Proton 9.0-4, finally 2D surfaces are fixed and visible now for intro and menus. Perfect!
Same out of the box: starts, the main menu's 3D scene renders correctly, but cannot do anything because the 2D menu overlay is not rendered.
Updated to Mesa 24.1.
Same out of the box: starts, the main menu's 3D scene renders correctly, but cannot do anything because the 2D menu overlay is not rendered.
Same out of the box: starts, the main menu's 3D scene renders correctly, but cannot do anything because the 2D menu overlay is not rendered.
Seems to work flawlessly after installing the dxvk package, all the intros and menus are rendered correctly.
Installed the "dxvk" package via protontricks GUI.
Same: starts, the main menu's 3D scene renders correctly, but cannot do anything because the 2D menu overlay is not rendered.
Same: starts, the main menu's 3D scene renders correctly, but cannot do anything because the 2D menu overlay is not rendered.
Same: starts, the main menu's 3D scene renders correctly, but cannot do anything because the 2D menu overlay is not rendered.
The game launches but the menu is invisible. Tested on Proton 7.01 and GE-Proton 7.14.
Same: starts, the main menu's 3D scene renders correctly, but cannot do anything because the 2D menu overlay is not rendered.
Out of the box -- still broken.
Thanks to SupremeMaus for his tips on how to tweak it to work. I just want to report that with out of the box Proton at current version it is still not rendering the 2D menu.
Installing latest dxvk
and the 2D menu is rendered:
$ protontricks 102810 dxvk
Same: starts, the 3D menu scene rendered correctly, but cannot do anything because the 2D menu is not rendered.
HUD/GUI is not rendered. 3D scene in main menu renders OK, but without HUD/GUI nothing can be done.
Note: 6 months ago the menu 3D scene was rendered perfectly. With today software stack, there is a weird regression, all shadows exhibit some sort of Moiré pattern.
HUD/GUI is not rendered. 3D scene in main menu renders perfectly, but without HUD/GUI nothing can be done.
HUD/GUI is not rendered. 3D scene in main menu renders perfectly, but without HUD/GUI nothing can be done.
HUD/GUI is not rendered. 3D scene in main menu renders perfectly, but without HUD/GUI nothing can be done.
New test after 2 months, with new Mesa and Proton versions. Also decided to rate it Borked instead of Bronze since it is crucially unplayable without the HUD rendering. My previous notes still apply:
Game starts. The menu background is a real time scene rendered in-engine. That works perfectly in all its complexity. But the menu is completely invisible so I can't actually start the game. I'm sure the 3D part of this game works just fine, but it's completely unusable as long as the 2D overlay is invisible. None of the 3 Proton launch options have any effect.
Game starts. The menu background is a real time scene rendered in-engine. That works perfectly in all its complexity. But the menu is completely invisible so I can't actually start the game. I'm sure the 3D part of this game works just fine, but it's completely unusable as long as the 2D overlay is invisible. None of the 3 Proton launch options have any effect.
Game loads with rendered scene in background, but menu which should be overlaid, is invisible. Eventually crashes to desktop