Plays perfectly
To make this game easier to control with the trackpads, I recommend binding left mouse click to the trigger on the opposite side of the trackpad you're using - so either left trackpad/right trigger or right trackpad/left trigger.
This will make dragging and dropping the tiles more comfortable.
Runs perfectly OOTB.
The game runs with zero issues OOTB.
Poor touchscreen support hampers experience.
Game has very poor touchscreen registration; playing with trackpad or joystick mouse is a necessity.
Touchscreen inputs will drop almost every time, making this game impossible to play the way it was played on iOS. It can still be played with trackpad, but it's hardly as pleasant.
If you're willing to put up with that, Hose it Down runs perfectly otherwise.
Game plays fine with keyboard and mouse. Only crashes with gamepad input.
When you press on the gamepad, the game will crash. Plays fine with keyboard and mouse.