the prerequisites finish before force-quitting.
- Uncheck Proton 5.0 compatibility, then go to Local Files and select Verify Integrity. There should be 1 file re-downloaded.
- Launch the game. Audio should be fixed now.
Native build is very broken (major lighting and shadow errors) and should not be the default. Playable with Proton despite menu flickering.
The menu flickers periodically
The default control scheme is poorly laid out if you're used to console FPS games. Sensitivity is way too high and the left stick should be set to analogue emulation for more precise movement.
On Proton 9, 7, and 6, there are problems with text scaling that causes words in dialogue boxes to be cut off or missing. Proton 8 does not have this problem, though it has a different, less serious scaling issue that causes text to be heavily aliased (though still readable).
Saving doesn't seem to work at all. No data is retained once the game closes.
Replace sdl2.dll with a newer version
Runs at 60 FPS (some of the time) but with very poor battery life because the CPU is getting hammered for some reason, even during the opening cinematic.
Even with the sdl2 fix, the game will frequently drop to what feels like 30 FPS on Direct3D 11 renderer, even though MangoHud still reports 60. On Vulkan, instead of FPS drops there are major periodic lag spikes.
Runs better than on Windows
Perfect aside from a couple minor UI issues - only keyboard prompts are shown, and profile name is set to generic "steamuser."
40 Hz / 40 FPS cap
In-game subtitles and objectives. Magnification doesn't help much.
Some glitches when using DX11
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. Steam Cloud is nominally supported, but not working (nothing is uploaded or downloaded).
FPS is a little slower than intended, but it plays fine regardless
Stuck at 57 FPS
Tiny text throughout
Almost all text is hard to read
No technical issues of any kind as of Proton 7.0-2, but nearly all the game's text is very tiny and hard to read on the Deck's screen.
Plays well, though with worse-than-expected performance and an annoying controller problem.
The in-game controller aim assist setting has major problems. Often the crosshair will "stick" to a point that is above, rather than on, the target you're trying to hit and will firmly resist you trying to correct it. The game is more difficult but still playable with it disabled completely.
GPU usage spikes sharply in certain settings, e.g. when looking at waterfalls.
The gamepad help screen shows B as the Cancel button and A as the Interact button, but in-game they are reversed, and tutorial text also labels them as reversed.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. Steam Cloud is nominally supported, but not working (nothing is uploaded upon game exit).
The persistent lag spikes make this game unplayable for me. I wish there were some way to get rid of them.
Gamepads are fully supported, but only keyboard prompts are displayed.
There is a lag spike that occurs once every 10 seconds of gameplay, regardless of detail settings, FPS cap, or refresh rate. Occurs on every version of Proton that is able to run the game, including Experimental and GE.
The launcher freezes frequently. Use in-game options menu instead.
Has the same problem as the original version - there's a lag spike every 10 seconds of gameplay, regardless of settings or Proton version.
Plays perfectly. There is also a native option which appears to work just as well as on Proton.
Enemy A.I. is broken on native - they don't move from their spawn points. Plays perfectly on Proton.
Plays very well
The music in the intro cutscene is somewhat distorted.
The game script breaks when triggering the rewind mechanic for the first time during the tutorial. After that all input stops working.
The audio is also out of sync during the game logos, but only on Proton 8.0-4; it seems to play propeely on 7.0-6.
The game wouldn't run properly when using the default Proton option. The Linux build plays perfectly.
30 FPS cap in Deck settings
Needed to manually map left stick directions in the options menu for them to work
I had the same problem as Garlido, in that initially the game kept crashing after the opening logo. On the couple occasions where it did start, the controls were unresponsive. Switching Proton versions didn't help, but switching to the Linux build seemed to fix it.
All story-related videos are broken
All cutscenes other than the intro and logos are broken
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Stesm Cloud support.
Heavy stuttering by default. Can be fixed by setting Deck's FPS limit to 30.
The launcher options are only viewable in desktop mode. The game itself doesn't start.
Would be perfect if not for the occasional audio popping. Still a decent experience.
When certain effects appear on screen, there are audible popping noises from the right channel. The most common occurance is with the blue banner at the start of each round (" Round 1... Go"). It's annoying but uncommon enough to be tolerable.
When using a gamepad layout during single-player play, you are always assigned the player 2 slot. This is the same behavior as on Windows. No effect on gameplay and you can still choose to start on the left side of the arena.
Not being able to play offline is a major problem, especially on the Deck. But everything else is perfect.
This game is online-only due to a bug that was widely reported but never fixed by the publisher. Trying to play in offline-mode will return a "Steam not found" error.
Doesn't launch on any version of Proton. The launcher window appears for a split second and the game hangs immediately afterwards.
The native build requires you to dismiss the Unity launcher at startup and also has minor but noticeable lag spikes every couple of seconds.
The frame rate is completely smooth with Proton but adds a frame of input latency. Only 4.x to 5.x are compatible (6.x and 7.x will not launch, 3.x has broken controls).
Given the nature of the game, most will probably want to stick with the native build.
Plays near-perfectly
There is an option to increase card text size, which makes the descriptions easily legible, but there are a couple of elements like card type that are sill on the small side.
Should not be considered playable with such terrible performance
FPS bounces between 51 and 58 FPS even while sitting at the menu. Major stuttering throughout.
Performance problems in fullscreen, scaling problems in windowed.
Regular stuttering in fullscreen mode. Windowed is smoother, but greatly restricts the viewing area, and the game cannot be scaled with the Deck's scaling options.
Once you get a workable game image, it plays decently
Only 'v-sync' modes in the launcher are playable. Deck scaling doesn't work for any of them. Choosing 1024x768 in the launcher with integer scaling appears to be the best option.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Videos don't play when using default Proton. GE required.
Plays perfectly after fixing the aspect ratio
The game is intended to be played at 16:9 aspect ratio. On the Deck's 16:10 screen, the image is cropped on the sides. Force 1280x720 resolution in the game's Steam properties to fix.
Plays perfectly once you download a suitable control layout
Plays perfectly with FPS cap set to 50
This game suffers from stuttery camera scrolling caused by improper settings in its Unity engine configuration. To get smooth scrolling, set the Deck's FPS cap/refresh rate to 50 Hz.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. Steam Cloud is nominally supported but doesn't work (nothing is uploaded on game exit).
On native, the tutorial cannot be completed because the screen does not scroll correctly. On Proton, save data is lost on uninstallation.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled
Small text through the whole game, though legibility is okay as long as you set fullscreen and native res in the game's launcher.
Pretty much all text except the menus.
Make sure you enable fullscreen in the pre-game launcher, or the game will run at below native resolution which makes the text even harder to read.
The prologue comic isn't viewable in game mode (likely the sole cause of the unsupported tag). It's a pdf file in the game's "Launcher" sub-folder, which you can open in desktop mode before playing.
Plays pretty much perfectly once the controls are sorted
This game supports gamepad controls, but you have to manually assign each input in the options menu ("Run" and "Cling" also act as confirm and cancel in menus - i.e. they should probably be assigned to the A and B buttons).
Once you've mapped everything in the game options, I also recommend the following adjustments to the Steam control layout, assuming you're starting from a default Gamepad template:
- Assign d-pad to the keyboard arrow keys (allows d-pad usage in menus)
- Change right stick from Joystick to Joystick Mouse, then re-assign right stick click to right stick click (the game's default joystick aiming doesn't let you aim diagonally, which the joystick mouse setting fixes).
- Change deadzone setting for left stick to Custom and make these adjustments collectively, this will make left stick movement much more responsive):
- Deadzone range 0-88
- Deadzone shape Cross
- Enable advanced deadzone options
- Increase anti-deadzone to 10000
Vibration doesn't work, even with the in-game option enabled.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. Steam Cloud is nominally supported, but not currently working (nothing is uploaded upon game exit).
Plays perfectly
There's a compatibility warning on first launch, but everything works correctly in-game.
Plays near-perfectly
Deck's keyboard doesn't work for name entry, so the only way to edit the player name is to map characters directly to the Deck's inputs.
Almost everything in the game is hard to see clearly on the Deck's screen
Launched the game half a dozen times and the gamepad controls never worked properly. Most of the time they were completely unresponsive, and playing with mouse/keyboard binds is extraordinarily difficult. In short, the claim of "full controller support" is a joke.
Poor performance no matter which version you play
Cannot move the cursor in the menus when using a d-pad or joystick
Both the 50 FPS and 60 FPS version have significant stuttering. The 60 FPS version is smoother overall.
To get the menus working, you should disable d-pad and joystick controls in the Deck's configurator. Bind them to the arrow keys instead.
Plays Perfectly
Gamepad controls are fully supported and enabled by default, though only keyboard prompts are shown. Controls are very simple though so it's not an issue.
Crash at launch using vanilla Proton. Plays perfectly with GE once the resolution issue is corrected.
Game defaults to 1280x800 even though the game does not support 16:10 aspect ratios, so the top and bottom portion of the image are cut off. Correct this by changing to window or borderless window and 1280x720 resolution in the options menu.
Plays perfectly with a TDP limit of 5 (probably even 3 or 4 would be fine)
5W TDP limit
Everything was fine on the initial launch, but on all subsequent sessions, the game would not read the "window size" setting correctly. An odd bug but it doesn't seem to have any negative effects - the game played fine with the setting at 1x (which is actually 3x).
The game puts a ton of unnecessary stress on the CPU. Without using the TDP limiter, the battery would drain in under 3 hours.
Plays very well
60 FPS almost all of the time, but very high power draw as well. At native res with dynamic shadows, you'll only get around 2.5 hours of battery life.
There are no tech problems and CS/DLC mode plays perfectly, but AC mode is nigh-unplayable on the Deck's screen and that's half the game.
Basically all text in AC mode is illegible, even with the magnifier.
It's not just text in AC mode, but also more critical elements like enemy bullets that are very difficult to see.
If you enable Anti-aliasing, the game image will just be a black screen. No problems as long as AA remains disabled.
Gamepad controls are somewhat broken. Specifically, the duck command cannot be rebound from RS to LT. Even though you can assign it as such in the control options, the command will not work in-game.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Sub-20 FPS. If they implement graphics options it could be playable, otherwise wait for Deck 2.
Forced 640x400 resolution in Steam properties
Even with the resolution all the way down to 640x400 (which makes the game's button prompts unreadable), the frame rate couldn't even manage a stable 20 FPS.
The language is set to Japanese by default. To switch to English:
- 3rd option from the top in the main menu (first small-sized option) to open options menu
- 2nd tab from the left in the options menu to open display menu
- Bottom option in the display menu changes language
A couple of minor issues, otherwise perfect.
Pre-level briefing text doesn't scale correctly - it scrolls past the window border to the right. Readable but it looks ugly.
Despite being verified, control prompts show only keyboard keys.
Plays perfectly. No audio problems when resuming from sleep. The launcher fully supports gamepad controls.
Some initial control obstacles. Plays perfectly afterwards.
The game supports gamepad controls, but they won't work until you get into the game options and toggle gamepad control from "360" to "DInput." To get there you need to temporarily assign arrow keys and the 'z' key to confirm menu selections.
After that gamepad controls work fine.
Still giving "OpenGL 2.0 not supported" error following the launcher. Seems to be a problem unique to the Deck.
Controls on native are a bit broken - level select screen always scrolls left. Plays perfectly with Proton (also no launcher window).
The game itself plays fine, but given the limited activations I wouldn't recommend it until there's an easy way to preserve activation data.
The game only allows for 20 lifetime activations, which are not replenishable. When you uninstall the game from the Deck, the activation data is lost. Reinstalling uses up another activation.
Audio skipping is highly annoying
FSR upscaling mostly fixes it
Music and dialogue skipping
The letter 'i' can't be used in character names for some reason
The -sortbyz launch command may reduce audio skipping issues, but it definitely does not fix them. FSR upscaling is needed to make the in-game text readable, but it also seems to cause artifacting with character shadows.
Without FSR, you're pretty much stuck on Low-Medium settings with a 30 FPS cap if you want stable performance, but it plays well regardless.
I encountered one very long freeze, lasting about a full minute, in 3 hours of play. Not sure if that was a bug or just a one-time glitch.
Setting up controls is a pain and there is currently no adequate community profile. There is also no way to prevent frequent unintentional dodging regardless of whether keyboard or gamepad input is used for movement.
Poor battery life at high settings
Plays near-perfectly
Loading screen tutorial text, though it's almost irrelevant since they're only on screen for a second or less.
Performance is just okay. Stable 60 FPS at "Quality" preset, but only 2.5 hours of battery life.
Plays near-perfectly
Loading screen tutorial text, though it's almost irrelevant since they're only on screen for a second or less.
Performance is just okay. Stable 60 FPS at "Quality" preset, but only about 2 hours of battery life.
Problems with initial controller detection
There are no controller problems in the game's launcher (use "360 gamepad"). However once the game has actually begun ("Press Start Button"), you need to rapidly press the Deck's face buttons until the game finally let's you continue to the main menu.
Once that annoyance has ended, there are no controller problems nor any other noticeable bugs for the rest of the session.
Poor performance and too much of the text and UI are illegible
In-game 30 FPS cap
Implant details, class loadout/descriptions, compass markers
Performance plummets while in the hub area. When dialogue windows are open, GPU usage spikes and FPS drops below 30.
Plays perfectly once the controls are sorted
Bard's community controller config can be used, although it uses all keyboard bindings. Death Rally should work with gamepad controls, but sometimes does not detect one when playing. Usually restarting the game can fix that.
Very mild micro-stuttering
Rare crash when starting a new game after finishing previous one
With default Proton, there is graphical corruption in the top 1/3 of the screen. It appears to be triggered by the game's tint-shifting that happens at regular intervals.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Experienced players will probably be fine, but the text and UI are so hard to read that new players aren't going to have a good time.
Enable in-game FidelityFX 2.0 Ultra Quality and medium graphics settings - gets about 3.5 hours of battery life on a full charge.
Almost all text is very tiny, even with maximum UI scaling set.
Playable, though not being able to enable particle effects is a significant visual downgrade.
When the "Any Particles" graphics option is enabled, the resulting effects that occur when launching and exploding the pod do not render correctly. Each sprite is supposed to have a transparent background, but instead they are all enclosed in opaque black squares which obscure all other visuals on-screen.
Plays fine on vanilla Proton but the issue with unresponsive controls is annoying.
Gamepad controls will often not work at all at launch, necessitating a restart. This seems to happen most often when the game is started for the first time after the Deck has booted or woken from sleep.
The pre-rendered cutscenes are somewhat choppy.
Videos don't play. They are automatically skipped.
Plays near-perfectly aside from a little bit of stuttering
Some mild stuttering, possibly caused by shader complation
Pre-rendered videos are all broken
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled
Game selection screen works but nothing else
30 FPS cap
Medium preset at 30 FPS or low at 60 is about all the Deck can handle. Poor battery life either way. There is also noticeable stuttering, especially during boss fights.
"Fatal Error" crash at the first boss
No offline play, which is inexcusable, but everything else works well. 4 hours battery at 30 FPS High settings on Deck OLED.
In-game 30 FPS cap
Took 10-15 minutes to get through the sign-in nonsense
Seems to be no way to play in 16:9 aspect ratio
Borderline playable. The control issues on first boot are highly annoying.
The journal text is slightly difficult to read.
Gamepad controls don't work in the menus, and you have to map them first in the options, so it's easier just to use a keyboard/mouse layout.
Unfortunately, when launching the game for the first time after booting the system or waking from sleep, the game will not recognize keyboard inputs at all; you have to exit and restart. So any time you want to play the game, you have to launch it twice.
15-20 second delay when starting a game from the main menu. Otherwise perfect.
Delay when starting a new game
Very poor performance
Frame rate drops into the 40s on most stages, with constant stuttering
Plays near-perfectly
60 FPS cap in Deck settings
Rare shadow flickering in certain cutscenes. Also mild stutter in some pre-rendered videos. Both seem likely to be caused by the game rather than Proton or Linux.
Plays perfectly
30 FPS cap via Deck settings
Plays fine aside from a few minor but annoying problems
The in-game dialogue is almost completely drowned out by the music and sound effects. Lowering the music volume slider to about half helps, although dialogue will still sound quiet compared to the sound effects. Since the sound effects and dialogue volume are both controlled by the sound effects volume slider, there is no way to further alleviate this problem.
The gameplay is capped at 50 FPS by design. Playing at 60 Hz with a 60 FPS (or unlimited) cap will cause mild but persistent stutter when turning the camera. You can get smooth camera movement by changing the Deck's refresh rate to 50 Hz, however this will then cause the game's pre-rendered videos to stutter, as they are coded for 30 FPS.
Both stuttering issues are minor, but if you can stomach a lower framerate, the only way to get perfectly smooth gameplay and videos is to play at 60 Hz with a 30 FPS cap.
The game does not exit cleanly from the menu and requires a force quit.
Plays perfectly once launcher settings are configured (set resolution to 1280x800 and control to XBox 360 gamepad)
The right stick camera control has a massive deadzone by default. To fix it, set deadzone source to custom, enable advanced deadzone controls, and set anti-deadzone to about 10000.
Unplayable due to severe performance problems
Large, frequent lag spikes at all times
Controls are boken on native build. Plays perfectly with Proton.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Videos do not play with the default Proton version - GE required.
The game can take a long time to fully close when quitting - up to a minute in my experience - particularly after extended gameplay sessions.
The game will not start without the -nolauncher command in place.
No music
Music won't play regardless of what sound card is selected in setup program.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled
A minor visibility issue, otherwise plays perfectly.
Bullet tracers are hard to see due to the screen size and because they blend into the background, which makes the game more difficult than it would be on a normal monitor.
Plays perfectly with Proton 7.0-6
Linux build runs capped at 58 FPS
On default Proton, the opening cinematic is just a black screen with audio and subtitles. Plays correctly when using Proton Experimental or GE.
Using current Proton (7.0-2), there are lag spikes every few seconds, similar to Windows behavior. On Proton 6.3-8 performance is smooth.
Runs in a tiny window that can't be scaled. Main menu is just a black screen.
Can't progress past the language selection menu.
After the initial language selection, screen turns black and stays that way. Mouse cursor and SteamUI are visible but nothing else. Tested on Proton 7.01 and GE-Proton 7.14.
Broken/unreadable text in the menus is the primary problem
Most text is too large and overlaps other text
Frame rate is never stable, although it isn't a major factor for this type of game
Native build doesn't launch. Playable on Proton, but save data is lost upon uninstallation.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Native build doesn't launch. Playable on Proton, but save data is lost upon uninstallation and readability is poor.
Most of the text and UI is difficult to read.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Leave fullscreen option disabled to avoid vertically-stretched image. Runs perfectly at 720p in windowed mode.
Stretched image
The top half of the screen has a lot of pixelated artifacting during gameplay
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled
Plays perfectly. In game opions, enable windowed mode and set "Screen: Best Fit" to fix vertically-stretched image.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Plays perfectly once you learn the control layout
In-game prompts always show keyboard/mouse inputs, even when using a gamepad layout.
Steam Cloud is nominally supported, but not working (nothing is uploaded or downloaded).
Proton recommended. If you want to change any settings (shouldn't be necessary), you'll need a keyboard layout.
On native, controls are mostly broken. On Proton the controls are mostly fine, except that you can't modify settings in the options menu.
Plays perfectly
In-game 30 FPS cap
There's little reason to go above the Medium graphics preset if playing portably, as all of the improvements from the High preset (AA, AF, Shadow res, AO res) are largely wasted on the Deck's smaller screen.
30 FPS vs 60 FPS is personal preference, though the game was originally designed for 30 on the PS2.
Plays fine but with substantial stuttering at the start and periodicly throughout
Low volume overall
Lots of shader compilation and general slowdown
I played just a few hours. Encountered quite a lot of shader compilation stuttering, but I expect that to not be a problem for future players.
Aside from that and the need to boost the volume to near max to hear everything (game, not Deck issue), there were no problems at all. Game looks great and runs for nearly 5 hours on a full battery.
Terrible stuttering, for now.
30 FPS cap via FFXIII fix
Severe stuttering all throughout the beginning of the game, both in cutscenes and gameplay, and even the main menu. Might be shader related but performance is so bad that it isn't worth dealing with.
Weak performance on the Deck, but the game plays reaonably well at 960x600 resolution with reduced graphics settings using Proton.
Even with all graphics at the lowest settings, the game can barely maintain 60 FPS at the Deck's native resolution. You'll either want to cap at 30 FPS (which IMO isn't ideal for this type of game, or drop the resolution to 960x600 as well as lower graphics setting down one step from their defaults.
Unfortunately, the Linux version of the game doesn't list 960x600 as an option, only 960x540, and choosing the latter results in improper scaling - the game image is squished horizontally. So to get proper scaling at lower resolutions you'll have to switch to Proton.
Plays perfectly.
Bear in mind that if playing portably, using the touchscreen as the primary control method is pretty much a requirement. Neither the touchpad nor analogue stick is fast and accurate enough to make the necessary inputs.
Plays near-perfectly
Mostly fine but the light-on-light color scheme doesn't help
Rooms that scroll vertically have major distortions
In vertically-scrolling rooms, the view gets zoomed in and firing causes the entire image to be "blinked" to the side, making these rooms difficult to get through when enemies are present.
There is also cosmetic distortion during the between-stage side-scrolling segments.
Trying to launch using Proton shows nothing but a white screen.
Controls are a pain at first. Plays fine once that's dealt with.
Everything has to be manually bound once
The game only supports gamepads duing the races. Menus require the keyboard. So you have to map the arrow keys to the d-pad and escape and enter keys to the grip buttons. Then you need to go to the control options and map the sticks and trigger for racing.
After all that, the game works fine, except there is no vibration feedback even if you have that option enabled.
Controls are a pain at first. Plays fine once that's dealt with.
Everything has to be manually bound once
The game only supports gamepads duing the races. Menus require the keyboard. So you have to map the arrow keys to the d-pad and escape and enter keys to the grip buttons. Then you need to go to the control options and map the sticks and trigger for racing.
After all that, the game works fine, except there is no vibration feedback even if you have that option enabled.
Plays perfectly out-of-the-box with default Proton (currently Experimental)
Vsync is enabled by default, which makes the frame rate feel like 30 even though the Deck reports 60. Perfectly smooth 60 FPS with vsync disabled.
Default settings are medium, but the Deck can handle Ultra no problem, and still get good battery life. On the first level wth AA at 1, AF at 4, all Ultra - about 11W total power draw.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Native build doesn't launch. Plays well with Proton, with some menu bugs.
When applying video option changes, controller glyphs become corrupted, requiring a restart.
Also, sometimes when using gamepad controls, the menu cursor will be invisible so you can't see which option is highlighted, fixed by restarting.
There is occasional mild, brief (~1 sec) stuttering, that is noticeable but does not register on the frame time graph.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Native recommended over Proton, despite the lack of gamepad support.
The native version doesn't detect gamepad controls at all. On Proton gamepad controls work fine.
On Proton, the game will crash anytime you attempt to view the Leaderboards, which also happens automatically at the end of the game. This is a widely-reported bug by Windows users that has never been fixed.
The community "Fortix 2 Layout" is missing at least one binding - the CTRL key which is used to sprint. Unfortunately there is no PC manual or help sheet anywhere that I could find that lists all of the keyboard controls.
Plays perfectly aside from a minor control issue.
The game never recognized the Deck's gamepad controls for me, so I just created a simple keyboard layout instead which worked 100% of the time:
- Arrow keys
- Z (Jump/Menu Select)
- X (Attack/Menu Cancel)
- C (Special)
- Enter (Menu)
Shader compilation is temporary. The performance drops are unfortunate but overall the game plays quite well.
For now, there is infrequent but persistent shader compilation stuttering during in-engine cutscenes and gameplay. In the cutscenes, it causes the video to fall further behind the audio with each stutter, which is most distracting when character faces are visible during dialogue. Once a few people play through the entire game, this stuttering should basically disappear (confirmed by repeating the first mission, which was nearly stutter-free the second time).
There is also occasional non-shader related slowdown during gameplay, particularly when smoke/debris effects are visible in a large portion of the screen (e.g. killing an enemy mech up close). In larger battles this slowdown can be substantial.
Plays near-perfectly
Mostly readable but comic panel text and a couple of HUD elements are still difficult to see, even after the most recent Deck-focused update.
Plays well, with minor frame pacing issues
There is a slight scrolling stutter due to poor frame pacing. Set refresh rate to 58 Hz or cap FPS to 58 to get smoother performance.
On Proton, the between-mission text crawls aren't sized correctly, causing some words to be cut off at the edge of the screen. Native doesn't have this problem.
Plays perfectly once you set the correct language
In-game language defaults to Kanji (same behavior as on Windows)
To change in-game language to English:
- At the title screen, press Menu (Start) button to open main menu
- Go to third option from the top, press A button
- Go to sixth option from the top, press D-pad right once
- Go to bottom option, press A button
- Press B button, prompt will appear
- Press A button, finished
The game's brightness is too low by default. I adjusted the in-game gamma from 19/17/19 to 30/28/30, which seemed about right.
The game is fully playable with gamepad controls (except for the control rebinding menu, which requires mouse input), but the default bindings are way off, so you'll need to take time to remap them.
The in-game control prompts will always show mouse and keyboard controls.
Vibration feedback isn't working (same as on Windows).
Even when using gamepad controls, the mouse cursor will be visible and centered on the screen during card games and pop-up notifications.
On the current default Proton (7.0-6), the game can be saved but not loaded. Works properly on Proton 6.3-8.
Even with that fixed though, save data is still deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
No sound during intro video. No in-game music. Sound and dialogue breaks up and falls out of sync with graphics during in-engine cutscenes. Frequent audio pops during dialogue.
Plays perfectly, but draws max power from the Deck most of the time, regardless of in-game settings.
The control rebinding menu is difficult to read.
Plays fine, but the high score table is deleted when the game is uninstalled
Lost when uninstalling
Can't access emulator options
Since the main point of playing the game is to improve your score over time, losing your scores when uninstalling seems like a significant problem to me.
The secondary launch option doesn't work - it's supposed to show the VICE window but the menu bar is missing, so emulator settings aren't accessible and changing language isn't possible, but the game is still playable.
Control customization is needed before playing. Map the following inputs:
Arrow Keys (movement)
CTRL (fire, unpause, menu select)
Space Bar (pause)
Q (quit to main menu)
F1 (open game options menu)
S (scanlines on)
D (scanlines off)
ESC (exit game)
No music
Options and local high scores are not saved
Enable windowed mode and set "Screen: Best Fit" in in-game options to fix vertically-stretched image.
The game launches but the menu is invisible. Tested on Proton 7.01 and GE-Proton 7.14.
A few hard-to-see interface elements but nothing critical
in-game 30 FPS cap
Combat log, Reticle info (used/remaining action points), and a couple other minor elements
5W max TDP
Save data is lost when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
By default the game overburdens the CPU. TDP limit highly recommended to save battery life.
Local high score table is reset when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud or Leaderboard support. Since score-chasing is the main point of the game, I think the lack of either feature is a significant problem.
Plays very well after fixing controller binds. Great battery life.
Calibrate controller option is broken (same as on Windows).
The bumper and trigger bindings are reversed if using the default controller configuration.
30 FPS cap
No audio during the opening logos
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Plays perfectly aside from a test pattern in place of one of the opening logos
40 Hz / 40 FPS cap
On first launch, the left and right sides of the image are cropped. Change in-game setting from fullscreen to windowed to fix.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Saves are broken on Native build - as soon as you exit the game your progress is lost. Plays perfectly on Proton.
Save and profile data are deleted when the game is uninstalled
Plays perfectly using current version of Proton (9.0-1)
Modify analog sticks to use cross-shaped deadzone in Steam controller config to fix reduced-speed camera and character movement along the diagonals
Frame time instability while in the main menu, but no problems during gameplay or in other menus.
FPS is capped at 45 by default (same behavior as on Windows). It can be increased by modifying the game.cfg file. See "high frame rate" section in the game's PCGamingWiki page for instructions.
If you set the game's resolution higher than the Deck's screen resolution, you may not be able to undo it, as the UI could be completely off-screen and would stay that way even when restarting.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
In-game 30 FPS cap. Medium graphics preset. The Deck is capable of locked 40 FPS at the Medium preset, but with minimal battery life.
Mostly okay. Some small text is hard to see when positioned over a lighter background.
Some shader compilation stuttering early on, rarely after the first 10 minutes or so.
Since Linux and Windows game profiles are separate, I did not test the native version, so I could continue my Windows-based profile.
In-game videos do not play with vanilla Proton. GE required.
The mouse cursor is either invisible or extremely laggy, so nothing can be selected on the menu.
Plays perfectly
1024x576 resolution
I didn't encounter any crashes mentioned in other recent reports. Possible it's caused by a certain in-game video setting (I disabled AA and vsync and changed everything to Medium).
Plays near-perfectly
Trackpad mouse for menu navigation
Only 20 FPS on the level select screen. Frame rate is otherwise solid during actual gameplay. It fluctuates a fair bit but feels smooth.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
There is a long delay before the main menu appears when launching the game for the first time. Seems to last for longer than a minute.
No noticeable problems other than that the game will sometimes not close completely, requiring a forced shutdown from the Steam menu.
Plays perfectly
The game image is stretched vertically by default. In settings, switch from "fullscreen 16:9" to "fullscreen 16:10" to fix.
Plays near-perfectly
Launched the game about 6 times, and on half of them the gamepad controls didn't work. A quick exit and restart always fixed it though.
The game's current "unsupported" tag was applied a few months ago on an earler Proton version. At that time the game showed only a black screen at launch. This was fixed in a subsequent Proton update and it would certainly be verified if re-tested today.
Plays perfectly
This game runs at 45 FPS, which is the same speed as when run natively on Windows, so it seems to be intentionally set that way by the developer.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Most of the videos don't play, including the pre-mission story clips.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Plays very well but performance is worse than expected
Rare texure filtering artifacts on the native build (e.g. flickering in the opening cutscene). Fixed when using Proton.
Performance drops during cutscenes. GPU load and power draw also doubles during "spot the difference" stages.
Supports gamepad controls but only mouse and keyboard icons are shown.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
The frame pacing is not completely smooth. There is a slight scrolling stutter that is barely noticable unless you're looking for it.
Plays perfectly at max settings with plenty of battery life
A few specific rooms always cause performance dips, but they're minor and barely noticeable.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Major lag spikes throughout
Both native and Proton suffer the same problem as on Windows - major lag spikes that occur every 5-10 seconds.
Plays perfectly tech-wise. Visibility is a bit of a problem - the image will either be small or have a poorly-scaled UI.
No music. Load times are severe - way past the point of playability.
Extremely long load times
The pre-logo delays are annoying and performance isn't great, but it plays fine otherwise.
The game defaults to High settings but the Deck can't handle that if you want 60 FPS. For that you'll need to drop to Medium, though even then there will be occasional drops, like when killing an enemy at close range with the tripple shotgun.
There is a long (~1 minute) delay when starting th game for the first time, before the first logo appears, and shorter but still substantial (30 seconds) delays on each subsequent launch.
Plays perfectly, with some magnification needed for non-critical text
Some menu text and e-mails
Use Luxtorpeda and select GZDoom. Plays perfectly with gamepad controls, after a few tweaks to game options like vertical aim sensitivity.
Use Luxtorpeda and select GZDoom. Plays perfectly with gamepad controls, after a few tweaks to game options like vertical aim sensitivity.
Cloud save support seems to not be working. Steam will claim it is "up to date," but the cloud save section is missing entirely from the game's Steam properties.
Tried adding XNA 4.0 via Protontricks - no luck. Seems to be an additional problem related to .NET.
XNA 4.0
Plays perfectly with forced 16:9 resolution and a 50 FPS cap
The game is designed to be run at 16:9 aspect ratio. On the Deck's 16:10 screen the image is cropped on the sides. Force 1280x720 in the game's Steam properties to fix.
The game logic is tied to FPS, and the intended play speed is 50 FPS. Any higher or lower will result in gameplay that is either too fast or too slow, along with improper frame pacing.
This game has no save data. The high score is reset when the session ends.
Minor graphics issues but mostly excellent. Good battery life at Original preset with 30 FPS cap. The Deck can handle High preset as well.
In-game 30 FPS cap
Screen space reflections don't cover the entire width of the screen; they end a few pixels from the edge, which is distracting when travelling near water.
Periodic half-second lag spikes. Not major but noticeable. Seems like traversal stutter so probably not a Deck-specific problem.
Plays near-perfectly
The leaderboard pages can't be changed ("Navigate Pages" hotkeys not working).
Also, the launcher references gamepad rumble, but I never felt any during gameplay so it may not be working.
A lot of the HUD text, like objectives and targeting data, is too small.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled
Plays near-perfectly
There is varying amounts of mild choppiness when turning the camera, depending on vsync/FPS cap. The smoothest performance seems to be with vsync on and Deck's FPS cap set to Unlimited.
Crashes about 1 second after launching
Plays perfectly, but requires a lot of control setup. The community scheme by GothWitchQueen is extensive but displays an error when loaded.
There are at least a few help screens that are made up of densely-packed small text.
Local high score tables are deleted when the game is uninstalled
When launching the game, an error window will warn about audio and OS compatibility, but you can skip through it and the game itself plays with no technical problems.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Occasional stutter caused by shader compilation
Plays well enough at Low/Medium graphics and 30 or 40 FPS cap.
30 FPS cap
In-game tutorial pop-ups
Can't maintain 60 FPS at native resolution/low preset. Drops below 30 FPS during cutscenes.
Raising the graphics to High or above disables the in-game frame limiter.
In both fullscreen and windowed, the image is stretched vertically with no way to correct it (no resolution options).
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled (Steam Cloud supported but not working)
Plays well as long as you don't mind having to use the triggers to attack
The game uses Steam Input for control mapping, but the implementation is poorly done - there is currently no way to rebind the shoot or spike commands, so they are essentially hardcoded to the triggers.
Plays perfectly. Needs a fair bit of control customization for all the hotkeys, until a community config becomes available.
The settings app doesn't seem to work properly, but the default settings work fine anyway so just ignore it.
The game is stretched horizontally by default. If that bothers you, go into the game's properties in your Steam library, set the resolution to 1024x768 (or any other 4:3 resolution) in the General tab, and enable the "internal and external displays" option.
No way to play with a correct aspect ratio. Otherwise fine.
Aspect ratio is stretched horizontally in both fullscreen and windowed
Proton recommended if you care about haptics. Plays well, other than the periodic freezing.
Rumble feedback doesn't work on native.
There are periodic 1-5 second freezes that happen ranomly while playing, about once every 5 minutes of play. Occurs on both native build and with Proton.
Native build has no audio or gamepad support. On Proton - poor performance and loss of save data upon uninstallation.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled
Frame rate is unstable with frequent stutters
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Persistent stuttering while sitting at the main menu. Shader compilation stuttering in-game, which eventually smooths out for the most part.
Playable but with a lot of stuttering both on native and with Proton. As a turn-based game it's only a cosmetic problem.
Lots of stuttering, especially when knocking out guards and turning the camera.
Plays perfectly. Game is difficult to play using gamepad controls, though.
Frequent sound and dialogue skipping/stutters
Gamepad control is broken - Actions and dialogue will often repeat automatically with no additional input from the player. QTE inputs fail even when the correct button or direction was pressed. Analog stick inputs are paricularly troublesome.
Plays perfectly with d3dcompiler_47 installed via Protontricks. Does not run without it (black screen at launch).
Installed d3dcompiler_47
45 FPS cap
Protontricks instructions, for new users:
- In desktop mode, search for and install Protontricks from the Discover store, then launch it.
- Select Just Cause 2 from the app list > OK
- "Select the default wineprefix" > OK
- "Install a Windows DLL or component" > OK
- Tick the checkbox next to d3dcompiler_47 > OK
- When the next screen appears, you are finished. Click the 'X' in the upper-right corner to close Protontricks, then return to gaming mode to play.
Poor performance, a lot of unreadable text, and broken menus
Most text is too large, and overlaps other text and/or expands beyond the screen boundaries
Major stuttering throughout
The main menu screen is glitched - no way to see what is selected and pressing any button starts a new game
Plays perfectly. In the setup launcher, disable fullscreen and use the Deck's scaling so the game's aspect ratio is correct.
Plays fine apart from the ugly space background
The space background looks like a garbled multi-colored mess instead of plain black as it dd on original PS2 hardware (same behavior as on Windows).
Plays perfectly
Everything readable but the UI could stand to be enlarged a bit
Nearly all the game's text is too small to read.
Almost everything is unreadable
Plays perfectly
The d-pad behavior is inconsistent in menus. This can be fixed by changing its assignment in Steam's controller configurator from d-pad to left joystick.
Scrolling isn't very smooth, though it doesn't seem to be a Deck-related problem.
Plays perfectly
Scrolling isn't very smooth, though it doesn't seem to be a Deck-related problem.
Plays perfectly. Good battery life with all settings maxed at 60 FPS.
Menus do not scale properly when playing at 1280x800. No problems at 720p.
The screen is not filled with in-game fullscreen enabled. Disable to fix.
Most controller glyphs do not appear during the tutorial, though there is a control guide in the menu.
Somewhat lengthy delay when launching the game - about 20 seconds or so.
Plays perfectly. A few instances of very mild frame time fluctuation in Klonoa 2, but nothing that impacted play.
60 FPS Deck cap (OLED)
Couple of minor issues on native build but plays well.
RT is bound to move right instead of zoom out. Also during dialogue breaks, multiple A presses are required to begin advancing the dialogue.
Some minor stuttering during cutscenes
Native build runs but has steep FPS drops in certain areas. Proton plays perfectly after adjustment.
To get smoother performance: Set Deck's refresh rate to 58.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Some areas suffer from periodic lag spikes - about 1 every few seconds. A possible fix is to enable in-game vsync and disable the Deck's FPS limiter.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Steep performance drops (about 5 seconds long) anytime a new area is loaded for the first time, and also when certain effects are on screen.
Plays perfectly once the resolution and aspect ratio are set correctly
Plays perfectly once the in-game settings are adjusted
Recommended settings: In-game vsync on, Deck FPS limit off
Plays near-perfectly
Major stuttering for a few seconds when entering some areas (same behavior as on Windows).
Plays perfectly
45 FPS cap
Only occasional in-game text pop-ups were an issue. All the rest of the text and UI is comfortably readable.
The first time I played the game, the video during cutscenes was about 2 seconds behind the audio. After restarting the game, this problem never repeated.
Plays okay. Cutscene pauses are annoying but tolerable. A fair amount of preperation may be needed.
In-game 30 FPS cap
This game started in 1920x1080 resolution, causing the bottom and right sections of the image to be cut off, making the game unplayable. Forcing 1280x720 res in the game's Steam properties didn't fix it.
The only fix is to run the game in dektop mode, using a mouse and keyboard controller profile. Then you can access the settings drop-down menu and change the resolution to 1280x720, along with any other graphics options.
There is a substantial deadzone for the analog sticks. Approx 8000 anti-deadzone in controller settings is needed to eliminate it.
Runs smoothly except for brief hitching when entering new areas, along with a substantial amount of half-second "pauses" during most in-engine cutscenes. The latter happen most often at camera angle changes, and generally do not occur in the same cutscenes on successive playthroughs, so possibly a shader compilation issue.
Plays perfectly aside from a minor leaderboard bug
Game soft-locks when attempting to view Friends leaderboard (may be dependant on how many Steam friends you have). Leaderboards are also viewable in the Community Hub.
Perfect once the shader compilation stuttering has subsided
Shader compilation stuttering
Note: Playing at 1280x800 will cause a vertically-stretched image. Use 1280x720 instead.
Poor performance
Slowdown and a lot of stuttering, even on very low detail setting.
Textures turn "flat" and lose detail. Missing lighting. Effects are blocky and pixelated.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
No major problems encountered, but the interface is a poor fit for the Deck
One instance of the game freezing up the Deck - hard reboot required
Since the game is played primarily using a text parser, and the Deck's on-screen keyboard covers the text entry box, it's not an enjoyable experience.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
A few minor problems but overall it plays fine
Lower-case f's and r's are slightly distorted
Opening logo video dosn't play, but that is the only video in the game.
To smooth out the framerate: Set Deck's framerate limiter to Off.
Plays very well
Periodic skips and stutters during each level, presumably triggered when loading the next segment. Mostly a cosmetic problem but it does mar the experience.
After the first few minutes the game plays near-perfectly
This is the first game I've played on the Deck where I felt the need to crank the volume to 100%. If you're playing in an area with substantial background noise, you may have trouble hearing everything.
There was major shader compilation stuttering at the start of the game while inside the inn, causing multiple seconds-long freezes. However, this only lasted for a few minutes, after which the frame rate was largely stutter-free even when transitioning to new areas.
I had no other performance issues after that brief initial period, and the game performed very well overall, giving ~4.5 hours of battery with all settings maxed.
The game wouldn't start until I verifed local files in the game's properties (2 files needed re-downloading for some reason).
Starts fine with the xliveless dll file in place, but the in-game text is in Russian or a similar language, with no way to change it.
Xliveless dll
The DX9/DX11 launcher respects whatever language is selected in the game's Steam properties, but once the game proper starts, that setting is ignored. I assume the cause is the origin country of the xliveless dll (downloaded from PCGW), though I was unable to find any alternate dll to test with.
Gamepad controls don't work properly on native, but a keyboard layout works. On Proton, save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled.
Certain gamepad commands (e.g. flashlight) are not mapped to the indicated bindings. Recommend creating or downloading a keyboard layout instead.
The Linux build is enabled by default, so this isn't a tinker report. Plays very well with a minor screen size inconvenience each boot.
In order to get the game to fill the screen, you need to press Escape (bound to the start button by default) to show the Flash window menus, then select View -> Show All and then View -> Full Screen. This will need to be repeated each game session.
Select the default wineprefix -> Change settings -> winxp (Set Windows version to Windows XP)
To play at Deck's native resolution, you need to first uncheck full screen, then change resolution to 1280x800, then quit and restart game, and finally re-check full screen.
You'll probably need to increase trackpad mouse sensitivity to contrl the game accurately.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Plays well with mild stuttering
Disable the Deck's FPS cap or the game will run at sub-60 FPS with major stuttering. Even with cap disabled performance isn't perfect, but it's good enough.
Both native and Proton play perfectly, with some small-ish text and UI. Should probably be verified.
Parts of the in-game UI and much of the text in character sheets are small but not unreadable
On Linux build there are odd but unintrusive FPS shifts to ~50 or ~40 when looking at certain menus
Plays perfectly with default Proton (8.0-5), after an initial hiccup with the game's resolution.
On the game's first launch, the resolution was set to 1080p and would not scale down to fit the Deck's screen, so the menu was not visible. The likely cause was the game including video settings from my desktop PC as part of the cloud save data.
I was eventually able to fumble and guess my way to the video settings and reset the resolution to 1280x800, though an easier way probably would have been to use the resolution setting in the game's Steam properties.
Severe performance issues
Major lag spikes every couple of seconds
Plays perfectly with Proton 7.0-6. Multiplayer works too.
Either dropping graphics preset to Medium, or using High preset but droping the resolution to 960x540 will allow for about 3-3.5 hours of battery. High preset at 720p will run for 2 hours or less.
Due to the tricks making use of button combos like X/B, Y/B, etc., you will definitely want to make use of the back buttons to make these easier to execute. I suggest mapping L4 as the Y button and R4 as the B button, then using A and X as normal.
Plays well most of the time.
Water effects are mostly broken. The ripples created when driving through water will grow and expand far greater than they should, eventually growing large enough to fill the entire screen if in close proximity to the player. It's not a serious issue most of the time since water isn't present on most levels, and even where it is present you usually won't be in the area long enough to see it.
This game can be completely controlled with gamepad binds, even though prompts are missing in certain places (e.g. press 'Y' at the main menu to play the tutorial or 'X' to bring up the options menu.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
There is a setup executable in the installation folder that allows for selecting widescreen resolutions, but it is not a launch option and doesn't start when added to Steam and run via Proton as a non-Steam program.
Gamepad controls appear to work correctly now, including analog steering, once you have changed the controller layout to the Gamepad template.
Plays decently, though with frequent magnifier use in menus. As with most UE4 games on Deck, performance and battery life aren't great.
45 FPS cap
Race UI is clear but many menu elements aren't, especially button icons.
Prompts to purchase the "full game," apparently believing you have launched the trial version.
Plays solid. Gamepad controls work surprisingly well, considering the nature of the gameplay.
Size is fine, but the dark-on-dark color scheme of the dialogue hurts readability.
The game requires you to read Paradox's privacy policy in a browser window before letting you adjust any options, because Paradox.
I did not test online multiplayer, but be aware there are widespread reports of instability and dropped connections due to a recent update.
Plays very well with minor controller issues
Multiple controller problems (same as when using Windows):
Controller input is frequently non-responsive when using the default Steam Input bindings. Changing any of the binds seems to guarantee this bug will occur.
It can be fixed by switching to the default "Gamepad" template. However this causes a second problem where the game will detect multiple separate controllers, even if only one is connected, so that pressing the Start button adds an extra human-controlled player, instead of pausing the game.
To fix the latter problem, you should go to the in-game options immediately after launching the game, and change Player 2's controller from gamepad to keyboard. This should cause the Start button to behave as it should while playing.
Plays very well with minor controller issues
Multiple controller problems (same as when using Windows):
- Controller input is frequently non-responsive when using the default Steam Input bindings. Changing any of the binds seems to guarantee this bug will occur.
- It can be fixed by switching to the default "Gamepad" template. However this causes a second problem where the game will detect multiple separate controllers, even if only one is connected, so that pressing the Start button adds an extra human-controlled player, instead of pausing the game.
- To fix the latter problem, you should go to the in-game options immediately after launching the game, and change Player 2's controller from gamepad to keyboard. This should cause the Start button to behave as it should while playing.
Poor performance throughout
Certain sound fx are much louder than everything else
Stuck at 56-57 FPS with constant stuttering
By default the game is stuck at 56-57 FPS, and any time the player character is moving there is significant stuttering that makes it hard to control.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
To reduce stuttering: Set Deck's refresh rate to 50 and framerate limit to Off.
Plays perfectly
Gamepad controls are fully supported, but you need to enable it in the game options first.
Text and UI readability is a constant headache, which stinks because this would otherwise be a great Deck game.
The Deck can handle locked 60 FPS at High preset or locked 30 at Ultra. High with the in-30 FPS cap will give 3.5 to 4 hours of battery.
Almost all text and UI elements, but menus and subtitles are the biggest problems.
Overall game volume is low. I had to increase to max to hear dialog when playing near mild background noise.
What would otherwise be a stellar Deck game is brought low by near-illegible UI
In-game 30 FPS cap
Just as with Shadow of Mordor, pretty much the entire UI ranges from tiny-to-miniscule, with no scaling option. Icons on the map and controller glyphs are often impossible to decipher.
The characters and playfield are all quite small on the Deck's screen, but it's playable.
In Academy the characters and playfield are quite small, but it's playable. All other games play perfectly.
Plays perfectly
To make this game easier to control with the trackpads, I recommend binding left mouse click to the trigger on the opposite side of the trackpad you're using - so either left trackpad/right trigger or right trackpad/left trigger.
This will make dragging and dropping the tiles more comfortable.
The screen does not scale down to the Deck's resolution, so only 1/4 of it is visible.
UPDATED: Display size problem is fixable, but there is a major performance problem that has no known solution, for now.
Video settings are saved to the cloud, so the game window may only be partially visible when playing on the Deck if the previous display had a higher resolution.
To fix this: Open the game's Steam properties > General tab and set Game Resolution to whatever the resolution is of the previous display the game was played on. Then make sure "set resolution for internal and external display" is enabled. Then restart the game.
There is a major lag spike every 4 seconds while in-game (doesn't happen in the main menu).
Plays near-perfectly
Audio popping/stuttering in the menus, especially when cycling through cars and tracks. No problems during races.
Plays well for the most part
If the sound effects slider is over 50%, in-game effects will sound distorted. The higher the volume, the worse the distortion.
Even though acceleration is mapped to the right trigger by default, there is no analog speed control - only 100% acceleration or 0% - even if analog functionality is enabled in the control layout.
In-game PhysX must be disabled to avoid extended periods of single-digit FPS. Otherwise plays great.
Story text
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Plays perfectly, although local high score tables are deleted when the game is uninstalled.
Lost when uninstalling
Plays perfectly
Recommend using the d-pad for movement, as it is a little easier to make small adjustments to line up shots compared to the left stick.
Although you can't move diagonally in the game, you can fire diagonally using the right stick.
Plays perfectly in singleplayer. Multiplayer isn't officially supported anymore but may be possible with third-party tools.
Can't host a game - game returns error message. There is a third-party tool for Windows available on GitHub called "Moonbase Console" that facilitates multiplayer on modern PCs, but I did not test it with Proton.
Terrible performance and weak controller support.
"Full controller support" but navigating the menus using gamepad bindings is barely functional.
Even at 50% resolution scale and medium graphics settings, the game draws full power from the Deck and cannot maintain consistent 60 FPS.
Plays perfectly
Gamepad is fully supported but only keyboard prompts are shown in-game. Only a few buttons are used however, and the layout is mostly common sense. To exit the game from the title screen, you need to use the STEAM + D-pad left combo (ESC key shortcut).
Plays perfectly
When playing for the first time, gamepad controls will not work until you enable them in the options. So even though it says "press start" on the title screen, you actually need to press enter instead (Steam + right d-pad shortcut).
Plays perfectly after a bit of setup
The game has some mild micro-stuttering initially. To fix, you need to press ALT+Enter to switch to fullscreen.
Controller isn't recognized by default. Load a community profile or create one with these bindings:
- Arrow keys
- Space Bar (Jump/Confirm)
- CTRL (Fire/Cancel)
- Enter (Menu)
- ALT (see above)
Gamepad contol works if you prefer it, but no gamepad prompts are shown.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Couple of minor bugs but otherwise plays very well
Native build shows prompts for a PlayStation controller instead of the Deck's Xbox-style labels.
Leaderboard display usually displays the wrong rankings and sometimes the wrong scores as well.
Some issues with startup, otherwise plays perfectly.
The game will always start below the Deck's native 1280x720 resolution, even though it is set to that resolution in the game options. You need to enter the options menu and press the X button to apply each time you start the game.
There is a ~15 second delay before the game launches.
Plays perfectly and should be verified
60 FPS cap in Deck settings (OLED)
Plays perfectly. FPS cap isn't necessary as the Deck can handle 60 FPS easily, only if you really want to stretch battery life.
30 FPS cap
On the native build, gamepad controls don't work at all. Using Proton, gamepad controls work but there is no way to select power-ups at the end of level screen. Even temporarily switching to a mouse layout doesn't help, as the cursor is invisible.
Native build plays perfectly. On Proton, save data is lost upon uninstalling the game.
Plays fine but with lousy battery life and other minor headaches.
In-game 40 FPS cap
I had to swith to GE-Proton to get the prerequisites to install without crashing. Ran fine with vanilla Proton afterwards.
Notes/Journal entries
As with most UE4 games on Deck, performance is pretty terrible. 60 FPS at Medium graphics is barely doable and will drain the battery in 90 minutes flat.
Very long delay when the game is first launched, sitting at a black screen (~30 seconds). On subsequent launches, the delay is maybe half as long.
Plays near-perfectly
Enemies can be hard to see, especially when near death while the game is in monochrome.
Playable but not a good experience. Desperately needs scaling option for the menus and inventory.
30 FPS cap
Almost all menu/tutorial text as well as inventory labels
Plays well
Plays fine 90% of the time but does have some sharp power spikes occasionally.
Some menu text
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Sound only comes out of the right speaker (same problem on Windows)
No sound from left speaker
The videos play but the picture is misaligned. Considering the nature of the game's appeal I think this is a significant problem.
Occasional performance dips but plays well overall
Disable the Deck's framerate limit to improve performance.
Can take a while to make/learn a suitable control layout. After that the game plays perfectly.
High power draw and some control setup required, but game and videos work perfectly.
Menu (Start) and View (Back) buttons are not recognized by the game and should be remapped as the Enter and Escape keys
Need to remap buttons in the in-game settings for them to work correctly
Problems with cutscenes are pretty minor, and the rest of the game plays fine.
Various problems with certain (but not all) pre-rendered cutscenes: audio popping, wrong aspect ratio (stretched vertically), or do not play at all (seems to only be non-story videos that don't play).
Native build has no audio during cutscenes. Too many problems getting controls to work properly on Proton to be worth the trouble.
Have to revert to default recommended control layout after selecting "controller" in game's options
Set screen refresh rate to 40 Hz
Disabling fullscreen in game options causes an immediate crash, and the game will not launch again until cloud support is disabled and local config data is deleted.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Solid 60 FPS, but with periodic stuttering episodes that last several seconds at a time.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Native build hangs at the launcher. Playable using Proton, but with constant stuttering and poor performance.
Plays perfectly, though a bit power-hungry (draws about 15 total watts at 30 FPS).
Native build has serious graphic errors (certain objects appear as white blobs). Plays perfectly on Proton once resolution is sorted.
Game defaults to 1280x800 resolution, but this results in the top and bottom of the image being cut off. Switch to 1280x720 to fix.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Without the launch command, the game will crash when applying graphics options and will be limited to 640x480 resolution.
It may be a good experience someday but right now it's not worth the headaches. UI readability needs major improvemnts for Deck play.
Almost everything, but particulary the inventory is almost impossible to use without magnification.
Performance is poor on all platforms and the Deck is no exception. Possible to get stable 30-40 FPS but it will look pretty awful.
I had 4 hard crashes (unrecoverable) in under 4 hours of play.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Sub-60 FPS and constant mico-stuttering
You need to manually assign gamepad binds in the launcher window before playing; by default they are all unbound.
Plays very well with a suitable control layout
30 FPS cap
The game's controller support is very basic at this time and the default gamepad assignments are poor, making it particularly difficult to open/close doors and naigate menus. I rebound the Deck's controls to mouse/keyboard bindings which worked much better.
Performance-wise the game can hold 60 FPS most of the time with the default settings, but battery drain is high. With a 30 FPS cap it played just fine and lasted much longer.
Voice comms work well using the Deck's microphone in a quiet room. I used voice activation instead of PTT and with other settings at default had zero issues.
Plays perfectly except for the controller not being recognized.
For control setup: Change input option to "Keys" and create a keyboard+mouse layout that includes arrow keys for movement, space bar for firing, escape for quitting, and left mouse for navigating early menus and high score entry.
Sound only comes out of the right speaker (same problem on Windows)
No sound from left speaker
Native build plays very well at a smooth 60, but is missing vibration feedback. Proton is perfect but draws about 4 more watts vs native.
Gamepad support works fine, but save data is not retained.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Basically perfect, but seemingly can't rebind gamepad controls.
It seems that there should be a way to rebind gamepad controls in-game, but I couldn't find a way to make it work.
Default control layout is set to gamepad for some reason. Other than that the game plays perfectly.
Plays perfectly and with good battery life (in a Large universe). Great Deck game overall.
Plays perfectly
Trying to change video options (e.g. vsync) will crash the game. However, they can be adjusted in the kexengine.cfg file in the game's prefix folder.
Plays near-perfectly. Proton 7.0-6 recommended for considerable energy savings with no tradeoffs (that I noticed).
Disable in-game "Steam Controller" support. When combined with a standard Gamepad control layout, this makes the controls work similarly to the console versions and frees up the Deck's back buttons.
The Deck can run this game comfortably at Very High graphics settings and 60 FPS, but will draw way more power when using Proton 9 or 8 compared to Proton 7, with no increase in performance or any other benefits I noticed in about 2 hours of playtime. Basically with the more recent Proton versions, the CPU will eat up any spare cycles the GPU isn't using, so you'll pretty much always be maxing out the battery regardless of settings.
Inventory item descriptions are a litte small
I occasionally saw reflections in glass that had mild flicker or otherwise looked a little off. Not sure if that was the game or the Deck, but they were barely noticeable regardless.
Without being able to save score data, the main point of the game is missing, plus the tutorial has to be replayed each session.
To have the game window fill the Deck's screen, set game resolution to 800x600 in the game's general settings tab in Steam (and tick the internal/external display option). Also "auto" display scaling should be selected in the quick access menu.
All save data is lost as soon as the game is closed
On Proton version 4.11-13 and older, the mouse does not work in the menus, so you need to bind arrow keys, space or enter, and the escape key to navigate them.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
In-game audio will not work on any Proton version more recent than 4.11-13.
Very low volume overall
Ground impact effect doesn't draw correctly - appears as a black square around the character.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Game hangs before the first cinematic with default Proton. GE lasts a minute or two into gameplay before it hangs too.
Plays perfectly. Leaderboards can be viewed in the game's community hub
Online leaderboards won't load in-game
Plays perfectly after a bit of setup
Bind the following commands:
S key (Save game)
L key (Load game)
Space bar (Pause game)
F5 key (Emulator menu)
CTRL + ALT + A (Aspect ratio correction)
ALT + Enter (Windowed mode, to keep cursor in-bounds)
Image is stretched horizontally by default. Fix by enabling aspect ratio correction, windowed mode, and linear or FSR scaling depending on your preference.
Steam Cloud support not enabled for Linux build.
Plays perfectly and does not have the problem with offline mode that its predecessor has.
Major problem with Steam's offline mode, but it plays fine otherwise.
Even though the game claims it only needs to be online for the first launch, if you try to play while Steam is in offline mode on subsequent launches, the frame rate will be stuck at 20 FPS or lower.
Plays near-perfectly
Spell and stat descriptions, plus a few other tooltips and text boxes - around 20% of the in-game text.
Make sure that the "fullscreen" option is enabled in the game options, otherwise all text is blurrier and harder to read.
Occasional hiccups and minor FPS dips
Rebooted version is somewhat tricky to control but works fine with Proton. Native isn't playable - no audio and stages aren't selectable.
Some menus require mouse and left click to navigate, though the game itself can be played with gamepad controls.
Difficult to find a method of movement that is both fast and precise, especially for Rebooted version. Best I found is to assign d-pad to act as the left joystick.
Plays perfectly. Battery life isn't great, though it's consistent with how other Unreal Engine 4 games perform on Deck.
In-game 30 FPS cap
Plays well, with minor frame pacing issues
There is a slight scrolling stutter due to poor frame pacing. Set refresh rate to 58 Hz or cap FPS to 58 to get smoother performance.
All in-game text displays correctly and is legible on the Deck's screen.
Native build is locked at 30 FPS with stuttering. On Proton performance is a perfect 60FPS, but save data is deleted on uninstallation.
Capped at 30 FPS
Plays fine using current Proton Experimental or GE-Proton 7-53, but with poor battery life.
There are sound problems on both the native build and when using Proton:
On native, the audio will pop and crackle when about 15 or more cubes are on screen simultaneously.
On Proton 7.0-6, audio plays fine but causes slowdown.
On Proton 6.3-8 and older, sound effects do not play at all.
The Linux build is capped at 58 FPS. On Proton 7.0-6, there is significant slowdown when about 15 or more cubes are on screen simultaneously.
No slowdown when using the current Proton Experimental build or GE-Proton 7-53, but CPU load is greatly increased.
Illegible card descriptions is the only significant problem (they can be deciphered, barely, with magnification)
In-mission card descriptions and medal goal. Pre-mission briefing is borderline.
Videos don't play with vanilla Proton - GE required.
Checking the "pixel perfect" option causes a black screen with no way to recover. The only way to fix it is to reinstall.
Plays fine with Proton 4.11-13 (anything newer will crash when starting a new game), alhough the frame rate is slightly juddery.
Map the following inputs:
- Arrow Keys (movement)
- Z (fire, menu select)
- X (bomb, menu back)
- Enter (start, pause)
- ESC (quit)
Plays perfectly
Playing as the fairy is difficult on the Deck's screen, due to her very small size. It's easy to lose track of where you are on the screen, especially in later stages.
Game launches but there is no image (black screen). Older Proton versions crash at launch.
Playable but unpleasant. Frame rate is stuttery with occasional freezing, and most game elements are too small for the Deck's screen.
Most text is too small to read
Heavy flickering during opening logos/intro movie
On standard Proton, the game crashes before reaching the main menu.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
The game's aspect ratio is locked to 16:9, but is stretched vertically on the Deck's 16:10 screen, regardless of in-game settings.
To fix: open the game's properties in Steam -> General tab -> Game Resolution, change to 1280x720 and enable "set resolution for internal and external display."
The default layout has very slow camera movement that cannot be increased, and has no way to navigate certain menus. I uploaded a modified layout that remedies both problems.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. Steam Cloud is nominally supported, but not working (nothing is uploaded or downloaded).
Very poor performance that drops as low as 15 FPS in some areas
Plays perfectly
40Hz / 40 FPS cap
Sharp drops when destroying large buildings, though that is common on other hardware as well. Using a 40 or even 30 FPS cap is recommended to maximize battery. At 40 I got 4 hours of playtime at max settings.
Plays well
Frame rate drops to 30 while night vision is enabled
Native build controls don't work - triggers not recognized. Proton plays near-perfectly.
Character dialogue
The "Persistent Objects" option can't be enabled
Black screen at launch. Installing d3dcompiler_43 and d3dcompiler_47 via Protontricks just causes it to crash immediately.
Installed d3dcompiler_43 and d3dcompiler_47
Installed d3dcompiler_43 and d3dcompiler_47
The game will not work at all without the Protontricks fix (black screen at launch). Tutorial for those who haven't used Protontricks before:
In desktop mode, search for and install Protontricks from the Discover store, then launch it.
Select Renegade Ops from the app list > OK.
"Select the default wineprefix" > OK.
"Install a Windows DLL or component > OK.
Tick the checkboxes for d3dcompiler_43 and d3dcompiler_47 > OK.
When the next window appears, you're finished. Click the 'X' in the top right corner to close out Protontricks, then return to gaming mode.
Playable but cutscene audio/video falls out of sync
Using both Proton 7.0-1 and Expiremental, the game plays fine with no noticeable problems, but cutscene video skips and falls behind the audio over time. This problem is lessened somewhat if the in-game frame limiter is set to 60 instead of the default 30.
Using GE-Proton 7.14, the game will not launch at all.
Plays perfectly by default now, including videos. High battery drain however, despite seemingly low CPU/GPU usage.
30 FPS cap
Plays perfectly with default Proton, including videos. Draws a lot of battery though, despite low CPU/GPU usage.
On vanilla Proton some videos don't play, showing a test pattern. Everything appears to work perfectly using GE-Proton.
Set 40 Hz refresh rate and 40 FPS cap in Deck options, and Variable FPS and Balanced preset in game's graphics settings.
Plays perfectly. The launch option is only required if using the re4_tweaks mod (the mod won't load without it).
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
If using the re4_tweaks mod, you will want to assign the F1 key somewhere to access the mod's configuration menu.
Using the alternate frame rate limiter option in re4_tweaks mod will reduce CPU usage
Using re4_tweaks mod with 16:10 support enabled causes pre-rendered videos to be cropped on the sides.
If using gamepad controls, the game applies a very large deadzone by default. Recommend setting the anti-deadzone sliders for each stick in Steam's control configurator to somewhere around 6000, depending on your preference.
Alternatively, use the re4_tweaks mod with its default deadzone settings.
When using the re4_ tweaks mod, the game seems to have periodic frame hiccups. When these happen during cutscenes, they cause the video to fall out-of-sync with the audio. Not sure which setting is responsible - possibly the frame rate limiter, Vulkan renderer, multi-threading support, disabled v-sync, or something else.
The re4_tweaks mod is not really neccesary unless you want to play at 60 FPS. At 60 without the mod, certain animations will play twice as fast as they should, and quick-time events will be significantly harder than intended.
The mod can provide several quality-of-life improvements even at 30 FPS though, like subtitles, FOV adjustment, and increased battery life, though it may come at the cost of occasional stuttering throughout the game.
The title screen says "press any key" to continue, but if you're using the default gamepad layout, only the Start button works.
Occasional brief hitching when changing areas or entering/exiting buildings.
Plays perfectly OOTB with vanilla Proton, including videos. No configuration needed. 4 hours battery at max settings 60 FPS.
Plays perfectly on Proton and the native build seems to work just as well, although I only tested native for a few minutes.
There is a lot of stutter during play, but that is due to bad emulation - it's the same performance as on Windows
Title logo, then crash. Didn't get any further trying various launch options.
Both native and Proton play perfectly
Subtitles are very small
Can't complete required PhysX installations, which ends prematurely due to an error.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
It's playable but I don't think it's enjoyable. Text/UI scaling is desperately needed so we don't have to constantly rely on the magnifier.
In-game 30 FPS cap. Medium graphics preset. Even with those settings though you'll still get only 2.5-3 hours at most on a full charge.
Much of the in-game text and UI is unreadable without magnification, including important elements like weapon stats.
Plays perfectly with Proton 8.0-2. Probably the Linux build also, though I only tested it for a few minutes.
Native performance is terrible even at lowest settings. Stable 60 FPS on Proton at max settings. Plays perfectly aside from hard-to-read UI.
Some UI elements are too small
Minor control issues but otherwise perfect
Switching between mouse (needed for reading some tooltips) and gamepad controls isn't completely smooth; a mouse/keyboard control layout may be preferable.
Plays perfectly
Assigned L1/R1 to the triggers
Gamepad controls fully supported (L1/R1 to rotate, A button to drop), but only keyboard prompts are shown.
Plays near-perfectly
Setting detail to High causes significant stuttering when aiming the cannon
Plays well, with minor frame pacing issues
Both native and Proton have slight scrolling stutter due to poor frame pacing. Set refresh rate to 58 Hz or cap FPS to 58 to get smoother performance.
Text readability is the biggest problem, but since it's mainly an issue when paused in menus I'd say it's still enjoyable enough.
In-game 30 FPS cap
There is a setting to enlarge in-game subtitles which helps with that aspect, but the rest of the text ranges from small to tiny, especially in the various menus.
In the comic panel-style cutscenes, there are sharp frame drops during panel transitions.
Native build shows a black screen when launching games. Plays perfectly with Proton.
The launch command suggested by other users prevents the game from starting, so at this time there is no fix for the backwards characters.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
The characters are facing backwards during the dialogue sections
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Plays fine but with minor frame pacing issues and occasional freezing
Game loses focus and freezes when the reticle goes outside the window
Both native and Proton will freeze occasionally when firing while the reticle is at the edge of the screen, causing the game to lose focus. Can be unfrozen by tapping in bounds.
Both native and Proton have slight scrolling stutter due to poor frame pacing. Set refresh rate to 58 Hz or cap FPS to 58 to get smoother performance.
Twitchy movement and very poor performance make it not a good experience.
960x540 res w/ FSR scaling
Fullscreen crops the sides of the image at 1280x720 resolution. Toggle fullscreen off to fix.
Gamepad controls are fully supported but there is no analog movement, which makes aiming difficult.
Considerable slowdown and/or stuttering anytime more than a few enemies are active, which is most of the time from level 2-1 onward.
Plays fine, aside from the menu crashes
Game will almost always crash when entering the sound menu or viewing the online rankings.
Online leaderboards can be viewed from the Community Hub page, so the only significant problem is being unable to alter the sound/music volume. No crashes encountered during gameplay.
High score and achievement data is deleted when the game is uninstalled
Lost when uninstalling
Plays perfectly
40 Hz / 40 FPS
The Deck can handle 60 FPS on Medium preset or 40 FPS on High (DX11), each giving about 2.5 hours of battery, which is a little disappointing considering the game's age.
Plays perfectly using Proton 8.0-2
On the default Linux build, the d-pad isn't mapped correctly (left/right goes up and down, up/down does nothing).
Performance needs to get better for the game to be enjoyable on the Deck
The default configuration is an empty Steam Input layout, for some reason. Switch to default Gamepad layout before playing.
Runs better with Proton than native, but even then performance is lousy. The game chooses High/High/Ultra settings when autodetecting CPU/GPU/VRAM, which seems reasonable given the age of the game. At those settings however, typical FPS is around 40 in light combat and sub-30 during heavy battles. And even with all settings at Low, the game will still frequently drop below 60 FPS.
It doesn't seem possible to get stable 30 FPS performance with this game on Steam Deck in my testing.
The opening cutscene is very choppy and audio cuts in and out repeatedly, so half the dialogue is unintelligible.
Terrible performance on the recommended Medium/Medium/Low graphics settings - sub-30 FPS from the very beginning. And dropping all the settings to Low doesn't help much.
Plays perfectly. Disable fullscreen in video options to fix vertically-stretched image.
Disappointing performance at higher than default settings, but all three games play perfectly otherwise.
60 FPS cap (Deck OLED)
The game autodetects Low/Medium/Ultra for CPU/GPU/Memory settings, and unfortunately that's about the best the Deck can handle if you want a stable 60 FPS. BFE in particular is prone to slowdown at higher settings despite being over a decade old, though performance is definitely better in Fusion than the standalone version.
On both Native and Proton, the vertical axes of both sticks are inverted. This can be corrected in Steam controller configuration. Another problem that cannot be fixed though, is the jerky cursor in the menus, specifically the Netrisca menu, which makes scrolling through the description box essentially impossible.
Some text should be bigger but otherwise it plays perfectly.
Most is fine; some bits here and there (profile data, power-up info boxes) are too small.
Minor performance issues, otherwise perfect.
Some stuttering when transitioning to larger areas
The lag spikes ruin the experience when using Proton and the native build is unplayable due to crashing.
The gamepad support is very poor and does not allow for true analog aiming or movement; instead it just emulates keyboard input. For improved aiming, change the right stick to Joystick Mouse input and reduce the sensitivity as needed.
As with Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition, when played using Proton this game has persistent lag spikes every 3 seconds that cannot be eliminated, regardless of settings. This problem also occurs when playing on Windows, so it's not a problem caused by Proton.
The native build does not have this problem, but that version is unplayable due to crashing.
The lag spikes can be made slightly less severe by enabling in-game vsync, at the cost of additional input lag overall.
Plays perfectly. This game has a native Linux build, which is also the default selection, so this is not actually a tinker report.
Just spell names in the inventory. The primary game text at the bottom is small-ish but readable.
Native build has no audio. Plays perfectly with Proton.
Native build has no audio. Plays perfectly with Proton.
Native build has no audio. Plays perfectly with Proton.
Plays perfectly and uses very little power (about 7 hours of play on a full charge). Brilliant game that feels tailor-made for the Deck.
Doesn't launch with any version of Proton. Most give a "OpenPIMipmapChain" error.
Plays perfectly aside from occasional 1-frame screen flashes.
Occasional 1-frame screen flashes
Flashes happen maybe once or twice during a complete playthrough and do not impede play.
In general options, enable windowed mode and "Screen: Best Fit" to fix vertically-stretched image.
Plays well other than the issue with underwater textures, which only involves a small part of the gameplay.
Most menu and in-game text. Can be remedied by lowering the resolution.
Underwater objects do not render correctly while the player is also underwater. Everything appears grayish-white instead of its natural color.
Plays near-perfectly
Gamepad controls are fully supported, but most in-game prompts show keyboard icons. You also need to map the F1 and Tab keys to navigate the leaderboard.
Plays perfectly
Battery drain varies widely depending on the current environment (indoor vs outdoor) and the number of enemies nearby. With all settings at Medium and 100% resolution scale, I saw as low as 11W drain to as high as 21W within the first main level, with 13-14W being typical most of the time.
The Deck can handle High settings fairly easily, though without dropping the resolution scale by at least a couple of ticks, you should expect <60 FPS during larger brawls. For this game in particular, keeping a locked 60 is probably desirable.
Sharp FPS drops during scene transitions due to background loading. Gameplay isn't affected.
I did not encounter any freezes or crashing in ~2 hours playtime, so maybe that's no longer an issue.
Save data is deleted when uninstalling the game
Lost when uninstalling
The game fully supports gamepads but shows generic "Pad 1," "Pad 2" prompts instead of "A," "B," etc. So there's a mild learning curve to memorize which inputs do what.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Plays perfectly
During the story sequences, the dialogue font alternates between smaller white text and larger yellow text, seemingly without any consistency. This is intentional and not a bug with the font display.
Water is not rendered correctly on native. Plays perfectly with vanilla Proton (7.0-3).
Works perfectly after filename change. I only tested with a single SKSE mod so I can't confirm the reported slow startup time.
Rename skse_loader.exe to SkyrimLauncher.exe (for the original version of Skyrim). Confirm overwrite when prompted.
You can confirm SKSE is loaded and working by checking for the SKSE version number in faded gray text at the bottom-left corner of the pause menu.
Note that if/when Skyrim or SKSE gets an update, you'll probably need to redo the filename change to get it working again.
Once the d-pad issue is fixed it plays perfectly.
D-pad directions are inverted by default and need to be fixed in layout config. Everything else works correctly out of the box.
Plays well despite poor performance. Good gamepad support.
Text is a bit small overall. There is a buit-in UI scaling option that helps somewhat.
Performance tanks with either graphical setting on High, especially lighting which adds dynamic shadows. Even on Medium settings the battery will drain quickly.
Black screen with sound on vanilla Proton. Using PotonGE 7-20, the game won't launch at all.
Feels like an additional frame or two of input latency compared to Windows, but otherwise fine.
Native build crashes after logo. Controls are completely broken on Proton.
Using Proton gets you to the menu but nothing can be selected except "Continue." Selecting other options either does nothing or crashes the game. Gamepad controls don't work at all despite the game supporting them.
Interface shows keyboard prompts only, which is more annoying than usual in this game since the menu navigation isn't always intuitive. Here's the legend for reference:
Enter = A button
ESC = B button
Space = X button
Tab = Y button
I didn't notice any graphical errors on default 7.0-6 Proton, but might as well use Experimental since it's currently reported as more compatible.
Plays perfectly
In-game 30 FPS cap
Rare brief FPS drops during cutscenes
Other than the submarine mini-game being difficult to control, it plays perfectly.
Native build has no audio. Plays well on Proton, with some hiccups.
The on-screen keyboard can't be used to enter a name for the save game. You can start without entering a name, but this may cause the game to lock up on future launches (see below). It is recommended to bind keyboard keys directly to the Deck's inputs and enter a name that way.
I encounterd one hard lock at the title screen and one soft lock before the opening logos, which happened consecutively. Uninstalling and re-installing seemed to fix it.
With the Deck's FPS cap set to 60, there were long instances of unstable frame times. Setting the FPS cap to 30 fixed it.
Recommend setting the joystick response curves to "aggressive" in the control layout to get snappier camera and movement input.
Provided you can deal with the control headaches, the base game plays pretty well.
Most text is on the small side, though none of it is unreadable for me.
Most of the gamepad buttons plus one of the axis need to be rebound before the game controls properly. Also, gamepad controls are not recognized at all about half the times the game is launched, requiring a restart.
Only the native 64-bit build actually launches. Since the Forgotten Prison DLC has no 64-bit option, it is unplayable. Nothing launches when using Proton.
Controls are totally broken on native build. Working properly with Proton.
Substantial stuttering/hitching throughout play. This problem is less severe than on older versions of Proton, but it is still very noticeable and does not go away on subsequent game sessions (not caused by shader compilation).
Plays fine as long as you never die
See stability note
When you die for the first time, the game crashes and your save file becomes corrupted.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Plays perfectly
On first launch, only keyboard inputs are recognized. Specifically, the arrow keys and space bar are needed. Got to in-game options and change 1P input to Gamepad to enable gamepad controls.
Plays fine with a couple of adjustments
Frequent stuttering
To get a smoother frame rate: Set the Deck's refresh rate to 50 and FPS cap to off.
On Proton 7.0-2, there is a major lag spike every few seconds which makes the game essentially unplayable. Proton 6.3-8 is perfectly smooth with no performance problems.
None of the issues are severe, but the stuttering in particular is unpleasant to deal with.
Passing throuh one section of level 1-4 caused heavy artifacting and HUD corruption. Repeated every time that level was played.
The options to disable fullscreen, change resolution, modify AA are all locked (cannot be altered in-game).
60 FPS but with frequent extended periods of stuttering
Plays very well with Proton 7.0-6
Vibration feedback isn't working on the Linux build
The Linux build has problems with scrolling stutter that never smooths out. This also occasionally happens when using Proton but it only lasts for a couple of seconds at a time.
On Proton there is also temporary, brief shader compilation stutter when transitioning between stages.
Native build doesn't launch at all. Unplayable performance on Proton.
Wildly unstable framerate at all times
Forced Proton compatibility (7.0-2)
Native build has improper sound balance (sound effects way too loud). Proton does not have this problem.
Both Native and Proton have slight scrolling stutter due to poor frame pacing. Set refresh rate to 58 Hz or cap FPS to 58 to get smoother performance.
No music
Resolution is 1080p by default, so only the upper-left portion of the screen is viewable until the settings are adjusted.
Very long (~1 minute) loading screen at each launch
Native build doesn't launch at all. Tried multiple versions of Proton - in all cases the game crashes when firing a gun.
Game crashes whenever a gun is fired
Plays perfectly after control tweaks. Protontricks/STL/console no longer needed.
Gamepad controls don't work in the Linux build, so build one starting with the standard Keyboard+Mouse template (only a few additional key binds are needed - try playing through the tutorial), or check the community layouts.
Plays well but not smoothly
Frame rate stuttering
Disable Deck's FPS cap or the game's frame rate will be stuck at 56-57. Even with the cap disabled, there is a fair amount of stuttering.
Plays perfectly
30 FPS cap on Deck. Trying to run at 60 FPS will pull near max battery drain even at Low preset. At 30 and High prest with AA and dynamic elements on, you'll get between 2.5 to 3 hours, and the visual upgrade is worth it for this game.
A couple of HUD elements are tiny. Objective and hint pop-ups are borderline. Only minor stuff.
Good performance and gamepad controls work well enough, but too much of the in-game text is virtually unreadable, even with magnification.
30 FPS cap in Deck settings
Target descriptions, Button icons, and inventory text
Playable with Proton 6.3-8, but music is missing and save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled.
Lost when uninstalling
Controls and the front-end are largely broken in the native build. Playable with Proton but save data is not retained.
Not text, but visibility is generally poor due to the speed of the game and the default camera angle (first-person may be advisable).
Gamepad controls are supported, but only keyboard prompts are shown.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
First session ran fine, but the game would not launch again.
When playing the first time, the game runs at 960x540 windowed. You can set the resolution to 1280x800 fullscreen in the options, but doing so will cause the game to not launch anymore after quitting.
In-game music doesn't play
Plays pretty well for the most part. Battery life isn't great on standard/medium graphics.
Most menu text
On default Proton (7.0-6), the gamepad controls weren't working at all. No problems when using GE-Proton.
Too much important text that is near-unreadable to enjoy the game
Most of the UI text is very tiny and difficult to read
Videos don't play on default Proton (probably just the Unreal logo).
By default the game displays a 16:10 image that is cropped on the left and right sides. To fix it you have to set 1280x720 reolution in the game's Steam properties.
Rumble feedback doesn't seem to be working.
Demanding game but it's totally playable on Deck
40 Hz refresh rate / 40 FPS cap on Deck. Low quality setting in-game.
Native build doesn't launch. On Proton, save data is deleted when uninstalling the game.
Lost when uninstalling
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Can't proceed past the brightness calibration screen
Native build doesn't launch. Playable with Proton 7.0-6, but with a number of minor and significant headaches. Videos work correctly.
The game uses DirectInput; the Deck's controls work but are labeled as numbers and axes. Also, the triggers are not recognized at all.
In order to use the triggers, you should change their assignments in the Steam configurator from trigger inputs to left stick click/right stick click (LS/RS), then change LS and RS assignments to keyboard keys. I mapped RS to the X key (toggles the map), and LS to the R key (quick heal).
This way, all of the Deck's controls are used and all game functions are covered. You will also probably want to modify the in-game button assignments to make them more logical (e.g. change Attack to the A button and Block to the B button).
See control mapping notes
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Frequent micro-stutters that usually aren't noticeable (but appear on the frame-time graph).
Game will sometimes soft-lock during the opening logos
Loading times between areas are affected by the number of active CPU threads - the more threads active, the longer each area takes to load. By default, with 8 active threads, the game is effectively unplayable.
Threads can be controlled with the PowerTools Decky plugin. Disabling SMT and setting thread count to 2 allows for full performance with reasonable load times.
Plays near-perfectly. Good gamepad support.
Text size is fine but the light-on-light color scheme makes a few lines hard to make out.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Mods are not fully functional but the base game plays perfectly.
The game defaults to the Deck's 1280x800 resolution, which reults in certain elements being cropped on the sides (e.g. boss intro screens). Disable fullscreen in options to fix.
Some mods don't work
Native build has no audio. Plays perfectly on Proton.
Subtitles are occasionally hard to read, depending on the background.
Too much difficult-to-read text
30 FPS cap
Subtitles, Objectives, Tutorials, and many icons and symbols, mostly due to the faded white font color
Gamepad controls work fine, except in menus which don't auto-scroll with the gamepad's cursor. In those, mouse input is needed.
Poor performance overall. At medium settings, the Deck can barely hold 30 FPS, with <2 hours battery life.
Plays perfectly. Most mods work too, including the Steam build of SKSE once the file name change fix is applied (see SKSE ProtonDB page).
Deck's FPS cap set to 45 (OLED model) and dropped the graphics preset from Ultra to High, which helped alleviate some stuttering.
Occasional stuttering in random locations and some FPS drops below 60 when using the Ultra preset.
A few minor problems, but the game plays fine
Controller remap menu text is way too large and extends beyond the screen boundaries, so viewing or remapping the controls is very difficult.
Toggling the Fullscreen option crashes the game
Native plays well but is missing vibration feedback. Plays near-perfectly on Proton, save the small menu text.
Most of the menu and settings text is too small, though you shouldn't need to mess with anything since the default settings work well.
Major stuttering and slowdowns
Using any Proton version other than 5.13-6 will cause a black screen at launch, until you get to the 'screen size' menu and enable windowed mode.
Impossible to progress past the age warning screen - game does not recognize any gamepad or keyboard input
Plays near-perfectly
960x600 resolution
Objectives and subtitles are only barely at readable size
Sustained drops to 50 FPS during some cutscenes. Periodic half-second drops during gameplay that aren't really noticeable.
Plays well but be prepared to use the magnify tool a lot
Set vsync to 1:2 in the game options (gameplay at 30 FPS)
Most inventory text requires magnification. Even with that, some item descriptions are nearly illegible.
The pre-rendered videos have somewhat choppy playback
Requires a custom control layout for name entry, then plays perfectly
The on-screen keyboard doesn't work for entering text for the name entry when the game is first launched, so you need to map the keyboard letters you want to use directly to the Deck's buttons (e.g. to enter the name "Will", map the W, I, and L keys to the A, B, and X buttons, and maybe the Shift key to one of the triggers).
Once you're through that part, you can apply the standard Gamepad template and you should be good for the rest of the game.
Plays perfectly and draws very little power. Can play for nearly 8 hours on a full charge.
Plays very well. UI scaling and gamepad control needs further refinement.
Most of the main menu UI, and perk/modifier/etc icons and descriptions. In-game UI is mostly fine with the large interface option enabled.
Gamepad controls work perfectly in-game but are buggy in the main menu - sometimes the wrong selection is toggled or none at all.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
The game will sometimes not recognize any keyboard inputs, necessitating a restart.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Controls are broken on the native build. Plays perfectly with Proton.
Some of the options on the menu, like resolution and volume, cannot be selected with gamepad controls. You'll need to temporarily map mouse bindings to adjust them.
Crash at launch when using Proton 6.3-8 or newer, incl. GE. Does not launch using 5.13-6 or older. Protontricks XNA install fails.
Plays perfectly with Proton 7.0-6
The default Linux build runs capped at 58 FPS (or 29 FPS with the 30 FPS option enabled), which causes a low performance warning and also a mild stutter when the camera is scrolling.
Performance is barely tolerable and needs optimization, but the game is playable at 30 FPS and there are no other problems.
30 FPS cap
Performance is very poor. Even reaching a stable 40 FPS is impossible, regardless of settings. The only two toggles that give an appreciable FPS improvement are dropping resolution to 960x600 (w/ FSR scaling), and details from High to Medium. With those, you can get a consistent 30 FPS and around 2.5 to 3 hours of battery life.
The persistent stutters really bothered me but most people probably won't mind as much. I'd really appreciate a fix if anyone finds one.
30 FPS cap
Any time the cursor changes shape (e.g. from a finger to a magnifying glass when examining items), there is a brief but noticeable stutter. This occurs frequently throughout the game and I guess it's just something you have to get used to.
If you don't cap the frame rate, there are also steep FPS drops during key action scenes (pretty much anything involving fast moving characters or objects). I would definitely suggest limiting FPS to no higher than 40/45 and dropping textures and shadows to High.
Plays near-perfectly
Doesn't support the Deck's native resolution. I set the game to windowed 960x540 and then enabled FSR, which seemed to scale the image fairly well.
Poor performance but playable
Set refresh rate to 40, graphics to Medium.
Periodic lag spikes, possibly caused by shader compilation.
Major audio issues at present.
There is a very loud "roar" that plays during rider selection and in the arenas. I think it's supposed to be background crowd noise but the volume is clearly bugged.
In addition, none of the music plays at any point during the game.
Pretty much the entire UI is too small for the Deck's screen.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled
Lost when uninstalling
Native build won't launch. Proton works fine. Same situation if playing original legacy version via beta menu.
Story cutscenes have no audio
Slight stuttering during cutscenes
Game will occasionally crash when a story cutscene starts
Even with the view zoomed in, everything is too small to see on the Deck. Certain elements like floor traps are essentially invisible.
Calibrate controller option is broken (same behavior as on Windows).
(early access) Plays perfectly
Scaling options would be useful but nothing's unreadable
A reasonably good experience on the Deck despite the limitations of the small screen
At native resolution, the whole game is pretty much unreadable on the OLED's screen without magnification. Dropping the resolution in the game's graphics settings (which becomes acessible shortly after logging in for the first time) to 960x600 or lower increases text and UI size at the expense of less screen area to play with. I'd suggest not going lower than 960x600 if you can manage it, to keep your workspace from getting too crowded.
On the Linux build, flashing button highlights do not appear (e.g. to show you where to click during the tutorial). Not an issue when using Proton.
On both Linux and Proton, there are small artifacts and glitches that appear someitmes - small white lines in places and missing text in text boxes, for example. It's not a common problem, though it is distracting when it happens.
I did not try the Uplink OS mod, which might help with readability.
Plays perfectly. A much better experience on Deck today vs 2022, thanks to performance and interface improvements by the developer.
In-game 30 FPS cap
The Deck can get a consistent 30 FPS when using the game's "Performance" preset, which is a mix of medium and high settings, or 40-45 FPS at 75% resolutuion scale (tested single-player only). To get 60 or higher you'll need to lower some of them.
Some minor issues but overall a great experience
In-game 30 FPS cap
Game volume level is quite low; you'll probably need to increase Deck volume to near max to hear everything if your play area has any background noise.
Also some relatively soft "pops" are audible before some lines of dialogue. Distracting but not critical.
I encountered the same crash as previous tester when leaving HQ for the first time.
30 FPS cap is recommended not only for battery saving, but also so character dialogue during battle is properly lip-synched.
Unplayable due to graphical artifacts
Missing music
Screen is mostly covered in garbage once gameplay begins
On-screen keyboard does not work. To enter a profile name, you must map keyboard keys directly to the Deck's inputs.
Plays as well as on Windows, which is pretty well. Battery life isn't the greatest, though it can hold 60 FPS without issue.
Audio volume in pre-rendered cinematics is low and unbalanced, with dialogue being difficult to hear.
There is significant stuttering during pre-rendered cinematics, especially during Elena's scenes. This is caused by poor encoding and occurs on Windows as well.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled
Use Deck's scaling options instead
Lost when uninstalling
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
In-game 40 FPS cap
Most gameplay text and icons are illegible
On the native build, Steam's magnification tool doesn't work (can't scroll the screen). On vanilla Proton, the game hangs during the first loading screen after starting or continuing a game.
Significant display problems and control difficulties
Many changes needed
Menu text is off-screen. In-game text is tiny.
Music tracks end late, overlapping subsequent tracks for several seconds
Neither fullscreen nor windowed displays a correct image
The main issue is that the game image is zoomed in no matter if you are in fullscreen or windowed mode, which makes most HUD/menu elements difficult or impossible to read.
The game will also not recognize the Deck's controls. It's posible to create a functioning layout using kb/mouse inputs, but aiming is difficult using this method.
Plays well
Just the control bindings menu. Everything else is fine.
Gamepad controls work fine in-game, but in the menus the cursor can sometimes get lost/invisible, necessitating temporary mouse control.
In-game leaderboards don't load, though they are viewable in the community hub.
Plays near-perfectly
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support. It's not a significant problem since all that is lost are the level checkpoints for Waves mode.
Plays well, with minor frame pacing issues
There is a slight scrolling stutter due to poor frame pacing. Set refresh rate to 58 Hz or cap FPS to 58 to get smoother performance.
Plays well, with minor frame pacing issues
Both Native and Proton have slight scrolling stutter due to poor frame pacing. Set refresh rate to 58 Hz or cap FPS to 58 to get smoother performance.
Most players probably won't mind the unstable frame time as much as I did, but I'd still suggest skipping this and playing WRC 6 instead.
60 FPS cap in Deck settings (OLED)
Constant micro-stuttering throughout the game, regardless of graphics settings, FPS cap, Proton version, or DX9/DX11 selection. It doesn't affect handling or playability, but it's very distracting, especially when turning.
The next game in the series (WRC 6) does not have this problem at all, so it's more than likely an AMD driver-related issue with this version of KT's game engine.
Plays perfectly, with occasional use of the magnifier
60 FPS cap in Deck settings (OLED)
A couple of menu elements and the pre-race info card
Near-perfect, only occasional mild slowdown
Drops to low 50/high 40 FPS during heavier moments, despite having plenty of CPU/GPU headroom
With default Proton, there is some mild visual corruption during cutscenes. GE-Proton 7-33 fixes this, and the game plays perfectly.
The bottom part of the launcher window is partially cut off, but you can still touch the visible portion of the "Play" button to proceed (the default settings are all appropriate for Steam Deck).
With default Proton, there is some mild visual corruption during cutscenes. GE-Proton 7-33 fixes this, and the game plays perfectly.
The bottom part of the launcher window is partially cut off, but you can still touch the visible portion of the "Play" button to proceed (the default settings are all appropriate for Steam Deck).
Plays perfectly both on native and with Proton
There was a several-second delay between the logo and the menu appearing when playing for the first time on the native build.
Plays perfectly. In game opions, enable windowed mode and set "Screen: Best Fit" to fix vertically-stretched image.
Barely playable
Some menu text is too big for the screen / doesn't scale properly
Need to manually map an ALT-Enter button to exit fullscreen
Major stuttering and poor performance
Frame rate isn't very smooth but overall the game plays well.
Major frame rate instability during the prologue, beginning at the scene with the burning house through the first meeting with the uncle. Setting the Deck's FPS cap to 30 can mitigate it for the most part, though it will stabalize on its own when nighttime is over, and I didn't encounter the problem again anytime during a full 2.5 hour playthrough.
Even outside the prologue, there are frequent single-frame skips and stutters in most areas. Though it's only really a cosmetic problem that doesn't interfere with gameplay.
Doesn't launch either native or with any version of Proton. Different errors on each but niether reaches the menu.
When playing in desktop mode with the in-game window scale option set to about 0.75, it's a decent experience. Not so much in gaming mode.
The game has good support for gamepad controls, except when trying to navigate menus, where you pretty much have to use trackpad mouse control to get anything done.
GPU usage increases sharply as more enemies and objects appear on screen from around 15 minutes into a run and beyond
Playing in gaming mode is kind of a pain, as windows will often become unresponsive when trying to do simple things like quitting the game. This becomes worse if you also decrease the window scale option (which is basically a requirement to prevent the game from being crazy difficult), as that causes Gamescope to glitch out.
Plays perfectly once scaling is fixed
On first launch the game will appear in a small window at the side of the screen. To fix: Disable fullscreen in game options, ensure the Deck's scaling setting is anything other than Integer, then restart the game.
Frequent stutter, and significant graphical effects missing.
Explosive graphical effects (smoke, fire, debris) are completely missing. Terrain just vanishes instead. Same for worms after their suicide animation.
Sharp frame drops any time an explosive weapon interacts with the environment
Plays perfectly once you've learned the control layout
The default Gamepad template works perfectly, but In-game control prompts mostly show keyboard keys and DirectInput buttons.
Shouldn't be verified as there is a lot of tiny text in the menus, but the in-game text and UI is fine and the game plays well overall.
45 FPS cap in Deck settings at Medium graphics preset gets about 3.5 hours on Deck OLED
Most of the text in menus and pre-race info, etc.
Native plays fine but is missing vibration feedback. On Proton the game also uses about 1W less power.
The pause menu seems to be missing some text and/or images - not usable.
The game window's menu bar doesn't display, so there is no way to enable gamepad support.
Default game resolution is set to the Deck's native 1280x800, but this res is not fully supported and so the image will be stretched vertically. Changing in-game video settings seems to not work correctly, so it's recommended to set 1280x720 resolution in the game's Steam properties.
Steam's default Gamepad template uses a circle-shaped deadzone, which will cause a problem when trying to select weapon upgrades that are placed on the diagonals (they are very difficult to select). Changing the left joystick's deadzone to Cross-shaped in the Controller configuration will fix this.
GE required, otherwise the opening logos will be greyed-out/corrupted.
The game fully supports gamepad controls, but it will always default to kb/mouse control. You need to assign the right arrow and Enter keys to be able to select gamepad control at each launch.
Both games play perfectly, after changing one setting in each game's configuration program
Before playing either Ys I or Ii, launch their conguration program first and change the resolution to 1280x800, so that the games will properly fill the screen when playing in Chronicles mode.
Plays perfectly
One thing you'll want to do before playing: Run the game's "Controller Layout Tool" launch option (actually a configuration program), and change the game's resolution to 1280x800, so that everything fills the Deck's screen nicely.
Plays perfectly
Before playing, launch the "Controller Layout Tool" and change the resolution to 1280x800
Used Proton 7.0-2
Certain elements are missing in the native build (e.g. text descriptions for the available upgrades). Proton does not have this problem.
Both native and Proton have slight scrolling stutter due to poor frame pacing. Set refresh rate to 58 Hz or cap FPS to 58 to get smoother performance.
Plays fine aside from being unable to return to the main menu without crashing
Game will always crash when trying to return to the main menu from the options screen
This game has a native build which plays perfectly with no tinkering (native not recognized by ProtonDB).
Plays fine for the most part
The "Arcade Games" in the Extras menu cannot be played as they require keyboard input
Occasional lag spikes that usually last for a couple of frames, but also rarely for a few seconds.
At launch, only the bottom-left quadrant of the screen is visible. Using the d-pad and A button, you can see enough that you should be able to find your way to the Settings menu and toggle the fullscreen option, which will fix the image.
There are persistent skips and stutters that happen throughout, not often but enough to annoy.
The game does not exit cleanly and requires you to force quit.
Need to squint to read some text, otherwise perfect.
In-game 45 FPS cap and rendering scale at 75%. Detail set to High. All advanced graphics settings maxed. Around 3.5 to 4 hours battery life on OLED Deck.
Most tooltips and some of the end-of-level info (in-game interface scaling at max setting)
The in-game rendering scale setting has a major impact on battery life. On Deck OLED, dropping from 100% to 75% cuts the wattage almost in half - from 21-24W to 12-15W, with most other settings maxed and a 45FPS cap. Definitely worth it as the reduction in visual quality is barely noticeable on the 7" screen.
Couple of minor issues on native. Plays perfectly with Proton.
Rumble feedback not working on Linux build
Steam Cloud support not working on Linux build
Plays perfectly, though controls sometimes do not initialize on startup, requiring a restart.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
With specific in-game settings it plays fine
The Daedalic logo video at the opening is corrupted (or invisible, if using GE-Proton).
Frequent stutters and unstable frame time. The only in-game settings that seem to provide a relatively smooth experience is exclusive fullscreen with vsync on, though even then the performance isn't ideal.
The font does not scale well to the Deck's resolution, which makes it look ugly though still readable. Recommend setting in-game fullscreen setting to off, window size to 2x, and the Deck's scaling setting to Linear, which collectively makes the font look cleaner.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
Performance fluctuates occasionally, with visible scrolling stutter that typically lasts a few seconds at a time.
When setting Fullscreen to off, the game will become unresponsive and requires a restart (the setting is saved).
I also encountered the same bug multiple times in the opening level that caused phantom dialogue boxes to appear without my input and that also prevented me from starting the tutorial mission. Unclear if this is a Proton-related issue, but I never encountered that bug when playing on Windows.
Plays perfectly as long as you're okay using the default gamepad layout. The launcher window is a minor, temporary inconvenience.
To get past the launcher window, you can use Steam + Right Touchpad / Right Trigger for temporary mouse control.
You shouldn't need to change any settings in the launcher since there are no graphics settings and the default gamepad setup works fine. If you'd rather use the touchpads for faster aiming, enable the WASD/Mouse layout or use a community configuration.
Plays perfectly
You need to enable gamepad support in the menu for the controls to work when racing. The menu prompts will always show keyboard controls.
Plays well with Proton
Certain games, like "Lowrezdungeon," do not display the menu correctly when pressing the Start button. So to play a different game you have to quit and restart.
Native build has issues with the game locking up and the menu not appearing when preesing Start.
When using vanilla Proton, the gamepad controls were only functional for the first launch, unresponsive on all subsequent launches. GE Proton seems to fix this problem.
Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support. Not a big deal except that local high scores and progress towards certain achievements are lost.
Recommend changing d-pad assignment to left joystick, for easier menu navigation.
Not great performance and some very small text, but it's playable.
In-game lore pop-up text is too small, though it's not critical to gameplay.
Game draws a lot of power considering the relatively low graphical fidelity