Same error in 2025, opens than crashes with this message. There seems to be no known workaround, ended up requesting a refund.

Runs fine after using Protontricks. Without it, latest Proton raises `shader: failed to compile vertex shader`. Decent BIT.TRIP game.
In Protontricks, run a command line shell and execute protontricks 205070 d3dcompiler_43 d3dx9_43
. The game should now run on the latest Proton with no issues.

Changed to GE Proton
Can't find a work around.
Needed this personally, as i don't have Vulkan
protontricks 205070 d3dcompiler_43 and d3dx9_43

Crashes at launch with "shader: failed to compile vertex shader"

Need same tweaks as for BIT.TRIP RUNNER: install game (but don't run), delete "deps" folder, run game to generate wineprefix, install d3dcompiler_43 and d3dx9_43 with winetricks or protontricks (better install in from terminal, GUI mode may not show d3dcompiler_43).