The game works properly, no issues detected.
No noticeable problems other than that the game will sometimes not close completely, requiring a forced shutdown from the Steam menu.
Game runs great with no tweaks needed. Played with default xinput controls game detected and it worked perfectly.

Проверил работу в 5,13 и 4 протоне нормально одинаково, были проблемы с контролерами.
Были проблемы с китайскими геймпадами, но играть лучше и удобнее с клавиатуры и мыши с ними проблем нет
Le jeu fonctionne très bien.
Chargement initial assez long.
Runs great. No issues
Nothing to report, install --> play.
Runs without any problems
Full play-through with an X360 controller
Runs perfectly OOTB. Played with 2 Steam Controllers in local multiplayer.

it worked like a charm. I used xbox 360 controller.

Everything is fine, Steam Controller working. GG
It works, but the game language defaults to other than English/your system setting (this has already been reported in the valve tracker, and it has to do with the prefix not having a language set, so some games default to their first in the list, or crash), and the game does not close on exit. Other than this, it works pretty well

Game in itself runs extremely well. However I marked it "stable" for two reasons. 1: When exiting the game. It hangs on a black screen that stays forever. Either exit steam to shut it down (sometimes does not work) or open system monitor and look for the games running process i.e gcc.exe, and kill it.
Steams default xbox controller does'nt work in this game. both xbox 360 wired and wireless pads don't work in the game by default. Therefore, youll need an app like Antimicro to keymapp joypad buttons to keys which will work,
One of the options in the menu is the for the controller. However, the selection buttons have no text and so its not possible to select your preferred joypad.