mangohud gamemoderun %command%
Mouse sometimes "escapes" from the window, fixed by alt tabbing
Mouse sometimes "escapes" from the window, fixed by alt tabbing
Sporadic stutter
Does not run in Game Mode, but does in Desktop Mode

default audio is quiet , even on 100% feels on the lower side
entering rivendel got me to crash almost every first time i enter that place
MP works fine if all players are in the same continent

It takes time to get used to some of the control configs, but overall it's a great experience.
occasional crackling
The game looks like clay models for some reason, no matter the graphical settings. Not the case on desktop.

Stuttering is a problem with standard Proton 8.0-4. GE works okay for me but i'd advise to try others as well.

gamemoderun MANGOHUD=1 %command%
Starts up and runs perfectly. Dualsense controller working fine. I am using Wayland
Screenshot with F12 causes instant crash.
Works nicely with Proton Experimental but with normal Proton the game has constant freezes everywhere, except the cutscenes were 60 FPS.

This is the first game I've played on the Deck where I felt the need to crank the volume to 100%. If you're playing in an area with substantial background noise, you may have trouble hearing everything.
There was major shader compilation stuttering at the start of the game while inside the inn, causing multiple seconds-long freezes. However, this only lasted for a few minutes, after which the frame rate was largely stutter-free even when transitioning to new areas.
I had no other performance issues after that brief initial period, and the game performed very well overall, giving ~4.5 hours of battery with all settings maxed.
The game wouldn't start until I verifed local files in the game's properties (2 files needed re-downloading for some reason).
Под эксперементальным протоном запускалось из коробки. Under the experimental proton it was launched out of the box.
mangohud gamemoderun %command%

DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
Played with 2 other friends in full party with no issues
Constant 75fps playing with friends, only thing to note with this game is it utilizes in game voip and must be controlled by steam. Was in discord and if I turned down my mic it through steam, it also turned it off in discord. To fix I just changed the device in the steam settings.
works fine with the latest Proton Version on the Steam Deck, without massive FPS drops, if its still tanking Fps try turning shaders off.

Unbearable stuttering even on lowest settings, happens occasionally on lowest resolution too.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
I added the launch option from the recommendation of other people here but I didn´t notice a difference with/without it. On normal Proton it is unplayable due to stutters but with GE that is not a problem. The game runs with 2-3x the FPS I get in Windows because in Windows the CPU utilization is always 100% for me because of errors the game throws in the background and I get 50 FPS max because of that. With Proton GE it was capped at 120 and almost never fell below that. Sometimes there were a few glitched textures but I think that is from the game not Proton.

6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
After enabling async Shader Compilation Textures are sometimes missing when entering areas for the first time.

6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
This game suffers very badly from stuttering due to dynamic shader compilation. It is highly recommended to use asynchronous shader compilation mode in DXVK, and this feature is not enabled in default Proton, so you need a custom build like Proton GE. Having this just change run command to:
DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
The shader generation is way too much.
The game generates a lot of shaders all the way up to the very end of the game. You'd have to play the game through several times before they maybe stop
The game crashes when the shader cache reaches the maximum memory capacity that a 32-bit program can address.
Once the shaders are compiled, the game is as good as on windows
Shader compilation takes a lot of time.

Yes this game is running great at 4K with Proton Experimental with the official Steam client. (11/20 the official client got the DRM fix.)
XBOX 360 controller worked but you need it to act like a keyboard and mouse configuration. On Windows I thought this game worked well with a controller?
I would like better controller settings.
Too much stuttering makes it impossible to play comfortably
There's frequently an insane amount of stuttering the first time in every single stage; it makes the game almost unplayable

6.21-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
The game boots now that there is CEG support, but it crashes as soon as you try to start a new game
Game does not start! Proton-6.10-GE-1 also fails to load!
"patched" executeable
Game doesn't start
Game doesn't start
Game doesn't start

Needs a patched .exe to work but runs well.
Using proton 4.11-13 with a patched executable and the game runs well. give it a moment to load at first to eliminate stuttering. A quick google search and a patched .exe isnt too hard to find.
CEG DRM but I could find no crack

This still fails to load up - It just says "Running" and then quits!

The game doesn't launch.-_
Tested only with Proton 4.2-9(recent auto update) and 4.11-3.-_
no idea how to test the tweaks suggested.-_
Is there some guide for basic troubleshooting?

Game does not launch. Game states it is running for a few seconds then reverts back to not running. The log file indicates errors with winemenubuilder.exe
wine: cannot find L"C:\windows\system32\winemenubuilder.exe" 78436.331:000a:000b:err:wineboot:ProcessRunKeys Error running cmd L"C:\windows\system32\winemenubuilder.exe -a -r" (2) ERROR: ld.so: object '/home/user/.steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.

Does not start (It does work outside steam/non-steam install)

Does not start.

Does not start

Does not start at all