Protontricks / default wineprefix / Install a Windows DLL or component / dotnet48, xna40 (lots of error messages, very slow installation, installs dotnet40 first).
Installed dotnet40
and xna40
with winetricks
Does not work without tinkering
protontricks 263880 dotnet40 xna40
If controller support is configured in Steam the controller is detected as both Player 1 and Player 2 at the same time. To solve this you can set "Steam Input Per-Game Settings" to "Force Off" for this game.
PS4 controllers are mapped weirdly (start/select on rear triggers), but it's fully playable.
Installed Protontricks & launched with protontricks --gui Selected the game from the menu, clicked OK for 'Select the default wineprefix' Chose 'Install a Windows DLL or component' Selected both dotnet40 & xna40, clicked OK Proceeded through both installers. Through the entire protontricks process there are plenty of warnings that appear, but it all ran successfully.
The game played without issue, got through a level using fullscreen & the experimental wireless Xbox One driver 'xow'. The game however remains hard.

Use protontricks --gui and install donet4 and xna4. The Xbox 360 game controller works
Does not start.

Does not start

Tried no tweaks, but was really hoping this game would run after the last proton update; doesn't even open a screen, just displays my status briefly as playing the game before going away. :(

Won't start

Doesn't start

Apparently missing dotnet35 to run