Plays near-perfectly
Gamepad controls are fully supported, but most in-game prompts show keyboard icons. You also need to map the F1 and Tab keys to navigate the leaderboard.
Works well out of the box
Game is hard locked to 30fps. Almost unplayable on a 144hz monitor...
Works ok after fixing full screen
Game started in fullscreen mode but appeared as window in corner of screen showing top right corner of game. Had to navigate through menus using steam screenshots to disable full screen mode. Once disabled played fine, but could not change window size.
Menus did not always respond to gamepad movements. From discussion posts it seems input was laggy even in Windows.
PROTON_LOG did not reveal anything about resolution/full screen issue, but console logs] Invalid resolutions constraints: 0x0 must not be greater than 0x0; and also within media::limits when the game starts up