gamescope -H 1080 -f --force-grab-cursor %command%
When Sam pulls out his gun during a specific conversation, it's flickery. Don't remember this behavior happening on previous playthroughs.
Gamescope isn't necessary for the game to run or fulllscreen properly, but dialogue is unskippable and pauses when alt-tabbed. Running under gamescope makes the game believe it's always in focus, and you can do something else while characters are talking (which has a tendency to pause betting rounds, unlike PN1).
--force-grab-cursor fixes an issue I had with the OS cursor rendering as well as the game's cursor, but isn't necessary for gameplay to function.
Ran Fine to me. Nice because before I switched to NixOS it didn't run for me so I'm a happy camper
cant really tell but something felt off with the audio

Ammount of problems are like my account after playing with Ash Williams: 0
Runs perfectly

Save data is deleted when the game is uninstalled. No Steam Cloud support.
No controller support so you need to use the touchpad as a mouse, but plays flawlessly other than that.
Runs flawlessly, no issues.
Works flawlessly
Works flawlessly.

Zero issues

Runs great.



Game runs out of the box, but has issues with sliders (e.g. the audio sliders in the settings and the amount you're betting).

Working perfectly out of the box.

Just click play and enjoy. Felt like a native port.

No issues to report. Works perfectly out of the box.

Solid Performance

Works like a charm


Works flawlessly

Ran perfectly, until it stopped responding and had to be force quit.

Proton 3.7-7 Beta
No issues encountered, other than going all in on my first hand (flush) and got beaten by ash with a full house.

After playing for 10 minutes audio began to echo and skip. Still playable


Doesn't detect 360 controller, otherwise fine aside from mild FPS issues which don't affect gameplay.


Runs perfectly


Ran perfect and smoothly with no issues



It runs really well, didn't notice any problems