exiting would hangup
Starts fine with the xliveless dll file in place, but the in-game text is in Russian or a similar language, with no way to change it.
Xliveless dll
The DX9/DX11 launcher respects whatever language is selected in the game's Steam properties, but once the game proper starts, that setting is ignored. I assume the cause is the origin country of the xliveless dll (downloaded from PCGW), though I was unable to find any alternate dll to test with.
El juego se congela de repente al entrar o salir de la campaña, no siempre pasa pero pasa.
Es imposinle jugar online debido a que Games for Windows -- Live ya no existe y Capcom no ha dado solucion para esto
Recomiendo limitar los FPS a 40 para una experiencia mas fluida y poner -dx11 en las configuraciones de lanzamiento para saltarse el launcher.
When quitting , saving will hang the whole game.
Mostly playable, only have to worry about crashing when exiting campaign or exiting game. Multiplayer does not work.
Set refresh rate and FPS to 40
Crashes sometimes when saving and when exiting game.
Multiplayer does not work due to GFWL.
Only tested with GE-Proton7-14, adding -dx11 to launch options will skip the launcher.
You will need the Bulletstorm xlive.dll from
game will not launch without it. Place dll in game directory with the exe.
Campaign works, don't bother with multiplayer. Campaign may crash the game on first launch but should work every time after that. Had refresh and FPS locked at 40, no performance issues that I found after playing through the first few missions (settings max, AA 2X, Blur on). Some minor hitching on cutscene transitions. Game may crash when it tries saving, usually when exiting campaign back to menu, also crashes when trying to exit the game, will have to force close.
For the most part completely playable on the Steam Deck!
gamemoderun %command% -dx11
Fixed with gamemode.
Crashes occasionally after saving. Game also doesn't close properly. Have to force it closed.
GFWL does not work on Proton. Had to use the Bulletstorm .dll.
Online multiplayer not functional without GFWL. LAN does not work with the .dll either.
No longer need to manually install wmp11 as of Proton 7.0. Pre-rendered video still doesn't display properly on 7.0 but it does with GE-Proton7-9
The game crashes after the launcher window. This happens with both DirectX versions you can play with.
It takes way more trouble than it's worth to run it, but if you already own it, it's possible
Also had to disable some CPU Cores
Saving seems to occasionally crash the game.
You'll need to drop Proton to 5.0 to install Media Foundation and WMP11, then bring it to Proton 6.0 when you're done. If you have a CPU with more than 6 threads, you'll need to disable some CPU cores, or the game won't launch. This CPU issue affects Windows as well.
Multiplayer requires Games For Windows LIVE, which you'll need a xliveless DLL (the one that worked for me was one I got off TLCForums, which was meant for Fable III). Both Online and LAN did not work due to this requirement.
Single Player worked fine, but the game crashes when saving occasionally.
Freezes when you quit the game.
In DX9 and DX11 Version with all configs setted to maximum, I've experienced a some frame-dropping between transitions no matter what resolution (1920x1080 or 1600x900) and V-Sync off. The game freezes sometimes when starting a new Campaign and always stuck when quit the game. Presents some glitches when loads the benchmark, but works.
I'm using the same recipe as the Lost Planet: Extreme Colonies. Put a xliveless DLL in the game folder to override the GFWL and edited WINEPREFIX with Winetricks adding WMP11 support (for videos).
Still same problems of loading aborted. In DX11 version, a black screen appears for a second. Tried with and without xliveless.dll.
DX9/DX11 doesn't work. XliveLess doesn't help.
Unfortunately this is still not working in current latest version with or without xliveless library, and neither DX9 nor DX11 versions
Can use xliveless dll to launch, but the game is unable to load anything past the title screen. (https://gtaforums.com/topic/388658-relgtaiv-xliveless/)
doesnt go past the DX9 DX11 selection screen, my bet it is because of windows live
Cannot get past DX9/DX11 selection screen. Might have something to do with Games for Windows Live.
dx9 and dx11 selection instantly closes the launcher