mangohud %command%

Works fine
Crashed two, maybe three times. No big deal.

55hz lock
medium settings and 55hz lock

Once i got to act 2, any time i launch my save, it gets stuck on an infinite loading screen. I can continue the save on my PC, but no matter how far I progress, my Deck never gets past the loading screen after the save slot selection.

You can run it with default settings, and controls; however you can turn the settings up with tweaking
Set resloution to 800p, Dynamic resoution to 48fps, and settings to high preset. Average 45-53fps
Dynamic resloution to 48fps

Runs fine under default installation.
After some 30 hours playing on Linux, I've experienced no issues whatsoever.

O jogo Apresenta um Erro e Não abre
Fiz teste com vários perfis de Protons, desde os mais novos até os mais antigos, o jogo simplesmente não abre, ou ele apresenta erro de compatibilidade Windows 7, ou ele da um erro com mensagem de suporte técnico do jogo, não chega nem iniciar vídeo.

gamemoderun %command%
I had one minor issue that's occurred with other games in that I have to add the listed launch options so that my monitor doesn't go to sleep while playing.

Changed /steamapps/compatdata/356190/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/WB Games/Shadow of War/Render.cfg to adjust "ScreenHeight16by9" "1080.000000" and "ScreenWidth16by9" "1920.000000"
Resolution can't be changed in game, has to be done by editing the config file

only few times after first play
Spiel komplett ohne Probleme durchgespielt.

Perfect performance in the Middle Earth realm
I was able to complete the main campaign and dabble in a couple of the DLCs without any issues. Works perfectly!

I've completed this game without issues using Proton 9.0-3
(Kernel: 6.6.54 and Mesa 24.2.4)

I ran the game with Proton 9.0-3 and I had no issues out of the box.

DXVK_HDR=1 gamescope -f -w 2560 -h 1440 -r 180 --hdr-enabled gamemoderun %command%
Change these two in the file /steamapps/compatdata/356190/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/WB Games/Shadow of War/Render.cfg to fit your specifications, or game will render at very low internal resolutions, example: "ScreenHeight16by9" "1440.000000" "ScreenWidth16by9" "2560.000000"
HDR accuracy might be okay but was clipping slightly on my setup, so results may vary.

Ran great out of box.
Some slowness when rendering lots of orcs at once, but nothing out of the ordinary when it comes to performance issues in games like this.

Worked mostly out of the box however had to edit the render.cfg to 3440x1440. I have a seperate SSD running my steam libary and my config file was located in: /home/system76/extradrive/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/356190/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/WB Games/Shadow of War
resolution was weird until forcing ultrawide resolution to support my external monitor

/home/USER/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/356190/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Local Settings/Application Data/WB Games/Shadow of War/ - In here modified render.cfg to match my actual resolution and it looks better.
render.cfg file was bad and couldn't change from settings. Had to manually edit in my actual resolution
Inicia y funciona perfecto: Completado al 100%, 1080p, graficos(alto), control(xbox one/series).

Game plays great. Just install and it runs at 40 fps with everything at almost ultra.
Loaded up a save from Windows and gave me 200+ FPS on ultra. No problems here.

Works like a charm
gamemoderun %command%

Crash at sometimes and the time I can play is different each time, it can be 1h as it can be 5min
I think even if it's crash sometimes, the game is playable and you can enjoy it
Game wouldn't launch on an NFTS drive (stuck on "LAUNCHING" in Steam), moved to btrfs drive and now it works fine. Wasn't able to change the resolution with the in-game menu, but you can edit the resolution in the game's config, found in steamapps/compatdata/356190/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Local Settings/Application Data/WB Games/Shadow of War/render.cfg
Game wouldn't launch (stuck on "LAUNCHING" in Steam) unless I used the 3.16-9 version of Proton, GE and Experimental didn't work at all. Seems to run fine on my system still.
If you want to change the resolution of your game, you have to manually change it in the config file, located in steamapps/compatdata/356190/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Local Settings/Application Data/WB Games/Shadow of War/render.cfg

Tried several versions of Proton GE, as well as experimental. Also tried switching OS versions between preview, beta, and stable.
Crashes when reaching celebrimbor on first mission. continuously crashes when trying to load the save after that.
Can't get passed the first mission due to constant crashing.

Had to add mfc140 to make games run under Heroic

Installed the game inside NTFS drive and it won't start (despite other games working just fine), moved to btrfs drive and it worked.
mangohud %command%
Some objects failed to render when using Proton Experimental. Switched to GE-proton.

Had to turn down the graphics to medium to reduce stutter
Use GE-Proton, game refused to start with Proton and Proton Experimental

steam "launches" the game and shows it as running, however it doesn't actually launch, no window opens, nothing.
tried various proton versions, including experimental and several GE, to no avail. seems to work well for most people but not for me.